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Sunday, July 3, 2011

dominique strauss-kahn wife

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  • samay
    07-15 05:36 PM
    I have a general question on an option in case of I-485 denial. I know that if underlying I-140 gets denied, I-485 is also denied. My question : is the vice versa true. ? If I-485 gets denied, will I-140 also gets denied.?

    If I-485 is denied (AC21 issue for example), can an applicant choose Consular processing on existing I-140, assuming that it is not revoked? Just like if COS is not granted, applicant leaves country and goes to consulate for stamping ?

    I do not know the specific facts of your case but the denial of I-485 can be appealed successfully. Therefore if your I-485 gets denied your underlying I-140 does not get denied.

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  • IMF chief Dominique Strauss-

  • _TrueFacts
    09-04 01:39 PM
    You dont even talk about my village even in your dreams.. Our village is much happier than before 5 years.. Its all becuase of YSR did for our village.

    What did he do?

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  • old_hat
    05-03 01:59 AM

    Its not he....Its you...yes, you are the one comng in three different IDs and supporting yourself.:eek:

    get over delusional thoughts. At my age I am not looking for vindication from any quarters. my opinions are my own and mostly well supported with facts. And yes I am flexible to changing my views based on facts and arguments based on facts.

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  • cloud 9
    06-12 06:12 PM

    With the level/kind of arguments that you are putting in your posts, I don't think you will be able to complete your MBA or will not survive working as a MBA. So, my suggestion is: save that 100,000 that you are planing to burn doing MBA. Use it for some other purpose.

    You are not able to compete with the unskilled people even though you have more than 10 years experience, how you are going to compete with MBA's that graduate from top schools from USA and India with your phony accent. Dont waste your 100,000, use it for your child's education or maybe donate part of it to IV and someone from IV might help you in getting a JOB.


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  • mbartosik
    12-13 11:48 PM

    what say you?

    In some states the courts are "Courts of equity and law" or is it "Courts of law and equity", in other words the court has a mandate to enforce fairness within the bounds of the law (NY State is one such state). This derives from English law. However, I do not believe that is the case for federal court.

    If the courts were courts only of fairness, equity, what's right, etc., yes, indeed then I think that we would win. But the courts are courts of law. In our case the federal courts are courts of federal law. Congress writes those laws, and the courts are free to interpret those law but not change them. The courts can also throw out a law (this is often appealed to Supreme court). The Supreme court's job is to interpret the constitution, and to define how the lower courts must interpret the law, or to throw back the law to Congress.

    We have next to no chance in lower courts.
    Even if we appealed through courts up to Supreme court, and win we would loss because Congress would still be free to change the law to restrict in other ways, possibly with the same effect. In the mean time we would alienate those law makers on our side. Also USCIS would be free to stop ALL EB immigration, while the Congress decided how to rewrite the law.

    In our case there is no interpretation other than the mess that we are in is the law. So the Supreme court would have to find that the law was against the constitution, which I highly doubt that it is.

    Even if the supreme court found that the law was against the constitution, Congress could enact another similar law (akin to minimum sentence), that merely fitted within the framework of the constitution but achieved the same end result. A recent example of this was when the Supreme court found that Gitmo detainees must be given a right to review of their detention. The detainees were not immediately released because they were detained without review and against the constitution, no, Congress simply passed a law allowing review by military tribunal, that complied with the Constitution, and the detainees remained detained, with a totally meaningless review (not allowed to see evidence against them etc.).

    Thus the branch of government that we need to convince is Congress (which by the way I think the Constitution or an amendment gives the right to government immigration).

    I'm not saying do not fight, just fight smart.

    To me fighting smart means going to the law makers, politely, and persuasively. It is not aggressive, it is not radical, but it is fighting wisely. So I don't think that we are backing down in the face of things that are wrong, I think that we are standing up, but intelligently, and fighting where we can win.

    It is Congress that ultimately decides, the Supreme court can only say to them, "sorry, not in compliance, try again".

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  • gc_on_demand
    05-28 11:19 PM
    Titanic has already hit the ice berg.. Lets see how far we can survive in given economy.

    Didn't Nixtor ( From IV Core ) posted same or simmilar comment from Visa officer ( Again AC21 ) on Domor's Forum.

    Only hope if any little ... is VISA RECAPTURE.


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  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn Appears

  • sobyb
    05-01 06:19 PM
    "No politics can justify killing of innocent people...if congress and India can not get over themselves and help fellow Indians" ... "It is a shame India does not act to protect the interests of its citizens even after this news came up"

    The person who opened this thread is not clear about the difference of 'Indian Citizen' and 'Indian Origin' (or Ethinic Indian). Any kind of discrimination faced by these people in their respective countries should be addressed in a non-violent manner and the current world order has its own mechanism to check such acts by majorities/minorities (atleast you get the relevant attention/care if you are not on the wrong side). Terrorism is not the solution to any discrimation ..period! and carrying out terror attacks on the supporting country (Rajiv Gandhi's killing) would only worsen the scenario.
    India should work with Srilankan govt to establish democracy, peace and equality in Tamil majority areas and make sure that organizations like LTTE doesn't get the upper hand once again in those areas.

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  • Lasantha
    10-17 10:12 AM
    Hello everyone,

    Those of you who had gone thru this process may be able to help me. My 7 year old daughter is a US citizen. If my family applies for Canadian PR, do I have to apply for PR for her also?. I have heard that US citizens do not need any permission to live in Canada. Any insight is appreciated.


    Not true. She must be included in the application. US citizens can enter Canada without a visa as a visitor. But to become a PR and live and work up there they need the landed immigrant status (PR) just like everybody else.

    And by the way, here is a great forum exclusively for Canadian immigration matters. http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=33

    You guys will get better help in that forum because this one (ImmigrationVoice) is primarily a US immigration forum.



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  • unitednations
    02-18 08:20 PM
    I don�t get the point? If somebody comes here on visitor visa and files for 485 or people here illegally flip over to EB blah blah blah then you fix the loophole, you just don�t kill the 485 measure. If you have a brain tumor then you surgically remove the tumor. You just don�t cut of the head. Your solution to oppose 485 seems similar to that. What about the people who have been waiting for for a couple of years to get the labor and I140 cleared and cannot apply for 485 now, If you get laid off without 485 you don�t get AC21 provisions to get a similar job and the whole process is gone down the drain. Why are you worried about somebody who might do something in future when you don�t even want to bother about the people who would benefit from 485 measure right now and right here?

    As you yourself suggested people from India (eb2 and eb3) should not worry about looking at Visa bulletins for the next 10 years because at current pace it will take at least 10 years. There is no company in USA in technology field which will keep you in the same position for 10 years. And you are opposing 485 on some loophole, so if I am reading between the lines people from India who have not yet applied for 485 might as well pack there bags and go back to India. Thanks a lot for your delightful insight!!!!!

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    A couple of studies came to mind recently that don't involve immigration.

    In Florida there was a plan over 30 years ago to build an artifical reef by planting 2 million tires. Seemed like a good idea but didn't serve its intended purpose and did the exact opposite. Now, 30 years later the person who pushed to do this is saying it was a mistake. There has been so much damage caused by this and now 30 years later they want to fix it. It wasn't studied enough and it was implemented and became a disaster.

    In 1999 at Laguardia airport there was a push to allow smaller airlines some space at the airport; even though the airport couldn't accomodate more airlines/flights. There was strong opposition but they did it anyways. Since then; it takes more then 45 minutes from the time your flight leaves the gate to actually get airborn. The flight time from Laguardia versus into Laguardia has a differential of almost an hour. Now; eight years later they are going to try to fix this. Even though it has been a problem for this long. Wasn't studied or thought of carefully enough.


    Some people are of the opinion that people who have EAD and 485 pending should just shut up because they are enjoying the benefits of it. Well guess what; some of the biggest whiners are the people who have 485 pending but still want to do priority date transfer; are afraid of job loss; are afraid to change jobs, etc.

    Becuase of country cap of 7%; someone filing from ROW in eb3 in 2007 will get ahead of you in line; even though you are from india and a priority date in 2001. Currently, the limitation of ROW people is that they haven't designed a system to get h-1b so they will try to go the b-1 to greencard route.

    People who want to get citizenship badly. Once they get citizenship; what is one of the first things they do? apply for parents greencard or find a spouse and file their greencard (no waiting). For people here on h-1b or greencard and they want babysitters they get their parents on b-1 and try to extend, etc., but eventually parents have to go back. Now; without priority date being current they also come into the stream by filing a labor 140/485 while they are here.

    therefore, you may have a 485 filed but if it is going to take you 10 to 20 years to get the greencard; can you hold onto a same/similar job for that long? Do you think the next step of increasing the quota will come in six months? See my example of Laguardia airport; flight jams since 1999 and now eight years later they are going to decide to attempt to fix the issue. I used to be a frequent traveller and i can't even begin to tell you how inconvenient it is for business travelers to have that type of wait.

    To give you an example; I will post an example of someone on visitor visa trying to get greencard (note; this was a personal e-mail that was sent to me;just in case there are doubters).

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  • hiralal
    06-11 11:04 PM
    your views are correct and analysis looks o.k. too the problem is even the genuine ones get flushed away ..survival of the fittest is not working now at all !!! say a person from worldwide comes in eb3 and say he is just a car mechanic (I know few from south korea who are in this situation) ..they get GC faster than Indian / Chinese EB2 / EB3 applicant (with 10 years experience and good bank balance)
    and Karma means ..do your work / duty and don't worry about results ..we need that ..i.e SEVERAL SMALL Campaigns (since big is not possible now due to members leaving IV / getting dejected that nothing is happening etc etc
    let us not analyze and discuss too much ..we talk a lot and hence the karma that we get is more talk from so called Experts ..lets do numerous small campaigns ..at the very least people will start coming back to IV plus new memberships
    again people are discussing the past and getting stuck in it and my post gets buried ..friends are you listening ??? enough talk !!!!!


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  • mantric
    02-13 02:55 AM
    Yes I believe we have a case.

    The EB immigration system has become a joke where we are fighting for a pittance of this or that quota.

    The current situation is a violation of human dignity of young and skilled american workforce.
    It is a violation of liberty of tax paying law abiding residents.
    It is very unamerican as it closes off opportunities for some of the brightest people in the world.

    Shame on America that this exploitation exists in this day and age in this country.

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  • vjkypally
    09-23 05:41 PM
    Like I said earlier March is the real bottleneck for year 2005. More than 3000 applications.October bulletin has already moved to Jan22'2005. From other tracking sites there are not too many Feb'2005 applications. But we have plenty of March 2005 applicants. Once it crosses March it will zoom ahead to end of 2005.

    But it could be September 2010 by the time it comes to March,2005.


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  • ramus
    07-04 10:57 AM
    I noticed that too but I thought may be they just putting rough nuumber and not exact..
    But you are right there were 3,185 highest ever..

    The following from IV's press release is incorrect. The max # is 3,185

    The group's website has reported a record hit of 2,500 concurrent users since this morning.

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  • GCard_Dream
    10-18 07:21 PM
    You are right. You are allowed to stay 3 years out of last 5 years outside of Canada. Your PR should still be good.

    Dear Folks,

    I got my Canadian PR in Sep 2005. I did the landing and gave a canadian address after which I got my PR. After that I was under the assumption that I have to spend atleast 2 years in a span of five years and did not take any attempt to land into Canada using PR. I am thinking of applying for SIN by post while I reside in US.

    I am not sure now if my PR is still valid??

    Can someone advice?


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  • h1techSlave
    09-25 01:37 PM
    A quarterly spill over is advantageous to every body in the playing field.

    It is obviously good for retrogressed groups. It is even good for CIS, since they can plan their work properly and use up the visas in an orderly fashion.

    So if IV can use some of its massive clout to convince DOS to do a quarterly spill over, that would be win-win for all.

    Unfortunately we will have to wait until march and not december to find out if DOS is doing quarterly spillover because EB2 row already has more than 7000 pending 485, every quarter there are about 10000 Eb 2 visas, so technically there are already enough EB2 row 485 applications to use up the first quarter numbers.

    offcourse there are only 4000 pending eb1 485 applications and assuming not more than a 1000 new eb1 applications are added to the list there would be 5000 visas that could be spilled over into eb2, the problem is we dont know
    1. If DOS will do spillover every quarter
    2. if by miracle they do spillover will it only in there respective categories i.e Eb2 row to to eb2 india\china, or accross categories eb1-row to Eb2 row to Eb2 India\china

    These questions can only be answered by DOS. Hope DOS looks at what USCIS did and comes out with a Q&A of there own which explains if they are going to do a spillover every quarter or not. If not we will still be speculating to no end. Do we have to file another FOIA request to DOS to find out if they are going to do a spillover every quarter? I hope DOL also published a report every quarter like USCUS which contains the numnber of perm applications pending by month, year and country

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  • pitha
    09-25 12:20 PM
    The pending perm applications are the missing piece of information to predict the visa bulletin. Is it possible to get this information from the perm database. I though the perm database was for the approved perm cases. I am sure there is some database (maybe the perm database itself) where we can figure out the pending perm cases. I will search for it, guys please all look into it aswell.

    Can some one who has parsed the PERM database earlier get the count of pending PERM cases as of today (or the lasted available)?


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  • eastindia
    07-30 03:32 PM
    After reading so many cold calling failures, I am yet to see a "success story" of this methodology.

    If nobody got "converted" after being approached by a total stranger in a public place, why does BWW/Quixstar/Amway continue to do it.

    Perhaps we should ask Q/Teddy to collect this data, analyze it and prove to them the futility of it all. Maybe then they will stop and everybody can shop/work/study in peace. :D

    Lot of Amway guys are hiding among us.

    There are lot of Amway guys on this thread making fun of Amway because they fear being ridiculed. But in their real lives they are actually doing Amway business and catching other desis in Walmarts.

    This explains why I got so many reds and bad comments after starting this thread.

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  • villamonte6100
    12-14 01:03 PM
    --Although I agree with what you said in earlier post (I had to debate with someone who thinks otherwise), I find this post in poor taste.

    Please guild your temper while expressing yourself and refrain from bursting out. Looks bad to the outsiders if they visit these forums.

    Ofcourse, humor is always welcome.

    Don't be upset dude. I'm just trying to suggest so that we could think out of the box. I don't think I have a bad taste.

    Honestly, we tend to be discuss to much the law here. We are not experts of law and I think we should start calling our lawyers and talk to them about this idea. Let's see what our lawyers will say and then we can share those comments from lawyers.

    Please don't be upset.

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  • gc_chahiye
    06-28 12:59 PM
    Already it happened for other workers category last month. In mid july THEY WILL STOP accepting 485s if they receive more than they could process.

    For the Nth time, it has nothing to do with how many they receive. If they APPROVE more than the number of available visa numbers, THEN they could/might stop accepting new applications. As long as existing visa numbers are available, they will keep accepting new 485s, thats the law.

    06-12 10:54 AM
    Dude... he is talking about the second best engineering college in India that is located in Rajasthan.. aka - BITS Pilani (my guess).

    I think that is correct. As far as I know, during 80s and early 90s, BITS, Pilani was the second best after IITs.

    05-10 01:04 AM
    You are right on the mark. Need to be physically present 2 years of the next 5 years for your immigration status to be alive in Canada,

    Yes true you might as well stay for 3 years and be eligible for citizenship.

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