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Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • srikondoji
    06-26 12:44 PM
    hope so.

    So regardless of what August bulletin says, USCIS can just, on a whim stop accepting 485 petitions in Mid July just because they have received "Too many" and the mail room clerk is tired ? I dont know but it really does not sound like something USCIS can do on a whim without publishing a change in the rule first.

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  • _TrueFacts
    09-03 11:53 PM
    With your utmost stupidity!!!!!

    Anyway thanks for the Humor from your stupidity...

    If you had a laugh on my post good for you. Should have given you some relief from YSR's death. I have been laughing, smiling and eating sweets since I knew the news.

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  • satishku_2000
    01-23 04:58 PM
    I appreciate that, I dont want IV to be dragged into any unnecessary controversy ..

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  • Aah_GC
    07-11 06:14 PM

    TN is just a modified H1B. You need to have an employer, your wife will be on a TD and worse, you gotta renew it every year across the border.

    You need not give up your American Dream. Once you get your Canadian Citizenship, you can work in US indefinetly with TN visa.


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  • amitga
    02-13 10:28 AM
    I think every body who wants to have a class action law suit should commit for $500 towards the expense. Only when we have commitment for $500 with person name and contact info, then we should move forward with the idea of Class action law suit. We need 500 people to commit for this otherwise there is no point in moving forward in this direction.

    There might be some people who will be willing to pay money but not listed as participant, and visa-versa and we should have at least 500 people who are willing to pay.

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  • gc28262
    06-16 03:15 PM
    I guess we should ban people like dilipcr and senthil1 who are here to achieve their selfish ends.

    Though we have the capacity to tolerate such self seeking anti-immigrants, it diverts the energy and focus of IV members from the reason for which IV was founded.

    dilipcr and senthil1,

    We don't appreciate your presence here as your agendas don't fit ours. Please stay away from IV.


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  • StuckInTheMuck
    02-14 09:10 AM
    First it was fighting between Indian/Chinese and ROW, now there is fighting within ROW. Come on Guys, today is valentine's day. Let there be Love and Peace. Let's unite...

    ahh, let us take this one step further, and start a "send candy hearts to USCIS" campaign :)

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  • JunRN
    05-29 11:47 AM
    3.2K visas for EB2I includes all applicants. So regardless of what type of processing, the last person to get his GC is 19 years from now, correct?

    Yeah, but your 60k only includes AOS, not CP, right?


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  • RattuRani
    06-03 09:39 PM
    Giving an interim GC while visa number is unavailable will have the effect of bypassing the entire GC quota system. How do you want the interim card to be different from the final thing? No way that anyone in Congress will allow for their laws to be overridden through USCIS rulemaking.

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  • Macaca
    07-03 09:50 PM
    age out situations for children too ....I think that affects lot of people too..I am single and dont have kids :D
    I don't know about it. Anyone with details should post summary.

    I think it is not relevent for EAD/AP but we can use it when we need it


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  • yabadaba
    06-27 03:21 PM
    awesome reply! I still have the color question open to macaca. now instead of red blue/bold/non bold he has started using green also. either he is color blind or i am going to end up color blind when i read the news article thread
    maybe i should wish that i was color blind

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  • chantu
    03-30 02:06 PM
    The most of the guys posting in this thread is not going to vote. Even I think, we all do not have our names in electoral list. There is no sense in arguing who is best or who should be next PM, sitting in US. Furthermore, most of the educated, urban voters will never go to polling booth in hot summer to stand in line to do their duty as a citizen.. Indian�s election of their representatives is fundamentally a show of money and muscle power. Election in India is just a business. It is just investment of money by political parties with the help of capitalists and their lobbyist to get the vote from rural, uneducated, divided voters across the nation. All parties are corruptive, communal, divisive, plays vote bank politics. No exceptions! (whether it is Congress, BJP, communists, BSP, SP, and countless regional parties). One thing I can say or compare about Congress and BJP. Congress is the only party has responsible for bringing both good (economy, growth, education,) and bad (corruption and countless other) thing to India. BJP has not done any good thing to India sofar, only it brought bad things to India (divisive, corruption).

    My input regarding comparison of Manmohan and Advani.


    Though, he is not a full time politician, and not a good crowd pulling speaker, he has strong record. He has quietly achieved lot as a RBI governor; FM and PM. US nuclear agreement is a big achievement in his career, despite he had a minority government with the strong left opposition. He does not have long term independent vision, and strong leadership skills. He was widely accepted by all part of the country, as he has no controversial issues.


    He is a good speaker, crowd puller. He is a typical Indian politician. He has leadership skills. He does not have any significant record/achievement to back his claim for PM (either as a ex-minister or politician). For example, he has not done anything to improve the national security when he was a union home minister. He has involved in controversial issue like Babri Majit, and Ram temple issue. He also does not have long term vision, ideas on economy, poverty elimination etc..

    Ramba, can you please update your profile? I am surprised a Brazilian knows much about Indian politics.


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  • rkg000
    09-05 08:42 PM
    Yo breddy2000, nobody is calling you names man, but you are getting personal. Is YSR your father ?????.

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  • snathan
    08-16 06:06 PM
    Its just highlighting the profiling because of name of religion or skin color. I agree world is not going to end but Indians need to be assertive to protect their own dignity.

    In that case we have to do it everyday...not only when SRk was detained. are you doing that...no. Why?


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  • rajsenthil
    09-03 09:42 AM
    It is sad to lose a leader who got elected democratically.
    It was also sad that few people who could support SRK (does that related to our immigration issue :confused:) but comfortably felt that missing YSR is not as important as SRK.

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  • pappu
    07-02 06:08 PM
    Immigration Voice is compiling experiences from members on the 02/07 Visa Bulletin incident. Please see the posts below.

    We encourage members to share their experiences with us. Please look at the posts below for focus and talking points, and post your stories on IV at
    with details on:
    a) Your current Green Card Status
    b) If you have yet sent in your I-485 application
    c) Your contact details along with Name and handle on IV. IV is mindful of your privacy and will share this information externally only with prior consent. No anonymous write-ups, please
    d) IMPORTANT: We want to keep our focus in our stories only on the following issues:
    - Impact of 07/02 on your application (Quality of life issues, time and money expended, inconvenience experienced, et al)
    - Request USCIS /DOS to consider accepting 485s filed
    - Please refrain from mentioning AILA or even questioning the mechanics of USCIS in the past few days
    - Please refrain from using strong negative accusatory adjectives while refering to any federal or state agency

    Some of our key members will guide you through the process.

    Stories that have been accepted for publishing are listed on our blog at immigrationvoice.blogspot.com

    The above story ranked the highest (over 3500 views) in the last 7 days on prlog.

    An additional story was also released yesterday:

    a) Distribute the above stories (Other blogs, contacts)
    b) Submit more write-ups


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  • breddy2000
    09-04 12:29 PM
    You and me are just another free loaders. What IV is going to lose if move out. add some value before you start threatening.:D

    I'm not a free loader like you....Have contributed and still want to contribute...Its just that I cancelled my CC(the source of funds) that I need to reactivate.

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  • satyasaich
    01-13 04:04 PM
    Nuke buddy are you off your rocker. These guys will kill you for even suggesting it. I myselft have taken all kinds of abuses from everyone here and i myself had the presence of mind to not go there. Leave it . That law is the law. Of course it did hurt EB3 but what it did is take the unfair benefit that EB3 was getting because of wrong interpetation of the law. No all that is water under the bridge.

    Once upon a time in this country ( & based on situation 'at' that time), laws were made and hence some classifications such as EB1/2/3 etc;
    I'm not here to waste any one's time( including mine) but why shouldn't we ( i mean IV which includes "all" members) try for following
    1. Automatic consideration of any EB3 after 5 years of filing date of LC ( conditions being verifiable and clean work history ) to EB2 such as a person in the queue shall be able to apply him/her self by providing facts such as 5 years of W2s, say for example.

    2. Any spill over from ROW must "first" be made available to "highly retrogressed EB category" regardless of the country. Simple rule: make the spill over available to "that" EB category where there is most retrogession.
    Meaning not the vertical spill as it is happening now


    3. Remove the count of dependent family members against number of visas granted per year in any of EB category

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  • _TrueFacts
    09-05 03:30 AM
    OK breddy I searched in youtube. I see chandu is from vijayawada. Now I know why he is talking crap on YS Rajashekar Reddy.

    Dude Chandu, you are in 21st century. Forget about all these castism and all. Live peacefully and get your GC. This castism and all doesn't do any good. Chandrababu and Balakrishan will nto give any GC to you. Save your ass, CASTISM will not help any one. I used to think your senior member and good person. I seriously think your an IDIOT unless you stop this castism. STOP this caste based discussions. I know you are not directly talking but I can join the links.

    (BTW, I don't believe in castism, I don't have any caste)

    Shame on you...donga ki donga thodu.( cooperation between thiefs)

    07-03 07:00 PM
    I digged all the comments but looks like someone is trying to bury them again and again...

    Probably someone from USCIS

    12-31 07:17 PM
    US news has covered a book by David Heenan -- "Flight Capital" that essentially deals with the fact that high powered immigrants are leaving this country -- for whatever reason -- and how its bad for America. BAD FOR AMERICA. forget about it being bad of GC aspirants. ITS BAD FOR AMERICA. And we have one of america's own high powered former CEO saying that


    This man has no vested interested in talking about this. Obviously he does not need a GC and he is not on H1. He makes our case. How anti-immigration congressional measure are hurting America as a nation as much as it hurts aspiring immigrants.

    This is an independent non-partisan source who can be quoted in our cause.

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