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Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • 485_spouse
    07-08 08:53 AM
    I (EB3-India, PD Nov 2002) got approved last year. We were only able to file my wife;s I-484 days before my approval. We are still waiting for her GC as my PD is no longer current. Is there any way she can get her GC quickly?


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  • eager_immi
    07-25 10:11 AM
    isn't it my choice. u can go back to india if u like i don't think i will stop u. Also using the same logic india is still ur home country u should go back even if GC works out.

    WHY not go back to India if the GC process fails , I mean after all India is our home country rite .(I am talking only about Indians)

    Health and Wealth are subjective after all

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  • actaccord
    01-13 08:31 PM
    at least one person could respond in more civilized and matured way. These kind of response will give good impression about a forum.

    Guys please keep your comments in more civilized way to keep/gain good public image of the forum.

    I do read most of the threads in this forum (whenever I feel free) i feel some of members who are donors/senior members feel they can get to fight (in abusive way) with any one on any thread no matter whether it spoils the image of forum or their response adds no value to the thread. These kind of attitude can be expected from new members as they may have wrong intentions (or to just vent their frustrations) to join in a forum. But people who are very senior and donors responding in uncivilized manner is not good for them as well as the forum.

    I don't see anything wrong PlainSpeak's suggestion but I can't comment on if her suggestion is workable or not. But we can just explain what is right or wrong instead of getting into fight mode.

    I would like to see some kind of administration control (removing the response, warning the members) on those threads with abusive/uncivilized response. I know it is tedious job but once we have senior/donors under civilized conversation controlling new members will be of easier as seniors/donors can report those unwanted conversations.

    It would be great place to share ideas (good, bad, right, wrong) if those uncivilized response is reduced. The lesser the uncivilized response more the people willing to join hands.

    I wanted to join hands but those uncivilized comments keeping me away from participating. I do have friends who joined after me referring felt the same, some even stopped visiting this forum after seeing uncivilized fightings.

    There are great people like amitjoey who convey the message in more civilized way (as far as I have seen) and help others (its not easy to post 1100+ posts....). I am new to this country and have very less experience and knowledge to share. But I hope one day I can guide/help some people like amitjoey.

    Reason for me to share my thought is amitjoey, otherwise I would have just gone through the thread and felt bad about this forum for uncivilized comments. I am not into any group yet (Eb2/3) as my comp is not going to sponsor gc as per new policy, so I don't belong to any group (or we can say group who's gc never filed). When I read PlainSpeak's comment I thought she was right and after reading amitjoey's comment I learned another view for this issue. After reading those two comments I understand the issue and why IV took different direction or direction different from PlainSpeak's. But when I continued reading this thread I felt why some educated people with good intentions have bad thoughts and respond to others in uncivilized way. In the whole thread only two comments make's sense to me rest doesn't belong/fit to this forum.

    Lets get more new members and be civilized to gain confident which will gain more strength to the forum.

    Do not overanalyze any bill- All these bills are mere drafts until they come on floor for debate, and even after that they go thru amendments, rewriting, and the final bill comes out in most cases to be very different from the original. Even after the bill is passed in both houses, the committees that are responsible in reconciling the bill will tweak it and fine tune it.
    This means that even good provisions can be deleted at any time during the debate, thru an amendment lobbied by the antis- if the EB Community is not vigilant.
    To give you an insight: In Dec 2005, there was a line item in a bill that would have recaptured visas for EB applicants, the bill was passed – and at the last minute this provision was deleted.

    IF you read through the provisions and the paper that IV created for lobby days in July 2010- Each one of the provisions and the underlying text that IV is asking for has been written with clear understanding of the issues EB applicants face- It is written in a way that if incorporated in any of the bills as an amendment- will give fair and balanced numbers to all categories -EB3, EB2.

    So, regardless of which bill (Immigrant friendly) comes on the floor- IV will lobby to have this package included as an amendment. Or IV will lobby to get this inserted into the main bill.

    So- Please, do not get worked up about EB3 vs EB2. OR India vs China vs World

    The real work is to be vigilant about what bill has the chance to come on the floor and then lobby to get the amendments included.

    There are bigger issues for our community- Not one immigrant friendly bill has come up for debate in the last 4 years (exception is the dream act). And here the IV Community is debating and fighting about provisions about one of 100 bills that might never see a chance on the floor.

    The big battle is to advocate and lobby at grassroots to get a bill to come on the floor- persuade lawmakers to be cosponsors for a bill that will help us, and then when the bill is up for debate, we can talk about what we should include as amendments or insert in the main bill to make it fair for everybody.

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  • akred
    02-15 11:11 PM

    Paragraph 1 of Article 1 establishes the definition of racial discrimination for the purpose of the document. Paragraphs 2 and 3 limit the operation of the convention. As to why paragraphs 2 & 3 were included, perhaps they were required to get countries to sign on to the convention.

    Here's a better link. Read under Modern Racial Exclusion, excerpts of which I have posted below.


    ...similarly situated persons (e.g., siblings and children of U.S. citizens) may face radically different waits for immigration depending on their country of origin, with accompanying racial impacts.

    The law created a new immigrant visa program that effectively represents affirmative action for white immigrants, a group that benefitted from preferential treatment under the national origins quota system until 1965. Congress, in an ironic twist of political jargon, established the "diversity" visa program, which though facially neutral prefers immigrants from nations populated primarily by white people.

    The link to the CERD report is here. The convention does not address the country limit directly as the convention expressly does not apply in that area, but it does show that there is awareness about the discrimination faced by immigrants. http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/(Symbol)/6d8aee7e356e6498c1256d4e00557f3b?Opendocument

    You can see that the UN panel is aware of the fact that racial discrimination manifests itself in disproportional representation (note the reference to the composition of the Supreme Court). It can be argued that the 7% country limit provides a pretext to discriminate against India/China/Mexico on the basis of ethnic or racial origin, and as such would run afoul of the convention.


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  • whoever
    02-15 11:37 AM
    hey anyone know why since democrats have taken control of house, senate, they havent uttered a word on immigration? last year there was so much noise on tv regarding immigration but none at all this year. i wonder what is going on.

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  • jaithran
    01-14 09:24 AM
    First of all, I am neither a donor nor a person interested in spending any of my time & energy (Except filing documents and visiting forums like IV once in a while to check progress) in running behind this GC stuff, as that�s not my priority-simple. But I wish and would really be happy if I get my GC quicker as it got its benefits. Having said that, I am not against any kind of efforts volunteered by people/group, who are very serious about GC and I really respect and appreciate their efforts, but I think I have the freedom to express my sincere opinion.
    Plainspeak really make some sense here because sometimes just getting satisfied with a patch up solution would be a bigger disaster in longer run. As person being here in US for a decade and being in the GC Queue for half a decade, I strongly believe EB2-I is never going to be current anymore and EB3-I is never going to get any spill over from the DV bill if passed in its current format. So the option left here is either take whatever you get and hope for the best OR (EB2 and EB3) together fight/work for the right thing to happen, instead of being silent just because you may be a beneficiary of the current format, though it�s not right. I hope everyone here will agree and accept that the right thing would be EB-3 getting at least 50% of spill over whatever EB-2 gets. IV may not succeed in that effort but IV being silent can never be justified.
    Also Volunteering is something which you do for the benefit of others without any expectation and I really appreciate all the volunteers here for their efforts but, some of them often directly/indirectly pass derogatory comments on non-donors and non-volunteers especially when they differ on views and immediately they ask, how many congress men you met? � Which is inappropriate and it�s like saying either agree with what we say or shut up, if you are a not a volunteer or donor. And nothing wrong in you having a policy like that but in that case you can restrict the write access to only volunteers and donors. I am also totally against any non-donors/non-volunteers making derogatory comments on volunteers/donors as they deserve more appreciation than derogatory comments for what they do.


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  • Macaca
    06-28 09:01 AM
    From page 35 of Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman Annual Report to Congress June 2007 (http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/CISOMB_Annual%20Report_2007.pdf).

    There will be severe consequences from rapid fluctuations in priority dates.

    If the priority date became current today, due to delayed USCIS processing and thus underutilization of visa numbers, some have predicted that within a few months as many as 500,000 to 750,000 individuals now residing in the United States under a temporary worker visa could apply for a green card.
    Additionally, DOL’s recent backlog elimination efforts, scheduled to be completed by September 30, 2007, are predicted to add 70,000 or more approved labor certifications yielding as many as 170,000 additional green card applications.
    As USCIS begins to complete these applications and request visa numbers from DOS, the 140,000 statutorily authorized visa numbers will be used. DOS then will be required to retrogress priority dates. Consequently, most applicants in this scenario will find themselves trapped where as they anticipated timely receipt of a green card, their wait exceeds seven or more years. In addition, all future employment-based green card applicants effectively would be barred from applying for many years.

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  • Beemar
    04-01 03:33 PM
    In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.


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  • kanakabyraju
    09-04 08:13 PM
    We are called dogs, because we discuss things, then what are we called if we don't and accept things in India as they are.


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  • Legal
    07-24 07:33 PM

    #78 07-07 12:43 PM
    guchi472000 guchi472000 is offline
    Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2008
    Posts: 13

    Re: Visa Bulletin answers and other isssues


    Hi Ron.

    Any predictions for Aug-08 visa bulletine.


    View Public Profile
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    #79 07-07 01:30 PM

    Re: Visa Bulletin answers and other isssues


    I suspect there won't be much change from the July bulletin.

    Ron Gotcher Ron Gotcher is offline
    Attorney at Law Join Date: Sep 2005
    Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Posts: 6,767
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  • sanju
    02-15 11:34 AM
    I set up a yahoo group to discuss the issue. To subscribe, send an e-mail to
    Please include your IV alias when you confirm your subscribe request.

    Also, just wanted to clarify that I will not be able to spearhead the issue. I will contribute as I can: financially, doing legal research, reviewing briefs and generating ideas. But I do not have a lot of time to dedicate to this initiative. I also think it should be somebody who is affected by retrogression. People should be willing to change their situation, otherwise I do not see the reason to help them.

    Thanks for an excellent research and arguments. Some of the arguments are well presented.

    Well, if you are not ready to lead and we do not have anyone else to lead then whats the point of forming the yahoo group? Please don't get me wrong, I am just trying to find out the objective of this yahoo group.

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  • reddymjm
    09-24 04:03 PM
    Please send emails and post here to get a count..


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  • shukla77
    05-29 03:32 PM
    I am not sure if I agree with doing two things at the same time. We can try to solve 12 things at the same time, but at the end are we effective? As an organization,If by focusing on eliminating EB1 fraud gives us significant advantage in short and long term then I am all for it. Numbers do not suggest that.However if we focus our energy on legislative fixes to eliminate the backlog, most of the categories will benefit.Question is do we suggest 20 things and dont complete anything or take one important initiative to the finish line. In my limited experience, I have seen second one works better.

    Some members were trying to say we should not fight fraud because the root cause is insufficient visa number (and country quota). While he was right about the root cause, that does not mean we can't do the two things at the same time.


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  • breddy2000
    09-04 09:33 PM
    hey stop the nonsense. u r trying to argue with everyone. u r playing with people emotions.
    why don't u just stop the arguments over here. just leave the dead person in peace.
    if u don't like him just go and talk with someone else who also doesn't like him in ur family or with ur friends. i think u r spending too much time bashing YSR and his son.
    r u considering urself as a "SAINT" , if u r saint, u have right to talk about other persons.
    otherwise u should shut ur mouth. Its good for u and ur family. u used the word "KUKKA CHAVU" that's not at all accepted. i think u should keep ur tongue when u r using those words.

    This MF doesn't even have minimum decency to just leave alone a Dead Man.

    Want to see his saint deeds on IV.....Look for handle "CHANDUV23" handle history.

    1..) This MF has been preaching about faking Resumes in his old posts
    2.) He suggested faking Exp letter to someone in trouble...
    3.) He openly has shown someones full name using his Admin previledges

    Look for all of "CHANDUV23" posts

    Want to see him...search for him in UTUBE. Search for "CHANDUV23"
    God knows what kind of idiots are given this kind of responsibility as Admin....


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  • go_guy123
    07-13 12:36 AM
    I submitted my TOEFL. I think it is enough
    toefl is not recognised only ielts is accepted

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  • pappu
    01-28 08:28 AM
    I did not understand the meaning of this add. Please explain. Thanks!
    Such companies sell pre-approved labor certificates for several thousand dollars (I have heard 20K) and use it as a means to lure employees. Their LCs have very early priority dates and H1Bs are tempted to apply for such jobs. By mentioning LCs in their ads, they are also calling H1Bs to apply rather than being an equal opportunity employer for all people (including US citizens). All this gives a bad name for H1Bs and the greencard process. Anti immigrants use it against us in their campaign.


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  • anai
    06-16 11:47 AM
    There's two themes in this thread that are interesting.

    1. A couple of members advanced the argument that retrogression is good since it weeds out the supposedly undeserving. Here's a startling quote:

    ...In summary, this retrogression is good in a way....

    2. The question of luck.

    I would like to share our story, because it touches on both these themes: I have two US graduate degrees; so does my wife. We've paid over 100K in federal income taxes in each of the past several years and I'm now a partner at my firm; the idea that folks are stuck in retrogression because they are undereducated low-cost workers is not realistic. And there are many cases similar to ours (some of which I read about on IV). We are stuck in retrogression because we have no answer to the country-quota bottleneck.

    So, sure, retreogression may provide perverse pleasure to a select few greencard holders, but the inconvenience that retrogression causes most of us does not serve a greater Darwinian good.

    What of luck? While luck has put us in retrogression, it has favored us in many ways --- we have a great family, a lovely home, and a bunch of good friends. I am sure all of us have seen similar plus sides of luck. But luck is stubborn when it comes to the greencard: when the window opened up last year, many folks with PD 2006 were approved, while many like us with older PD were left waiting. Luck is a strange animal -- it lets you see the map of the world in your handheld, but won't let you travel freely because of retrogression.

    There's this story about luck and how one can get around it in some cases. It is not very relevant here, but here's the story: A wise man came to a village and observed a family living in great poverty. All the family had was a cow and a sack of grain. They would work very hard, but their net worth never rose beyond the "cow + sack of grain" level. The wise man, being wise, figured out what's going on. He asked the family to give away the cow and have a party with whatever grain they had. The family initially thought this advice was daft, but eventually complied out of respect for the wise man. The night after they had squandered everything, Brahma could be seen quietly bringing the family another cow and a sack of grain. What the wise man had figured out was that this level of net worth was preordained for that family -- whether they work hard or party. Not a great story to tell your kids to teach them about hard work; but provides an alternate perspective when you're stuck in line.

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  • PR1978
    08-04 01:57 PM
    Thank You very much for the reply. As I mentioned in my previous post I have a (EB2) I-140 from TSC for which I got the approval email from CRIS in May 2007. I have the Receipt Notice for this I-140. I do not have the Approval Notice for this I-140. On the Receipt Notice the Beneficiary name is my name and the Petitioner name is my company name. I called TSC and to my surprise they have a different Beneficiary and Petitioner name on the Approval Notice. My attorney even called and he too was surprised by what the IO told him. My attorney/company HR never received any Approval Notice so we were not aware of this till now. Can you please give me any insights as to how this could happen and also what I can do to get this resolved from USCIS. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • amar123
    07-03 11:49 PM
    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin - 229 DIGS

    http://digg.com/politics/U_S_Withdraws_Offer_of_60_000_Job_Based_Visas_Ange ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who 40 DIGS

    http://digg.com/politics/USCIS_Visa_scandal - 31 DIGS
    Guys, we need to help ourselves, if you are online at 9PM PST, 12AM EST on a holiday eve, then ,least u can do is add ur digg if not a comment!!

    07-13 05:00 PM

    All I meant was - TN is again just a visa after all and is just another version of the H1B hell. You ought to do better than just working for some one to pursue your American Dream right? What use it is to keep looking for an employer, extending your visas - is that not just a glorified version of H1B? True freedom is when you could quit an ass of any employer and come back home with your head held high :)

    TN is not a modified H1B. With TN you do not have a dual intent: you cannot apply for a green card straight through TN status -- you would have to adjust your status to H1, L1, or any other immigrant status and only then apply for a green card.

    TN is given for two years. You must be a Canadian citizen (not just a PR!) to qualify for TN status. Mexican citizens must obtain the actual TN visa, while Canadians don't. There are occupations that do not qualify for TN status.

    Your wife can just as easily file for a TN in her occupation. Yes, you need an employer in the USA to get TN status, but I don't see a big problem with it. I work for a relatively small IT company (about 90 employees), and we hire people from anywhere in the USA and Canada. Our recruitment personnel conducts online and phone interviews, and a job offer can be made before the candidate ever visits our state. I'm sure many companies follow the same practice.

    With TN you get stamped at the border (Canadian, not Mexican :)) -- and welcome (back) to the USA! If you follow the guidelines, it's very simple to get this status. I'm not sure which country gets your taxes, though. Since I'm quite a few years away from my Canadian citizenship, the information I currently have was sufficient to satisfy my curiosity about TN status. ;)

    Another interesting idea about Canada-USA work/immigration popped up today in conversation with my immigration lawyer. If you have a managerial position in a company that has offices in USA and Canada, you can jump on L1 visa. This will let you file in EB-1 category if you want to go for a green card. There are some additional requirements: you need to work as a manager in the company's branch in Canada for at least a year; when you apply for a green card, the company will need to prove that the Canadian office will keep operating after you get your green card and leave Canada. Nevertheless, it's a possibility that is definitely better than EB-3 or EB-2.

    02-13 11:19 AM
    There's no POW at least where this topic is concerned. Somebody said that as a joke. ROW of course as Chintu said is Rest Of the World

    What is ROW and POW, please? I have seen both used in several posts (I am hoping POW is not Prisoner of War:)) Still learning the immigration lingo!

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