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Monday, July 4, 2011

the declaration of independence text

images Jefferson#39;s draft Declaration the declaration of independence text. Independence and the text
  • Independence and the text

  • gbof
    09-15 11:06 AM
    month priority date No of appr 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    June-08 4/1/2004 122 2 9 18 61 30
    July-08 4/1/2004 88 1 7 14 29 36
    August-08 6/1/2006 261 0 3 5 19 63 103 67
    Sept-08 8/1/2006 3 0 1 0 0 2

    Thanks for this useful info. 05 & 06 approved #s in Q-4 of 08 looks very significant - these alongwith approval of 'multiple filed AOS' will surely reduce wait time for 05-EB2i. Hop[efully before june 05 cases will be done.

    wallpaper Independence and the text the declaration of independence text. tattoo The Declaration of
  • tattoo The Declaration of

  • delax
    07-26 06:36 PM
    However, these students are not completely exempted from the H1B quota for each year. Whatever, if PERM filing in year 2008 has witnessed 46% drop since 2007 ... it tells us a lot.

    Thats true - students were not exempt until a couple of years ago - but the point I am trying to make is that they add to the EB - India count thereby retrogressing it further.
    Looking at only BIG IT sponsored H1b's may result in a much reduced EB number

    the declaration of independence text. of independence text. the
  • of independence text. the

  • smisachu
    06-16 12:21 AM
    What is your qualification? I have been in this country maybe as long as you have been and can wager that I am more qualified than you educationally unless you will be publishing something which will win you the Noble. Still I am stuck because of this system. And I am not even in IT.
    If you cast a wide net you will catch good fish, some bad fish might come in but that is given in any sample population. If a smaller net is cast the chances of only netting bad fish will increase. Similarly if Visa numbers and per country quota are more then some really qualified people will get in, if not only "Multi National executives" who can program MS Dos will creep in under EB1.

    We need a visa recapture for any of this backlog to ever clear. And Darvin can go fry a fish for all I care.

    To be honest, I do agree that the US needs qualified people with skillsets. The real question is "Are the people from the desi consulting companies the real qualified lot ? " Just to get my background details out of the way. I am a new member, from India ofcourse, and I have recently applied for my citizenship. Now with this huge deluge of immigrants, especially from the desi consulting companies, I feel that my quality of life is getting adversely impacted. Do not rush to conclusions that I am anti Indian or anti immigrant. 12 years back when I first got my H1 visa, the requirements to qualify were strict. Staffing companies to a decent extent followed rules and tried to get the best and the brightest. Once the dot com boom started, people from all walks of life entered IT. This was true of not just the Indians but also of people in the US. Soon after the bust, the value proposition from these staffing companies was simply low cost. This is not to blame the staffing companies. They behaved in an economically rational way.

    Consider this scenario. If you run a consulting company, wouldn't you try to maximize your profits by staffing people in projects at the least cost ? This is econmically rational. You wouldn't worry much about the quality of the deliverables and all you would care is to dump as many bodies as possible at the client site or offshore and get the maximum bang for the buck.

    In this scenario, how is it feasible to expect immigrational justice when the bodies themselves dont provide exceptional talent and skills but simply offer low cost ? Now you would be tempted to bring in the analogous case of illegal low skilled immigrants. Remember they are just that - low skilled workers. They dont "steal" the jobs of high skilled workers. But this dumping of IT workforce has completely brought down the standard of living of the IT workers here. To be honest, those who get green cards today would feel the same way five years from now when the next wave of so called "skilled IT immigrants" offer even lower wages and destroy the quality of life.

    In summary, this retrogression is good in a way. The truly best and the brightest would still be employed until their turn for adjournment comes in. Only the weak are currently scared of the delays. I went through the same torrid GC phase after the tech meltdown in 2001. I was not worried of my job then but many people whom I knew got clobbered and were forced to leave. This is the darwinian flush and it will take its toll. Trust me this the bitter truth. If you people still consider that all the people on H1/L1 are part of the best and the brightest, they are WRONG. Only a small % (probably 20%) are the true best and the brightest and a good 50% will be flushed out. Sorry to say this and hey give me the red dots.

    2011 tattoo The Declaration of the declaration of independence text. tattoo Declaration of
  • tattoo Declaration of

  • WaitingForMyGC
    07-11 03:22 PM
    I have already booked my one way tickets back to India for this December. If my priority does'nt become current by than, I am done here.


    the declaration of independence text. I#39;ve gotten back on the job of
  • I#39;ve gotten back on the job of

  • rajesh_kamisetty
    07-11 11:54 AM
    Very well written...

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  • hydboy77
    09-23 07:35 PM
    Unfortunately we will have to wait until march and not december to find out if DOS is doing quarterly spillover because EB2 row already has more than 7000 pending 485, every quarter there are about 10000 Eb 2 visas, so technically there are already enough EB2 row 485 applications to use up the first quarter numbers.

    offcourse there are only 4000 pending eb1 485 applications and assuming not more than a 1000 new eb1 applications are added to the list there would be 5000 visas that could be spilled over into eb2, the problem is we dont know
    1. If DOS will do spillover every quarter
    2. if by miracle they do spillover will it only in there respective categories i.e Eb2 row to to eb2 india\china, or accross categories eb1-row to Eb2 row to Eb2 India\china

    These questions can only be answered by DOS. Hope DOS looks at what USCIS did and comes out with a Q&A of there own which explains if they are going to do a spillover every quarter or not. If not we will still be speculating to no end. Do we have to file another FOIA request to DOS to find out if they are going to do a spillover every quarter? I hope DOL also published a report every quarter like USCUS which contains the numnber of perm applications pending by month, year and country

    I completely agree with this. USCIS has better date than prior years. PD for October is Jan 2005,the numbers available for first quarter is 750 (approx) and around 700 I485s are in Jan 2005. We will know in Dec whether quarterly spill happens or not.


    the declaration of independence text. The Visconti Declaration of
  • The Visconti Declaration of

  • alkg
    09-23 08:50 PM
    good one

    but............................................... .........................

    after seeing the worst economic conditions, are they really going to distribute GCs to give a ray of hope to this weakened economy........?????????

    2010 of independence text. the the declaration of independence text. Jefferson#39;s draft Declaration
  • Jefferson#39;s draft Declaration

  • rbalaji5
    03-30 02:29 PM
    Do some research on Nuclear deal and see what it will bring to India in the next couple of decades. And tell me what Mr.Advani brought us when they were in power.

    We need food and shelter to sleep than Nuclear Deal I like your Future prediction of Nuclear deal.!!. (obviously, we are hungry and looking for food and place to sleep :)

    Letz change the Govt and see what will they do in future. (We did n't see anything big with Congress for the past 4 decades -


    the declaration of independence text. Declaration_of_independence
  • Declaration_of_independence

  • sidbee
    02-15 02:44 PM
    I dont understand the whole point of discussion here ... What does the IV Senior Members think about this , The idea of a lawsuit to capture the loss immigrant visas, is not against USCIS, its against the system. Infact the USCIS should be on our side, as per the USCIS Ombudsman, Mr .

    Atleast we should try , discussing and cribbing on the forum wont help.

    hair tattoo Declaration of the declaration of independence text. -of-independence-text-4th-
  • -of-independence-text-4th-

  • addsf345
    05-29 04:22 PM
    We all need to concentrate on being united. No point in pulling down others. This is typical behavior of Indian attitude. Do you think you will get your GC faster if EB1 abuse stops??? I would say no, we would be still stuck in the same shit hole for another 10 years. Why waste energy on this??? We should rather work on more constructive action items.

    Our main problem is 7% quota for India, China and other retrogressed countries is simply not enough. We need some relief in any possible way.

    Sometime back i did suggest an idea of working towards a separate Quota (not counted towards 140,000) for Masters/PhD students. That horse was beaten to death.

    Lets think more positive and list down all actions that we could work.

    To start with i suggest on having a separate quota (not counted towards 140,000) for Masters/PhD students. That should ease most of the pain.

    If anybody has other bright ideas, feel free

    Channel your outrage on a positive action item

    still ppl feel pulling others lag would get them GC - this commnity can never be united!:confused:


    the declaration of independence text. The Declaration of
  • The Declaration of

  • mallu
    05-14 03:09 AM

    Are those returned due to --ssed of immigration system here ?

    hot I#39;ve gotten back on the job of the declaration of independence text. John Adams on the Georgia
  • John Adams on the Georgia

  • grupak
    02-13 10:02 AM
    I agree that quota system is cumbersome. It would've been much easier just to have one bucket. But I fail to see how it is discriminatory when every coutry gets an equal piece of the pie. It is a classic supply and demand issue, but it's not a discrimination. Consider also the fact that GC is a grace not a right. "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?"

    Forget discrimination, unfairness, etc.

    First, everyone agrees that IV is working to remove backlog in the employment-based GC.

    Then just removing the country cap is not going to help as there isn't enough visa to go around. Second, just increasing the visa numbers is not going to help without removing/significantly increasing the country cap as most employment-based GC demands are from a few countries.

    IV is not the place to argue about 'us' and 'them' in EB GC. IV is to help all EB GC without discrimination based on country of birth, national origin, etc., so IV fights for (1) increasing GC numbers and (2) removing cap/significantly increasing cap.

    There is no way around it if we want to remove backlog in EB GC.


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  • dresses The Declaration of

  • gc_on_demand
    09-24 03:42 PM
    What if EB2 ROW person has labor approved but I 140 pending . because of C person can apply for 485 but will not consume visas.

    So if DOS and USCIS decides and if USCIS loose focus from approving Eb2 ROW and EB1 case for a while and technically create no demand for them leaving more spill to Eb2 india and china that can make Eb2 india C.

    Don't forget that if date is current and still USCIS keep your AOS pending some how you cannot do anything..

    tattoo Sign Up Text Alerts | the declaration of independence text. The Declaration of
  • The Declaration of

  • smuggymba
    07-27 08:17 AM
    One basic note that Amway/Quixstar guys/preachers/creatures should understand is that "Not every business/job is for every one".

    Few individuals can do only certain kinds of jobs. However, I notice that these Amway/Quixtar guys always project that, any dumbo can do this business (if followed rules). And also, they project that this is the only way earn money on this planet. If some one follows their own path (own ambitions), then they think that he/she is an idiot that they not joining them. For God's sake, Amway guys don't bug people. When some one said no means, Its NO. don't put pressure on strangers.

    I will tell you my experience/observations with most of the Amway/Quixtar guys that I met.

    1. They dream of early retirement, free money, free cruise trip, free vacations etc., where as in reality, they don't even buy good TV for them selves. I know few folks who purchased a 18 inches bathroom tv for $5.00. I am not against second hand a TV for less, but check the reality and see the difference between dreams and reality.

    2. Forget about TV, it may not be an essential in life for everyone. I also noticed that they don't even purchase proper food/groceries. May be not are alike. I have see many in my past 15 years of life in US either in Bayarea or in Texas or in PA.

    3. There was a Quixtar/Amway Summer conference few of years ago. I have seen 32 adult people stayed in a Single bedroom apartment (around 700 Sq Ft) for two nights. Yes, I literally counted people coming out of the door (right opposite to my apartment). I couldn't believe my eyes/brain initially but its truth.

    I am not offending any one intentionally, but know the difference between reality and dreams.

    These ppl just hang out at Walamart, Ikea, Malls and DMV and scour for desi ppl who are vulnerable and can be conned. The Amway guy I talked to spoke about retiring at 40 and making millions but was renting at 36 yrs himself and had a dingy old car. (I rent too but I don't plan to retire at 40 and make millions by conning ppl)


    pictures The Visconti Declaration of the declaration of independence text. I used the text of the
  • I used the text of the

  • bitu72
    10-18 02:18 PM
    i have sent my application last friday.

    Any idea how many months its taking nowaday for complete process - whatever it is its much better than what we have here.

    i see lot of people with PR.can you guys post some of you thoughts and experience regarding jobs in canada. are u guys getting any offere while staying here.

    dresses John Adams on the Georgia the declaration of independence text. Click the the Declaration of
  • Click the the Declaration of

  • ramus
    07-03 11:01 PM


    makeup Declaration_of_independence the declaration of independence text. Declaration of Independence
  • Declaration of Independence

  • desi3933
    07-27 02:23 PM
    Nobody is misguiding anyone. Talk to your lawyer and find out. Amway doesn't offer you employment.
    What you get is 1099-MISC the same you get for your stocks and investments. Talk to your lawyer and find out.

    It is correct that Amway doesn't offer employment, but the Amway activities are self-employment activities and therefore are under review for valid and authorized employment.

    Only US residents, who are authorized for self-employment, can run their business or home based business activities.

    Can someone on H-4 visa status can run Amway baed home business? Yes/No. I know you will say "check with your accountant/lawyer" line knowing well H-4 can not be self-employed.

    Not a legal advice.
    US citizen of Indian origin

    girlfriend The Declaration of the declaration of independence text. Stone Lithograph of the
  • Stone Lithograph of the

  • raveen
    08-02 06:02 PM
    Hello sir, I am on H1B, a new company is hiring me and they have little knowledge about h1b issues, my h1b transfer is not filed yet, they are 100% sure that they r gonna hire me, but I haven't decided whther to work with them or not, the other day I went to their office to fillout the application for background check but they made me fill out all the forms that a candidate has to fill during the hiring process, they went ahead and filled my I-9 and w-4 forms too. I was thinking that it's all a process of pre-hiring,but after coming home I did a little research and found out that I-9 has to be filled after they transfer my h1b, do you think is it gonna be a problem?I e-mailed them not to put me in the system, did I violate any law by getting hired by them before even my visa transfer process is started?ofcourse I didn't start my work and I am not going to start until my visa tranfer is done. The employment is at will and I didn't sign any contract with them, do you think they will create any problems for me in future(if they want to)?b'cos I haven't decided to work wth them yet and I may tell them that I am not gonna join them. Please advice me I am really tensed.
    Thanks in advance

    hairstyles The Declaration of the declaration of independence text. text of the Declaration of
  • text of the Declaration of

  • amdavad
    07-09 03:07 PM

    We recently received USA GC. We also received Canadian PR approval. Now can we go and land in Canada to complete Canadian PR process and come back to USA and live here?

    Can there be any issue at POE (either side) as we will have two PR?

    09-04 04:06 PM
    Please contribute to IV before start collection for political party. Thanks

    I will donate to IV if I believe it made a different to my GC process.

    06-16 01:09 AM
    Outsourcing is bad for not only for US citizens but also for future H1bs and GC aspirants also.
    Still all the jobs cannot be outsourced. Also if that would have been the case I would have been out of job. But My salary was increasing steadily and in this tough economy also I was able to get a new job with 20% rise in pay after I lost job . There are many companies in USA who are only hiring USA citizens and discouraging outsourcing. Wherever I was working I discouraged those companies from outsourcing but encouraged them to hire h1bs ,GC holders or US citizens. Many start up companies in California cannot afford to do outsourcing because of tight release schedules.

    Correct. So based on your post, skilled people need not worry about outsourcing. You can argue in favour of onshoring and that is a good argument. I support this kind of approach.

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