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Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • a1b2c3
    06-01 02:12 PM

    I have been working here for 9 years and next year we plan to return back to India. I spoke to SSN customer service to find out my retirement and survivor benefits. Being an Indian citizen, all these are available only if me, or my dependants, have a valid residing status with the US, at the time of making the application. The contribution at this point is like getting a right to work. This is outrageous.

    We all have been legally invited into this country for a work, and that means the US gov should protect our legal and fair interests. It is universally true that everyone works to protect his family. Now here is a case, where I have no right to my retirement money just because I dont have a legal resident status. Whose fault is this. I already made the application 6 years ago. If my home country does not have the comparable SSN structure, then return the money back? We will pay the taxes and take the money back. Our kids need it.

    I dont know what is the appropriate channel to get this fixed. This appears more like human rights violation, or abuse. I am sure there are many in this forum who are in the same boat as I am. Can someone team up with me to do more research or share your discoveries.

    To the US, this is what I got to say:
    If you want to protect the jobs for your people, please do it. You have every right. But please dont dump the people you officially invited to augument the workforce of your country into the waters. Before you bring in additional workers to support your companies, do necessary corrections in your immigration policies to let them in only with green card. Dont strangulate their careers. Your existing policies have been burning the aspirations and careers of a lot of innocent people from India and China.

    To those innocent legal foreign workers that have already gathered 40 points in SS, you owe them. They deserve citizenship, not green card. I know it is jumping across multitude of issues, but is it not fair.

    Best wishes to you and sorry to hear this. I thought everyone was entitled to SSN after 10 years of work in the US.
    Do you need to have a green card before you qualifiy to get your SSN back?

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  • eb3India
    11-11 09:10 PM
    I completely agree that Substitute labor is being used is the wrong sense. My husband is now in his 7th year of H1B and I am still on H4.

    At the same time our friend who came in 2005 to USA through an Indian company joined Rapidigm in 2005, received a 1999 priority date Labor and received his Green card (& for his wife too) in 8 months time.

    This iextremely unfair means of acquiring GC and should be blocked legally.Meanwhile Rapidigm has been acquired by Fujitsu .

    simple question, given an opportunity, where someone offer you sub labour with PD prior to 2001 does any one here reject the offer, this is a classic story of "ship of crabs from ...."

    we have much bigger fish to fry than worry about few smart crabs getting out of ship.

    sub labour is not illegal nor it is a loop hole, itz a simple deal between employer and employee for their own benifit.

    letz focus our effort on making new congresss and senate understand our situation and provide some relife thru bills such as SKILL.

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  • amsgc
    12-13 11:11 PM
    When I get a chance, I also talk to my co-workers and friends who are citizens, especially when they say - are you a citizen yet?

    Surprise! Surprise! - many of them are unaware of this racist provision and the response you usually get is "that sucks man". So, people understand. Yes American citizens see that this is an unjust law.

    If we talk enough about it, who knows, maybe some policymaker will hear it from his/her constituent.

    Yes, we as IV are meeting lawmakers and lobbying, and media campaign too.

    Just discussing if anything else can be done.

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  • GCkiTaisi
    05-01 05:42 PM
    I am an Indian Tamil and firmly believe that both LTTE and Lankan Army are at fault here. LTTE's tactics have always been to use human cover and the Lankans are guilty of using heavy artillery on civilians. In fact not all the civilians are innocent, some of them are LTTE proponents who prefer to stick with them till their last breath to further promote what is called as Lankan atrocities to the world.

    I totally support the Tamil Ealam cause, but the method LTTE has taken would have never gotten them there at the first place. As a country, India should have been a bit more proactive and involved than just supplying arms to the Lankans (which was anyways done to prevent the Lankans from going to the Pakistan or China). So the Indians are just watching the tamasha -- and it is really unfortunate.

    How does it bother the Tamilians of India? They are crossed between supporting for Tamil Ealam, death of innocent Tamilians and assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and this leads to mixed feelings. Ideally I would want to see Prabhakaran hanged and Srilankan Tamilians meeting their 3 decade old goals.


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  • smuggymba
    01-14 08:55 AM
    I think the other intersting point is - Does the employer provide any benefits to the beneficiary/employee?

    Almost no desi dalla provides medical insurance to its employees...it will be interesting how USCIS handles this and whether they will make it a point or not?

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  • django.stone
    09-17 02:18 PM
    Do you have any data to back your claim? I beleive there are more EB2 China numbers than India. I remember seeing some data a while back where Indian EB2 & Eb3 ratio was close to 50% where as China it was 80% EB2 to 20% EB3. Which makes me think there are more EB2 china than india.

    You need to multiply ratio with total to get absolute EB2 numbers. If China total is 100, 80% of 100 is, 80 and if India total is 1000, 60% of 1000 is 600. I think people are saying here that in absolute terms India EB2 > China EB2.


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  • PlainSpeak
    01-13 02:11 PM
    IV works in the interests of both EB2 and EB3 as amitjoey mentioned. we cannot create a Bill to get relief for only one category.
    There already exists an very small, unsuccesful org for just EB3 that core is aware of, and they consider IV as their competitors because
    1. They do not understand and know nothing of how IV works (just like plainspeak)
    2. They want to get donations and members away from IV and make money

    These statements give her away. This is what they do try to pressurize IV to do their agenda. Enough said. Ignore the sales agent. They are trying to incite a fight between EB2 and EB3 just to split IV.

    The other posts were just a diversion to show you are not completely rogue. You just have a single agenda - to promote your organization.
    Wow can one person with an idea make such a difference or is IV an organiation with such a deep sense of hostility that they see enemies everywhere

    I am a simple person who does my job and helps people when i can and yes like every human i have ideas and hopes. Now when i get an idea about an invention i would go to the patents forum and when i get and idea about say investing i would go to an investing forum. Now when i got an idea related to immigration i have come to the forum which stands like a beacon for all immigration community or are you incapable of recognising the fact that that IV (and that means all you guys in in) is big hugh and was doing the right thing when no one else was.
    Even now i do not think what IV is doing is wrong. I have differences with the outcome of their approach becasue i feel that this approach wil be bad for EB3. Out of all the people commenting out here there has been NOT even ONE person who has tried to understand the reason for why i feel EB3 is going to get in bad shape. Not one has tried to understand what i have been trying to say that NO big or small immigration bill will pass anytime soon and this will lead to EB2 retrogration which will be going against the statement which all you people like to say that is that EB2wil become current and EB3 will get better later so do not rock the boat
    And yes i choose not to donate and participate because on principle

    There already exists an very small, unsuccesful org for just EB3 that core is aware of, and they consider IV as their competitors because
    And yes i am sure there are many such organizations which may have been started as competition toIV and are not succesfull. Now if i was a fool i would go down the same path but i am not and i have realized that IV is the only vehcial of change. Now when IV tends to speak of EB retrogression they are sepaking on my behalf and when they are doing something on my behalf and if i feel what ever is being done is being determintal to my GC case am i not supposed to even ask IV.

    So let me get this straight you are using my GC case as a reference in your charter and i have no say in what you do with my case. I wish i had a lawyer to back me up on this. Just Kidding!

    1. They do not understand and know nothing of how IV works (just like plainspeak)
    2. They want to get donations and members away from IV and make money
    Hey keep your money to yourselves i do not want your money. Hey if things pan out i might even start contributing to IV.

    These statements give her away. This is what they do try to pressurize IV
    You guys are so pathetic and lame. Do you think anyone needs a plan to scare you guys. All i did was start and email thread which had nothing scary, no abuse, no threats only a request for discussion and also and understanding that things may not work out and with all this 3/4th of you guys are running around scared like headless chickens and using abuse and threat.

    So take my word for it. You guys are a bunch of scardy cats. I am surprised how you do lobyying. Must be some realy tough guys and gals in the core team otherwise you guys would have destroyed IV by now. Please do not try to get into core and destroy it, they are doing a good job without you knee jerk reactionist spoiling it for them

    The other posts were just a diversion to show you are not completely rogue. You just have a single agenda - to promote your organization

    Do you think some one would go to all this length of providing helpful posts and do all the drege work all to just convince you. Please do not think so high about yourselves. As i said before to scare you all i need to do is write one post and that is not my strength that is you guys weakness whcih is on display here.
    And what single agenda and organization are you talking about as far as i am comcerned there is only one organzation for EB Retrogression relief and that is IV
    All my other posts are genuine and they have been written because in some cases i genuenly fell the need to speak up seeing how you guys shoot down anything rElated to EB3 without seing the merits and pros and cons of it and in some cases i felt i could share info with someone who was looking for some answers whcih should have been answered by you guys but all of you were busy abusing my other posts. Actually i takethat back there were some other people from iV who repliesd back so sorry about that.

    Why is it so hard to understand that this is a genuine person with a genuine query not some anti imigrant or competitor to IV. You guys are like the CID in Mash 4077 (google that if you want calrification) who see enemies of the country everywhere and are paraniod about everyone.

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  • illusions
    05-12 09:58 AM

    If BBC, AFP, AP & Reuters are considered a reliable source of information, then what is happening in Sri Lanka is genocide.

    Please quote these sites where they mention what is happening in Sri Lanka is a "Genocide". What happened during WWII was a genocide of the Jews. The camps where the IDP's are kept are temporary where they are checked to make sure that there are no suicide bombers, terrorists etc. The LTTE is known to hide behind civilians and attack, like they do now from the safe zone. They are preventing the civilians from leaving the safe zone... so in effect the LTTE is committing a genocide. If there is a Genocide then you would see it everywhere in the country, which is not happening. Half my family side is Tamil, and live in the south / central and west of the island. They are all fine and have no issues, now you go figure.

    Having said that i'm not gonna say that the SL gov is an angel, it has it's bad side and good side. I don't agree with the govt that Independent journalists should be kept away or intimidated, but coming from south asia (or any part of the world for that matter), you won't get any govt that is 100% good.


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  • syzygy
    02-12 11:08 PM
    The good reason is if USCIS was sued and something happened in our favor, the lawyers would lose us from their rugs.

    Please all contact your lawyers and AILA why they have not filed a class action lawsuits yet for us?

    I can't think of a good reason why they have not till now. We will know if class action lawsuit is a good idea or a bad idea.

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  • poorslumdog
    08-15 07:17 PM
    SRK detained at US airport for being a Khan - India - NEWS - The Times of India (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/india/SRK-detained-at-US-airport-for-being-a-Khan/articleshow/4896236.cms)

    Guys we often discussed about facing problems at Port of entry. People being questioned for hours or rumors about people being sent back. I was surprised by reading this news today. This country is going crazy about stopping people just because their surname is "Khan" even if the person has travelled to US earlier. With experience i expect people to get smarter but these people are getting dummer.

    I dont understand whats so special about SRK...is he god or what. TSA/IO has every right to question any one entering the country. Its their job. Indian Media is making it big issue about this just to get more attention from public. This is cheap advertisement for them. Our country is so corrupt...if you are celebrity and Politician you can get away with any system.

    If you people do not like the way the american doing business give them the same reply in your/our country or stop doing business with them. Whats the big deal.


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  • eastindia
    01-14 09:48 AM
    I love this thread. Plainspeak is a worthless guy with worthless opinion entertaining all of us with silly thread and responding to everyone. Dude did you get some problem in life and have so much time to write? If you really want something you could have done something till now.

    You do not even want to meet any lawmaker. You believe in watching CSpan and lawyers lobby for you. Go and contact CSpan and lawyers to help you. Why are you here?

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  • GoneSouth
    07-11 12:45 PM
    Every time I hear "Canadian taxes are so much higher", I respond back with "really ? how much are you paying a month for health insurance?". I suggest a typical breadwinner with spouse + 2 dependents is probably paying $500 / mo + in health insurance premiums. Add that $6K / yr to your US tax bill, then compare it to your Canadian tax bill. ;)

    - GS


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  • gimmeacard
    07-28 04:08 PM
    #1 Landed in Texas in late 90's at a friends place. Friend took me to get SS# next day, dropped me at SS office during his lunch time and came in the evening at SS office to pick me up. While waiting outside, in a span of 20 minutes, had two people (one desi and another a colored person) approach me trying to befriend me...obviously I fall for it, second day and I meet such a nice person , offering me help if I needed. etc. Asked me for my cell or home #, I did not have any (was only going to stay at friends for few days and then going to Phoenix), so, i managed to get their business cards and I promised to call them.
    In the evening, friend picked me up, told him what happened, he laughed and said "they already got you....unbelievable..hit in just one day of landing... I asked him to explain what was going on, he said he explained me everything. He mentioned that his brother-in-law will be at his home in the evening for dinner (an IBO), and asked me to tell him that I was not interested as I wanted to focus on career first. We go inside, he introduced to his BIL, BIL immediately asked me when I came and what I do, and that he has an excellent business offer for me, which he would discuss with me after dinner. My friend blinked at me, I told him that I had a business proposal for him as well. He was surprised and asked me what it was. I told him that when I was in India, I was a IBO and I wanted him to be an IBO, after listening to what I had to say.

    He and my friend were astonished, my friend and his wife were laughing. BIL said he was going to talk about the same thing to me, I said, I am tired and if he already is a IBO, I will not talk about it at all, as I would rather sleep (jet lag). Got rid of him easily...

    Incident #2: After moving to Phoenix in 8 days, landed at my Desi consultant's, got a 2 Bedroom townhome shared by total of4 people. One of them was active in AMWAY...asked me if I wanted to go to a business meeting followed by Tea/snacks. I told him I could come only if he stops by grocery store first as I wanted to buy stuff. I did not have car so needed his help for groceries etc. I went with him and few of other FOBs that he had managed to "capture" (New Bakras for him). Went to his friends house who was a new IBO and hosting tea party/(Bakra kato seminar) first time, so he had lot of food/snacks etc. I enjoyed the snack, slept in the mkt. speech. ate good food. Told him that I was already an IBO when the form signing ceremony started, friend was mad why I did not tell him, I told him that I should be mad at him for wasting my time and not telling me where and what this meeting was about. Had a fun at his expense :-)
    in couple of weeks moved to Mid North East, where I did not face any AMWAY/QUI guy/s.

    Good HUmor for a wednesday..

    BTW, i lost a good old friend right in first week of landing, we worked @ same company in India(birlasoft), were happy to reach Uncle Sam, (he came before me)- asked me to join a meeting, will arrange pickup etc. somehow i missed the ride- LUCKY ME

    next day again it started out - he never said what it was about who is involved etc.
    i said no i dont think i would like to be involved, i was still calculating $1 = 45 Rupees, MCDONALD # 3 combo is Rs 300 oh lala, too expensive( YEAR 2000)

    So my kanjusi paid off, see sometimes being lazy helps

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  • NKR
    02-15 06:24 PM
    I didn't generalize. I said preponderence meaning "a lot of" cases with L1/B1/H1 and I am also not denying the fact the India is doing a great job in producing IT skills in great numbers. I am saying how they end up in America in greater numbers than any other country. China, Pakistan, Israel also produces lots of IT gradutes but they don't have the bodyshop connection to land here with an NIIT certificate.

    Then pray why people from other countries are not landing IT jobs?. Can I say that NIIT teaching is better than the teachings in the universities of the countries you have mentioned?.


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  • poorslumdog
    09-04 12:51 PM
    You moron coming from the slum region or any other place in Bihar.
    You don't know about keralites.
    100% Literacy.
    Living standard is same like Europe. (no other state have the facilities such as health care and standard of living like Kerala).
    It is God's own country.
    Visit and see the details.
    Even the guys working in Gulf countries knows better than you and making much more than you. Go and see their houses.(multi storied), You are still in an appartment.
    Do you ????

    Mr.Nair tell me is it Gulf or Gelf. Do you still wear lunky in office or smoke peedi...enda peedi malabar pedi, enda CM EK nayar...he he :D

    If its GOD own country...what are you doing there. Are you renting it mr.Nair

    by the way how is omana kutty.

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  • newtoearth
    05-03 01:51 AM


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  • kiran_k02
    08-17 01:42 AM
    This part amazes me most.
    He is an actor on a personal visit and now govt of India has to intervene.

    And look at the protesters.
    There are thousands of more important issues in India and they don't bother them while detention of SRK makes them protest. Hight of stupidity.


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  • raydon
    08-16 09:36 PM
    How is debating about this detention going to do anything for immigration? And things could get worse for immigrants on the health care front if they lose their jobs, if this article is to be believed (the venom against immigrants in the comments section is just too much)

    30,000 immigrants to soon lose state health insurance - The Boston Globe (http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/08/15/30000_immigrants_to_soon_lose_state_health_insuran ce/)

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    08-20 09:07 PM
    Heat on SRK was because of scanner on Bollywood shows - US - World - NEWS - The Times of India (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/world/us/Heat-on-SRK-was-because-of-scanner-on-Bollywood-shows/articleshow/4916759.cms)

    02-13 11:03 AM
    Wake up, buddy. This is IV. Not !

    Removal of Country caps was, is and will be one of the top agendas of IV , whether beneficiaries of a discriminatory system like you support it or not. It's morally and ethically repugnant to see discrimination based on country of birth in the 21st century. Just because it benefits some like you, it doesn't become right.

    Employability has nothing to do with Country of Birth. When we are selected based on merit, skill and education by our employer, why should we suffer just because we are born in the wrong country?

    It's time to throw away this last vestige of discrimination inherited from the previous centuries and move to a future where every individual is valued for what he/she is individually and not based on whether he was born in India or Sri Lanka.


    Read my post again.

    I am not saying it is a bad thing (not for us desis). All I am saying is *every* country in ROW will oppose removing country cap and they have explicitly said so on . They would have said as much here too, if we had more diversity on this forum.

    It is not about right or wrong, ti is just the way it is. The UK guy can come in to the US today for employment and can have a GC in a year or two. Why on earth will he support a change that will push him into a 10 year queue?

    The point is, we should know where we stand when we are taking up removal of country cap. Unlike the other changes whic hare benefical to all GC aspirants, this is one change that will be opposed by several GC aspirants.

    07-03 09:56 PM

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