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Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • sk2006
    08-16 04:11 PM
    Well, explain to me, if an american celebrity, such as Brad Pitt or George Clooney is detained at IGI for 66 mins, taken aside for secondary in another chamber, made to wait,

    if robert gates (defense secretary), is asked to remove his shirt

    if ex president bush or clinton is frisked for secondary, would that be acceptable to americans?

    NO. We agree on the answer atleast. Do people in India have to KNOW them?

    Question is why such things are not done in India?
    Answer is: The security system there is like Swiss cheese -- Full of holes.

    They would by pass the rules for celebrities!
    Why do you expect USA to do the same?

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  • nandakumar
    05-11 06:56 PM

    I'm already in my beloved place and with your contribution and help to Immigration Voice, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the help.

    Remember, you are doing this to potentially ditch India and to change your nationality and are going to take oath

    "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law..............."

    My question is, hypothetically if in future if there is a war between USA and India, and hypothetically you become a US citizen, how do you conform to the oath?

    Looks like my posting hit the nerve hard, i see it from your response.

    I'm cultured enough not to bring your mother and father into the conversation.

    Good Luck

    Ask your mom why she had you with shameless Indian. US citizenship looks too far for you, sail to your beloved place and make sure you throw your passport on your way.

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  • Milind123
    07-24 07:33 PM
    Good luck buddy. Well said.

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  • fairman
    08-18 11:06 PM
    The IV page is full of Active-X controls. God knows what happens when i allow them to execute. Is there a way to find out what are those ?


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  • Beemar
    03-30 10:19 PM
    Liked this one. Modi has a biting sense of humor :)

    As recently Narendra Modi said in Nasik that real credit for getting Oscars for Slum Dog Millionaire should go to Congress.

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  • sodh
    01-27 08:55 PM
    Can please somebody reply, is this a non profit organisation or everytime somebody ask's some innocent question he is bombarded with counter questions like have you contributed, I can understand the frustations when there are freebee's but please everybody has his limitations,this reminds of bania's in mumbai you will get your your grocerries only if you have paid your previous debt's. Please don't force anybody, this makes every core members feel cheap, if somebody has to contribute he will contribute out of guilt out, of appreciation,out of obligation, we have not forgotten our dharma that is to help anybody that helps us.


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  • HopeSprings
    09-24 01:41 PM
    The calculation done by Bharatpremi seems to have flawed while calculating spill-over. Spill-over is first by preference and then by country. That is how till VB of August 2009, you see ROW EB1/2 was current and ROW EB3 was U and EB2I was in 2003.

    Now, considering spill-over by preference first, the following could be a conservative analysis:
    I am trying to see if EB2I can cross Dec 2006 by end of FY2010. So, we will consider only those cases that might be placed before EB2I PD as Dec 2006.

    Consider all the pending EB(1+2+4+5) cases reported so far for ROW, China, Mexico and Phil and add it to pending EB(1+2+4+5) cases for India till end of 2006. The number is around 68000.
    Assumption (the numbers for FY 2010 for cases that might be placed before an EB2I case with PD Dec 2006) -
    - All EB4/5 cases till end of 2010 FY - 2000
    - ROW, Mexico, Phil EB1/2 - 8000
    - EB1 I/C - 1000
    - The new cases from EB2C (PD Sep 2009 onwards) will not be placed before EB2I PD Dec 2006

    Assuming cases cleared in the month of September - 4000 (around 7000 are eligible based on the cut-off date).

    Total visa numbers required to clear off EB2 till Dec 2006 = 68000+2000+8000+1000-4000 = 75000

    Visa numbers available for AOS for EB (1+2+4+5) in FY 2010:
    Assuming 15% go to CP.
    Total number for AOS = 119000
    EB1 (28.6%) - 34034
    EB2 (28.6%) - 34034
    EB4 (7%) - 8330
    EB5 (7%) - 8330
    Total Visa numbers available for AOS for EB (1+2+4+5): 34034+34034+8330+8330 = 84728

    So, total number needed to move EB2I past Dec 2006 is 75000. Total available for this cause is around 84000. If USCIS uses all the available visas, spills over only during last quarter and maintains Preference-first spillover policy, I think the visa dates will move well ahead of Dec 2006 by end of FY 2010, most likely in the following way:

    Oct 2009 - Dec 2009: Jan/Feb 2005
    Jan 2010 - June 2010: Mar/Apr 2005
    Jul 2010 - Sep 2010: Feb/Apr 2007

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  • gc_aspirant_prasad
    07-10 11:23 AM
    ByeUsa - all the very best. May be I ll see you in Canada soon too.


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  • snathan
    08-16 12:29 AM
    US knows that Pakistan is the mother of Terrorism, doesn't look like with all the aid flowing in, that it is being reduced to rubble. Terrorism is a deeper debate, and it borders on uneven economics, social structures, global imbalance to name a few. We have quite a few terrorists in India too, just look up Sikh riots of 1984 and Gujrat riots of 2002, the culprits walk scott free. You talk about Israel, how safe is Israel? Would you settle in Israel given a chance? The same is with the US, in the pretext of 9/11 the residual racism is now emerging in these situations.

    Whether we like it or not, Kasab will be hung to death. He is definitely a criminal, and it shines on our judicial system and independent media (both are screwed in their own ways) that we can tell that a terrorist hasn't been reduced to a weakling to not demand the food of his choice.

    If you are soft state they will after you...How come Israel surviving with all hostile neighbour....Do you know the seven day war. Do we have the guts to do that with any country who are launching terrorist into our land.?

    Yes...US is not attacking Pak...because Pak is living at US mercy.

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  • msp1976
    02-15 11:55 AM
    hey anyone know why since democrats have taken control of house, senate, they havent uttered a word on immigration? last year there was so much noise on tv regarding immigration but none at all this year. i wonder what is going on.

    Democratic Majority leader in senate has intruduced the bill S.9 and referred it to the Senate Judiciary commitee.... Immigration is a hot potato... Nobody want to pick it up directly...You are not gonna hear anyone speak about it loudly except the numbersUSA folks....That is the way it is...Wait a few weeks and the 'immigration bhangada(dance)' would start....


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  • hopefulgc
    02-13 03:03 PM
    GUYS GUYS GUYS...read what lazy cis has posted..
    50 broke ass asylees can do it..
    why can't we ?
    ...i'd like to think we are a community of very resourceful people

    WASHINGTON, D.C.- Immigrant advocates filed a national class action lawsuit in federal court today challenging the Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS) misadministration of a law that provides persons granted asylum the right to live and work in the United States permanently. The suit, filed by the American Immigration Law Foundation and Dorsey & Whitney LLP, seeks to compel the INS to issue all allotted "green cards" fairly on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Some 50 named plaintiffs represent tens of thousands of asylees throughout the country. The plaintiffs are all refugees who fled persecution in their home countries and were granted asylum in the United States. Under U.S. law, they may apply to become permanent residents, or so-called green card holders, of the United States. Congress has imposed a cap of 10,000 on the number of asylees who can attain permanent resident status each year.

    The lawsuit alleges that the government failed to distribute more than 18,000 green cards in the last eight years while more than 60,000 asylees wait in legal limbo; failed to process applications on a first-come, first-served basis as required by law; and kept thousands of asylees on the wait list who are exempt from the cap. The lawsuit also challenges the government's practice of requiring asylees to obtain a new employment authorization card each year-at a cost that presents a hardship for many families-while they wait for their permanent status.

    If 50 asylees managed to get enough money for action, 50 high-skilled immigrants can do it too. Otherwise I'll be greatly dissappointed. Lack of action is a killer. I was shoked to read walking_dude's post that nobody from MI volunteered to be a plaintiff in DL case. If people do not want to help themselves, IV won't be able to help them.

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  • texanguy
    05-29 12:34 PM
    I think as someone said this guy was randomly throwing numbers out there. How come his analysis does not account for remaining 36K EB1 and EB2 ROW applications. Is he suggesting that all EB1 and EB2 ROW are being used up also. Very hard to believe that for 2008 and 2009 with the way the economy is going. Lot of product companies where most of the ROW 485s would likely come from have stopped applying perm since last summer. There is a huge flaw in this analysis and its not as pessimistic as it seems.

    BUT, then again we need legislation to wipe the slate clean and clear these 200K applications, so there is a new build up of visa demand and wait times are tolerable for current applicants and future applicants.

    AFAIK the major movement in the visa bulletin in last 3 months (july,august,sept) is not because of spill over of the EB1->EB2->EB3 form the same country, but using the leftover visas from countries like Nigeria, Fiji, Uruguay where the applicants for EB1 & EB2 are often in less than 3-digit numbers. I am surprised that Mr. Oppenheimer never addressed this spill over in his talk at AILA -where Murthy bulletin claims that this information has came from, or may be Murthy lawyers didnt take all the notes of the meeting?? :)


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  • hydboy77
    06-04 01:36 PM
    As JSB pointed out what you are asking already exists with an EAD, 180 days after filing 485 you can leave your current employer and join a new company as long as it is a same\semilar job. The problem with this same or semilar job is it is a ticking time bomb, the day USCIS decides to go after EAD they can have a restrictive interpretation of same and semilar job and deny your 485 or they can keep sending you employment verification letter rfe every couple of months. I am not being paranioid, for example even though AC 21 clearly states that once 180 days have passed since the 485 has been applied, the employee can join a new job and even if the previous employer has revoked the approved 140 it should not effect the 485 petition, but USCIS is not following this law and blindly sending 485 denial notices to applicants whose approved i140 was revoked by previous employer. Who knows what sort of abuse will USCIS resort to in the future against EAD.

    To prevent this we should work towards an administrative fix that once the 485 application is pre adjudicated the applicant should be left alone and not issed any Employment verification letter rfe, or semilar\same job restrictions if they are back logged because of country quota and face multiple year wait.

    Instead of Interim GC we should demand that once Labor and I-140 is approved remove the restriction wherein a person has to stay in same job type until GC approved in other words allow the person to take any job while I-485 is pending. This will be a big benefit and logically makes sense. If this happens than GC wait will not pigeon hole people's career in one job and allow them to grow and contribute to economy.

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  • gc28262
    09-24 08:51 AM
    Sent the email to everyone from the list


    Sent one to my anti-immigrant congressman as well.


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  • sj2273
    06-11 07:49 PM
    To be honest, I do agree that the US needs qualified people with skillsets. The real question is "Are the people from the desi consulting companies the real qualified lot ? " Just to get my background details out of the way. I am a new member, from India ofcourse, and I have recently applied for my citizenship. Now with this huge deluge of immigrants, especially from the desi consulting companies, I feel that my quality of life is getting adversely impacted. Do not rush to conclusions that I am anti Indian or anti immigrant. 12 years back when I first got my H1 visa, the requirements to qualify were strict. Staffing companies to a decent extent followed rules and tried to get the best and the brightest. Once the dot com boom started, people from all walks of life entered IT. This was true of not just the Indians but also of people in the US. Soon after the bust, the value proposition from these staffing companies was simply low cost. This is not to blame the staffing companies. They behaved in an economically rational way.

    Consider this scenario. If you run a consulting company, wouldn't you try to maximize your profits by staffing people in projects at the least cost ? This is econmically rational. You wouldn't worry much about the quality of the deliverables and all you would care is to dump as many bodies as possible at the client site or offshore and get the maximum bang for the buck.

    In this scenario, how is it feasible to expect immigrational justice when the bodies themselves dont provide exceptional talent and skills but simply offer low cost ? Now you would be tempted to bring in the analogous case of illegal low skilled immigrants. Remember they are just that - low skilled workers. They dont "steal" the jobs of high skilled workers. But this dumping of IT workforce has completely brought down the standard of living of the IT workers here. To be honest, those who get green cards today would feel the same way five years from now when the next wave of so called "skilled IT immigrants" offer even lower wages and destroy the quality of life.

    In summary, this retrogression is good in a way. The truly best and the brightest would still be employed until their turn for adjournment comes in. Only the weak are currently scared of the delays. I went through the same torrid GC phase after the tech meltdown in 2001. I was not worried of my job then but many people whom I knew got clobbered and were forced to leave. This is the darwinian flush and it will take its toll. Trust me this the bitter truth. If you people still consider that all the people on H1/L1 are part of the best and the brightest, they are WRONG. Only a small % (probably 20%) are the true best and the brightest and a good 50% will be flushed out. Sorry to say this and hey give me the red dots.

    Dear Dilip,
    Thank you for your kind words and analysis. But I am sure you will agree to the fact that bad apples are everywhere. You were qualified - good for you! Unfortunately, we are sailing in a boat that has good and not so good people. I can quote examples where I have not only come across dishonest indians but dishonest people from every nationalitly that you know of. I have been in the field for over 13 years (not a techie) and believe me my job puts me infront of all kinds of people. Now coming to the point - we are all here to find a solution to a bigger problem - retrogression and mr. op's decree that we will have to wait for decades before we can see that 485 approval. Well, I disagree and have a gut feeling that something is wrong somewhere. Its not a clear picture. I am optimistic about the fact that if we wish, we can still have people in the government at least look at our case. There is a lot of work to be done and we need help from people like you in doing so. We need intelligent people like you to advice, suggest and generate optimism and not derail us by letting us know that Indians are dishonest, not qualified etc. We all already know that!

    That does not serve our purpose to be here. Thank you for reading my posting.

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  • dagabaaj
    07-07 11:59 AM
    My wife applied for her EAD in Dec 2007. We recd the EAD in May 2008 but with incorrect A#. Our Corp lawyer advised us to return the EAD card to USCIS with a new I-765 Application and correct information on it.
    1) Was this the correct course of action. Could she have used the EAD card and then sent it for correction?
    2) What is the time frame for a correction on the card? Also it has been a month since we sent it back and we have not yet recd rect# or notice in response?
    3) What should be our further course of action?


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  • ita
    03-29 02:12 PM
    or is it ignorance? (even if you are responding to someone' post)
    Hindus in India have come a long way when it comes to religious tolerance,don't you know that?
    Remember we had a Muslim as president(Abdul Kalam) a Sikh for PM(Manmohan Singh) a Italian Roman Catholic as the president of the ruling party(Sonia Gandhi).

    But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on

    If you say so then I think Sonial Gandhi/Rahul Gandhi/(even Priyanka Gandhi would be the front runners in list. Don't forget Sikh riots/Bofors/Oil Scam/the now Missile scam /KGB connection (ref 'State Within State')/ Rahul Gandhi's arrest by FBI and many more...

    Here, have fun... enjoy this.( I know if it was written by a Hindu you would come back saying it's biased.But now you can really enjoy it )

    To all it's a must read m/Written%2520Material/Christian%2520India.doc+ambika+soni+religion&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    On a side note:
    Kashmir Hindus were ousted by Muslims. Even during the recent Mumbai attacks perpetrators gave a interview to the news channel saying that it is an attack on the Hindu India.
    Still Hindus maintained communal harmony even though Antulay, a muslim ,tried to take advantage of the situation.Still people like you carp about Muslim discrimination.
    What is this desperation to keep the almost non-existent (Hindus-hate Muslims, Hindus hate Christians)hatred/discrimination alive even though reality time and again proves the harmony of Hindus.

    Even after all this I believe the truth that be it Hindus/Muslims/Christians... we are human beings and equal by the very virtue .

    US just elected a President who father and step father are Muslims. And that is great and the world appreciates that because it shows that this country can judge a person by his skills or character and not get stuck in bigoted views about muslims or other minorities. And we love this country for that

    But when it comes to India, don't you think of voting for Rahul gandhi because he might have some blood of either a parsi or ('god forbid') muslim in him. That certainly should dis qualify him, shouldn't it. Nepotism is certainly bad but this takes the cake. Dont vote for him because he might be 10% parsi/muslim (I am sure you have not forgotten about the italian heritage but you can raise that later). But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on

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  • la6470
    01-16 02:37 PM
    The fact is , as I perceive it to be , is that when this country needed the IT consulting industry to boom (pre dot com and a few years thereafter) they allowed consulting companies to send their employers to the client site (I dont understand how else a consulting firm can operate). However now the situation is changed and as per some misguided folks in USCIS going after the h1b consulting companies will DRAMATICALLY improve the job market for locals here. However the truth is that it is not going to help the locals. With the introduction of cloud computing, widespread broadband penetration around the globe and the software as a service model - the services will simply shift to the most optimum location. You can allready see it happening - just go to elance.com or guru.com and you will see small (1-10) person companies based in India and Russia earning more than half a million USD per year. At the end of it - these are nothing but misguided efforts by a prehistoric government agency that is governed by archaic rules that are irrelevant in today's world.

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  • mirage
    03-27 03:47 PM
    Thanks for Sharing. I watch Indian Politics very very closely, but haven't heard of him till today, Indian media is too obsessed with Rahul Gandhi and Sarkozy. They don't have time for real people...
    My vote is for Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan. He has done good things as a doctor and then as a collector in AP.

    Of course he stands no chance, but I think he started a movement (grassroots) - hopefully it is the beginning of some positive change.

    Check out his speech at a Mumbai university.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4xFCdOYTv4 - Part 1
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q6s1R9iBjw - Part 2
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6ZHak1lEr8 - Part 3


    09-04 07:54 PM
    Admins - can some one please close this thread. This is thread is neither about immigration nor will anything good come out of this.


    You may not care, but many members do care about what's happening in India.

    07-04 12:57 PM
    http://digg.com/politics/U_S_Withdraws_Offer_of_60_000_Job_Based_Visas_Ange ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who

    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin



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