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Monday, July 4, 2011

glacier national park canada climate

images Glacier National Park glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park is
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  • geve
    09-23 11:08 AM
    It is grat Idea. When you run an organisation, think about weather it meets our final goal or not. Do not think it is going to benfit me or not.

    Once again Great..

    wallpaper Glacier National Park is glacier national park canada climate. glacier national park canada
  • glacier national park canada

  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 09:23 AM
    My responses are in blue

    My advice to you, this forum gives members a chance to voice their problems and many members help with suggestions and experiences. IV works for relieving our problems - and if their intentions are on our side, we need to help them and not fight amongst us or them. Judge by what the administrators of this org say.
    My Friend VedicMan
    So let me get this straight. IV Senior members can abuse and threaten and basically talk bad about the post but i am NOT even supposed to respond to them with good words (please read all my replies)

    And from your other statement, You have already decided that i am not only responsible for my post (And Yes i stand proudly by my post) but i am now also responsible for you guys abusing the post. I am goaing you !!!!! (You know for a second i did get a mental picture of me staning besides you with a stick and poking you in your stomach RESPOND TO THIS POST / RESPOND TO THIS POST / RESPOND TO THIS POST )

    So the fact is my friend as i said before when some one has no more reparte to a give they end up making such posts. And as to you traditional upbringing which does not allow you to think that a gal can be confrontational as i said before you have the right to think whatever you want (Whether i am a guy or a gal or if you would like something else) that is your right and yes that thinking can also cloud your judjement (as it is doing now) but what you do NOT have a right is to decide that you are the Judge/Jury/Executioner of every thread opened on this forum

    I cannot think of anyone with good intentions spending time to respond to comments that are not worthwhile.......
    So senior members can abuse as much as they want and me instead of abusing back (Which you would really like me to do i know) am replying back in a calm measured response and that is once again my fault

    You know with your twisted logic of justice and fair play if i am ever in court i would certainly NOT want you to be in the Jury. Infact i would not want you anywhere near the court because you might not even wait for the judgement. You would want to just go decide that i am at fault and get it done with

    PS: and yes i am responding back because every response no matter how abusive or unfair like yours deserves an answer

    glacier national park canada climate. at Glacier National Park
  • at Glacier National Park

  • WaitingForMyGC
    07-11 03:22 PM
    I have already booked my one way tickets back to India for this December. If my priority does'nt become current by than, I am done here.

    2011 glacier national park canada glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park,
  • Glacier National Park,

  • sidbee
    01-14 01:49 PM
    V true.

    Folks, the memo clearly empowers USCIS to crack down on consulting firms which don't have any in-house infrastructure (other than contractors) to execute projects.
    H1B is misused for a long time now by these firms and it was high time they put the screws on these "job shops" as they call it. Unfortunately some talented workers will get impacted.
    But if they are talented they will find opportunities elsewhere. Trust me on that. And better opportunities.

    Nathan is exactly right. These firms have created a mess by bending rules everywhere.

    Don't start speculating that USCIS is trying to throw out all immigrants from this country. I'm surprised that folks don't take a proper view of the situation (yeah..bring the reds on and call me an anti-immigrant).

    At-least somebody is talking sense.
    I think, USCIS is taking the correct steps to prevent the misuse of the H1B Program.


    glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park of
  • Glacier National Park of

  • hebbar77
    09-04 06:22 PM

    Don�t assume that things will work like they work in YSR regime.

    If you think that, the discussion does not make any sense to you then keep away. You are assuming that IMV has compromised security. FYI, this is not a YSR forum, nor it his jagir to do a security compromise.

    True facts: I am with you on your thoughts. I feel the same for OUR country.

    glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park and
  • Glacier National Park and

  • GetGC08
    07-30 05:01 PM
    Both these are separate processes and note that the I-140 is for a future job.So relax.
    Hello Samay,

    I just received RFE for I-140.
    I-140 Details:
    I have applied I-140 under EB2 India.
    I have BS(3 years) with computer science & MCA(MS 3 years) in computer science. So total 6 years of education in computer science(3 yrs BS + 3 yrs MS).
    Also I have 1.5 years(18 months) of experience after completing my MS. I have submitted my experience letter at the time of filling labor But USCIS didn't ask anything regarding experience.
    In labor(PERM) we mentioned Masters required
    & Major field of study is Computers.

    Do I qualify for EB2??Plz let me know.

    RFE details:
    1) Degree evaluation(what's the procedure?)
    2) They want most recent W2 for 2007.

    In 2007(W2) I got paid $59K(gross) & in LCA(H1B) prevailing wage mentioned is $55k.

    In labor(PERM) prevailing wage mentioned is $63K & offered wage mentioned is $ 65K.

    Difference between W2 & Prevailing wage in labor(PERM) is $4000($63K - $59K).
    Difference between W2 & Offered wage in labor(PERM) is $6000($65K - $59K).
    Is this a serious problem???

    My labor already got approved.
    My company is financially very good.

    Now which wage USCIS consider or match with W2??

    I will really appreciate your response.



    glacier national park canada climate. Image: Glacier National Park
  • Image: Glacier National Park

  • bajrangbali
    05-29 12:10 AM
    Thank you for all your contributions all these years on H1B and all the social security and medicare taxes you have paid. Now please move on and let the natives take ur place or let the newbies take ur place before you complete your 10yrs and get a GC and stand in line for retirement benefits in future.

    So many divisions in EB caterogy, EB 1/2/3, china/india/phil/row... they are using these categories like a caste system to turn EB immigrants against each other. As they say..it is never a problem until it happens to you... atleast now ALL categories people should come out with one voice against the EB system..

    20 million illegals have a shot at legal residency and work-permit...HALF-million so called highly skilled immigrants cant make the pick?? Maybe we need to be pushed down even more before we stand up...

    I would suggest everyone all half-million apply for canadian PR..even though their system gets flooded..this would send a message..
    Even if Canadian PR takes 3yrs (currently 6-18mos)...much better than waiting 10 or more years constantly being abused by RFEs, biometrics, immunizations like animals..

    Those of us who are entrepreneurs think seriously about taking the business offshore...

    leverage people...gotta have some leverage...

    2010 at Glacier National Park glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park
  • Glacier National Park

  • villamonte6100
    12-14 01:22 PM
    Unfortunately, I am not a lawyer. I am a tech guy just like you. I wish I could help.

    Our firm deals with corporate cases, either litigation or transactional, but not immigration. In fact, we hired an immigration lawyer to process my GC.

    Are you a constitutional lawyer or maybe know someone who can help? Yes, we would appreciate knowledgeable input from experts.


    glacier national park canada climate. Glacier national park canada,
  • Glacier national park canada,

  • smuggymba
    01-14 10:19 AM
    what the heck are you talking about. If there is any specific cases of abuse please contact the CIS and report those. Dont say "almost all" etc on this website. That might not be true and we dont want general statements like these to hurt the prospects of our members.

    I understand. But it's true. I have many friends and these body shoppers don't pay for their medical insurance and all of my friends have a tough time - even Kforce etc doesn't pay if you're a contractor directly hired by them. Infosys, TCS pays and provides all kinds of benefits for people on H1, I don't know what ppl are against companies that have good business practice.

    Deloitte, Accenture, IBM brings ppl from other countries on L1 - why balme Infosys, TCS.

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  • hair and Glacier National Park glacier national park canada climate. to in

  • chanduv23
    02-13 10:11 AM

    I know in the past many times it was debated -- why people do not support? Let me put forth what I feel.

    Effort put by IV is very commendable. But the beneficiary of IV work (mostly) do not give importance to Green Card. That is what I think based on talking to multiple people and that is what we see from the % participation of people for various fruitful effort put forth by IV. Most of them say they do not care if they get GC or not. In their heart of heart they may but not too much.

    Other reason I can think of is -- There could be doubt in minds of many people of IV strength. The day IV gets some success, people will rally behind IV for a while. And that is the scenario outside world too. See the stock price. If the company is doing good, stock price goes up. The day one bad news comes, stocks falls down. Take the presidential election. You can very well make out that contribution by company or people is proportional to candidate wins. If you are loosing, contribution will dry out very fast. I am not saying that candidate will not have supporter but that would be less in number. Take N.T. Rama Rao case. The day Naidu ditched him and others followed him, no officials gave importance to NTR.

    Believe me, in my office or outside, I have talked to every Indian. And not one comes back n discusses with me about IV.

    I strongly feel IV is doing a commendable job with some dedicated contributors.

    Well - Thats what I have noticed, but people go nowhere nor do they do anything for themselves. More than interest, I think people do not want to get into these things, no one wants to take unwanted risks - as thats how people percieve it. A lot of people feel IVs protocols are tough - I don't think askig people to send letters is tough.

    Talking about organization's successes - IV is not a software company attracting people to buy shares or seek advantage - for the nth time - this is not a software or IT project or a wall street financial. WSe must come out of that mind sets.

    AMAN KAPOOR, JAY PRADHAN, HIMANSHU and everyone who are on the forefront are JUST ORDINARY COMMON PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE HERE. the idea behind IV is to provide a support network. If people want to see success - they HAVE to be a part of it. The efforts of such organizations is not to make profits and then sell shares and perform well and then make people join it, it is to provide with a platform where people can help themselves.

    We are having issues - green card delays - lets think of it as an ailment that needs to be cured. Now lets do something about it. Lets go to a doctor - a doctor does not guarantee that they will cure u but gives you advice, treats you and gives you medicine and asks you to follow certain protocols. That is exactly what IV is.

    Our primary issue is in our thought process. We want to do everything, we want everything in the world BUT we do not want to stand up and rise in unity. We want to blame IV leaders saying they are rude and pushy. We come up with discussion threads saying we must do this we must do that and finally we see these discussions just getting buried.

    Good examples of how communities thrive anywhere in the world are the Jewish community and the Patel community. The only reason they have succeeded is because they believe in themselves and their cause - they are all over the world and are united, they have managed to make their lives easier by uniting for their causes.

    Look at us - if green card is delayed - we say - I dont care about it, India is rising - but are we going there? No way - no one who says "India is rising" will go - in fat they will be the first to apply for any immigration benefit.

    Why are we individually so highly skilled and intelligent and capable but collectively so naive? Why do we always want others to do it for us? is it because if there is any opposition the active ones will be affected and we can escape? is it cowardice that stops us from being united?

    What is success? How can we achieve success? Why are we finding excuses for not doing our part? Why do we always want to praise others but not do something?


    glacier national park canada climate. glacier national park canada
  • glacier national park canada

  • Lasantha
    02-12 02:21 PM
    Yes, I wonder too. The new memo with the 180 day rule for FBI name check may create a considerable demand for visa numbers and could slow things down.

    If the current EB3-ROW move is any indication one can rely on, I think you will be current in next month's bulletin. I bet you can't wait.

    I wonder what kind of move we might see for eb3 -row next month.

    hot Glacier National Park of glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park
  • Glacier National Park

  • a_yaja
    07-22 01:40 PM
    I had green dots till yesterday, but after posting fun stuff on this thread people gave me red dots..... why is that? This tread has zero value, it is like Santa singh jokes.

    Looks like people are so serious in their life that they cannot understand difference between fun and real stuff...

    This thread was for fun so I posted funny things....pls don't give me red for this

    I was heart broken too when I got my first red. And I got it just because I agreed with someone that it is not a good idea to staple new passport and old passport together and suggested to use a rubber band to hold the two passports together. The person who gave me a red said in the comments section "I will surely use a rubber band to hold my passports together." Not sure if he was being sarcastic - but I stopped worrying about red dots now.


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  • hairstyles Glacier National

  • garybanz
    12-14 02:25 PM
    Could you please tell us the problem on this law that can be changed to help us.

    Just so that we can understand the background of your continues opposition to this idea, could you please let us know your country of origin? Also some information about which state chapter you belong to will be great if you don't mind. :)


    tattoo Glacier National Park and glacier national park canada climate. Hiking in Glacier National
  • Hiking in Glacier National

  • jonty_11
    07-11 06:11 PM
    I know people who got their GC in 7 months from the date they filed PERM. and then there are many people getting GCs every month. There are both good stories and bad stories to tell about getting GC in US.

    There were times when H1 quota never reached the limit during the whole fiscal year, now they get used in just 2 days. This mess in GC process is a result mainly due to our own actions (temporary workers and consulting companies hiring temporary workers). Do you think majority of us once we get GC, stay with the consulting company that filed for our GC? When a consulting company files for PERM, they already have a foreign national working under H-1B in that position. So where is the real intent to hire an American when some foreigner is already working at that position?

    This employment based GC is a way for us foreigners to immigrate to US easily at one point. Now due to our extreme usage and abuse of this process, there are genuine people who are being sponsored to immigrate to US are also suffering. In a true employment GC scenario, the company should be desperate to keep you for a long time (more than 6 years after H-1B is maxed) for your valuable skills that they were unable to find in others. But in most GC cases, looks like we temporary workers are more desperate than our employers for the GC? aren't we? Do you see any companies sweating on how to retain you with them, because you H-1B is expiring and they have no way to keep you?

    Do not put all the blame on US immigration system, the majority of the blame should fall on us and the companies who are helping us to get GCs when our cases are not based on genuine sponsors.
    You are just looking at a few rotten apples in an apple farm ..here....Just like software or a server, a system should be robust enough to endure abuse, if it does not it should be modified to do so....no one is stopping DOS/USCIS to put in more checks and ba;ances for GC or H1 Process.....question is will they ever do it...probably not...look at how CIR failed....So you have to look at the oeverall picture rather than pointing at isolcated cases of abuse....which are neglible compared to valid employment based GC cases.

    The US immigration system is broken and everyone knows it. That is why Microsoft opened new office in Vancouver.


    pictures Image: Glacier National Park glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park Glacier
  • Glacier National Park Glacier

  • krishmunn
    07-27 01:37 PM
    Nope that's not correct. You file your business earnings through 1099 and not W2. It has nothing to do with H1-B. Good luck.

    Check this. And stop misguiding people

    MurthyDotCom : Home-Based Businesses : Inadvertent Unauthorized Employment (http://murthy.com/news/n_hombus.html)

    dresses Glacier National Park glacier national park canada climate. Waterton Lakes National Park
  • Waterton Lakes National Park

  • snathan
    08-17 12:21 PM
    So, lets stop this here :)

    SRK says - it is a procedure but it isn an unfortunate procedure. Which in my opinion is true.

    I did go through secondary inspection once in Atlanta, GA back in 2004 and it was kinda absurd. My name did not flash on computer but here is what this officer told me "Something wrong with the Chennai computer they have not uploaded your visa information. Did you really get this visa from Chennai Consulate?". Well, being a software engineer, I did understand that it is a system glitch but what can I do? I showed him my i 797 and all documents including EVL etc..... and he said i have to go through secondary inspection. Then at thesecondary inspection they asked me if I picked my luggage, I was taken aback because u r allowed to pick luggage only after the clearance and I said "no". they had a separate "officials only elevator" to baggage claim and asked me to go through that and bring my baggage and I did that. They asked me to open my bags and I did that. Then asked me which service center approved my h1b visa? I said texas. they looked up on their computer for a while and then took my i 797, tore the i 94 portion folded it and stapled it along with the white i 94 card and said I can go. But I decided to get some clarification and I politely asked the officer, why did I have to go through this? She politely said "It is a process". I asked why did she tear the i 94 portion of my i 797 and staple it to my passport? Do I have to keep it and what is the significance. She wanted to get me off her shoulder without asking questions and said "Yes, it has to be there, it is a proof, thank you and do let me know if you have any more questions" and smiled.

    While we all debate that procedures are followd in best interests of national security, at times we must also understand what these procedures are and how do they help.

    Some argued that because of tight security another 9/11 could be averted.

    Some argued that SRK is no VIP.

    In my opinion SRK is "no matter what" a star and an icon. Those who trash him, must understand that people like him have capabilities that u or I lack and thest why he is such a star. They can win hearts of people "children, adults, youth" they can entertain you and make you happy and on top of it al for them it is life and career path and they are best possible candidates for ambassadors for anything ranging from peace to disease to unity etc.... everything because of their charm.

    SRK managed to get DHS officials to speak and atleast give a statement which we as a community never managed to but we accept all this as part of life and think why should this guy not be treated like us.

    Folks - it is not easy to become a star and gain all this popularity - it is challenging which includes a lot of dedication, efforts, luck, timing and so many different things people have to do. Life of stars is not that rosy as they "smile" and wave to people. For them every minute and second is a challenge - they are not like American Lawyers or Doctors who have ABA or AMA who control the flow and competition always keep theem rich.

    The world is a small place and we all have to wake up to reality. Prof Gates gained such traction because he was having contacts with the president. Now if not for his incident, and not for the President vouching for him we would accept "it is how things are and live with it"

    We accept everything and say "it is how things are" at workplaces, or anywhere we put ourselves down and say "It is a part of culture" we have to live with it.

    The issue with us all is "We are highly educated and talented" but we never learned those lessons in schools where we stand up for causes - we are ready to blame and bash the victim - this is what exactly we do because first thing - we do not respect a victim, as it is not "us" and when it happens to us - we tend to live with it and not discuss it or do something about it.

    So folks lets stop it here. Stop blaming SRK or CBP. If you do not want to see his movie, no one is forcing you to.

    Things do happen for a reason, and it all depends to how you face situations like this in your life. Look at such incidents to get an idea of how to deal with things.

    People can not expect to be treated special because they are charming to some group or more. There are hell a lot of people with special talent and each and every one expecting to be treated in a special way...then there is no need for that procedure. If SRK is started crying when the common people going through the ordeal...well thats makes the difference between the real start and a moron.


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  • Glacier National Park of

  • justAnotherFile
    07-29 03:17 PM
    Has anyone been able to get case status from TSC IO?
    I managed to reach a IO but they now say that they are not giving out case status over teh phone and the only way to get it is to put in a 'service request' which will be responded to by regular mail?

    girlfriend Hiking in Glacier National glacier national park canada climate. map of glacier national park canada. Glacier National Park of
  • map of glacier national park canada. Glacier National Park of

  • ronhira
    01-13 03:57 PM
    Ron Hira my friend you are on an immigration forum and you have an Anti Immigrant login id. Now what could be funnier than that Ha Ha...

    As to me being a guy phasshhhhhh i am all female

    And i am laughing in my pants seeing you confuse me with GCPerm. I remeber seeing that name on IV before. Was he an EB3 who was kicked out by you guys ?

    now i'm sure that u'r gcperm.... welcome back....

    hairstyles glacier national park canada glacier national park canada climate. Glacier National Park - White
  • Glacier National Park - White

  • smisachu
    06-16 12:21 AM
    What is your qualification? I have been in this country maybe as long as you have been and can wager that I am more qualified than you educationally unless you will be publishing something which will win you the Noble. Still I am stuck because of this system. And I am not even in IT.
    If you cast a wide net you will catch good fish, some bad fish might come in but that is given in any sample population. If a smaller net is cast the chances of only netting bad fish will increase. Similarly if Visa numbers and per country quota are more then some really qualified people will get in, if not only "Multi National executives" who can program MS Dos will creep in under EB1.

    We need a visa recapture for any of this backlog to ever clear. And Darvin can go fry a fish for all I care.

    To be honest, I do agree that the US needs qualified people with skillsets. The real question is "Are the people from the desi consulting companies the real qualified lot ? " Just to get my background details out of the way. I am a new member, from India ofcourse, and I have recently applied for my citizenship. Now with this huge deluge of immigrants, especially from the desi consulting companies, I feel that my quality of life is getting adversely impacted. Do not rush to conclusions that I am anti Indian or anti immigrant. 12 years back when I first got my H1 visa, the requirements to qualify were strict. Staffing companies to a decent extent followed rules and tried to get the best and the brightest. Once the dot com boom started, people from all walks of life entered IT. This was true of not just the Indians but also of people in the US. Soon after the bust, the value proposition from these staffing companies was simply low cost. This is not to blame the staffing companies. They behaved in an economically rational way.

    Consider this scenario. If you run a consulting company, wouldn't you try to maximize your profits by staffing people in projects at the least cost ? This is econmically rational. You wouldn't worry much about the quality of the deliverables and all you would care is to dump as many bodies as possible at the client site or offshore and get the maximum bang for the buck.

    In this scenario, how is it feasible to expect immigrational justice when the bodies themselves dont provide exceptional talent and skills but simply offer low cost ? Now you would be tempted to bring in the analogous case of illegal low skilled immigrants. Remember they are just that - low skilled workers. They dont "steal" the jobs of high skilled workers. But this dumping of IT workforce has completely brought down the standard of living of the IT workers here. To be honest, those who get green cards today would feel the same way five years from now when the next wave of so called "skilled IT immigrants" offer even lower wages and destroy the quality of life.

    In summary, this retrogression is good in a way. The truly best and the brightest would still be employed until their turn for adjournment comes in. Only the weak are currently scared of the delays. I went through the same torrid GC phase after the tech meltdown in 2001. I was not worried of my job then but many people whom I knew got clobbered and were forced to leave. This is the darwinian flush and it will take its toll. Trust me this the bitter truth. If you people still consider that all the people on H1/L1 are part of the best and the brightest, they are WRONG. Only a small % (probably 20%) are the true best and the brightest and a good 50% will be flushed out. Sorry to say this and hey give me the red dots.

    07-27 12:40 PM
    I am extremely interested in this business. Can somebody please refer me, I am in LA?

    07-10 12:35 PM
    One of my friend was so frustated with this situtation , that he even explored IT jobs in gulf countries.He was telling me IBM has big presence there & with US experience , you can get manaegerial position with almost double salary.Also its nearer from India.

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