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Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • Openarms
    08-17 02:48 PM
    This should not be a silly topic and won't be...I want to take this opportunity to bring the bigger issue here... things happen for a reason... we all need to understand that we have to make a positive out of this issue... Atleast all educated folks like us should be able to channel our wisdom to those folks who feels that they are above all... That kind of mentality should need to change in INDIA for people like SRK and politicians and lot of business tycoons.... I believe this incident is very good opportunity, one more time, once again for all those conscious folks who live here US and INDIA to make things better for life.

    "snathan" do not disappoint when people disagree with you... I 100% concur with your thought process...


    I like the way that you put things in a perspective called your own prism. I do agree lot of things that you say but you seem lack of very basic fundamental human touch...

    World is a BEAUTIFUL PLACE... Mother EARTH is an awesome place to live... do not fall into a trap those who morons used and twisted great peoples words and made this place worse for political gains/reasons. Please do not twist/turn the great one and only Einstein words and his context is different.

    My point here is "Respect should be given by that acts that you do in life...should not be given just by demand"

    All I am saying is that "IN INDIA WE GOT SOOOOOOO MANY PROBLEMS TO SOLVE" why SRK cribbing about this incident... and innocent/ignorant and un educated folks going crazy over there.... instead he can do lot of better things in INDIA so that he can be recognized all over the world and given respect.

    EDUCATION, EDUCATION AND EDUCATION is the only solution for all the problems in the world.

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  • smisachu
    06-16 03:58 PM
    On the Mark:)

    I am waiting in the line as well for GC or to be sent back home and personally, I want everyone to get their GC and don't agree with dilipcr. Kind of off-topic but I made this observation:

    IMHO simsachu's reasoning is sound.

    Your example is not the same as simsachu's. simsachu assumes there are way more "bad" fish compared to the good one's in the population. Hence you need to catch more fish to come across a "good" one.

    You assume the opposite (there are very few bad fish) and hence come to the conclusion that catching more fish would net you more bad fish (but way more "good" fish as well) as well. But given your assumption, it is puzzling why you want to have lesser number of GC's (if indeed that is what you are advocating, I haven't read all the messages in the thread) when you assume there are way more "good" candidates than bad.

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  • logiclife
    12-31 07:17 PM
    US news has covered a book by David Heenan -- "Flight Capital" that essentially deals with the fact that high powered immigrants are leaving this country -- for whatever reason -- and how its bad for America. BAD FOR AMERICA. forget about it being bad of GC aspirants. ITS BAD FOR AMERICA. And we have one of america's own high powered former CEO saying that


    This man has no vested interested in talking about this. Obviously he does not need a GC and he is not on H1. He makes our case. How anti-immigration congressional measure are hurting America as a nation as much as it hurts aspiring immigrants.

    This is an independent non-partisan source who can be quoted in our cause.

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  • intheyan
    10-19 02:35 PM
    Thanks a lot for reading this Question. Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestion. My friend initially came on H1 visa. Her Husband is the primary applicant for Green Card and she was working on H1 visa without break. Now she is on EAD and joined a job in EAD got 2 months pay stubs( ie 8 weekly pay stubs). After that got 3 months break. Her status now is on I-485 and no more on H1. Note: Her husband was the primary applicant and she applied I-485 through her husband's GC.

    Her husband got the GC card and she is waiting for her's. While her husband received the GC she was working on her EAD.
    Now the question is Will the break in her work on EAD be a problem for getting her GC?.


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  • Sheila Danzig
    01-02 05:18 AM
    I would still puruse removing quotas unconditionally. Not everyone will want to buy a house here. We can always propose buying houses will help fix housing crisis, but that shouldnt be a must.
    Instead, I would suggest pay $5K or $10K to expedite it. I am sure many people want to take this. If we are talking about 500,000 people, then with a $5K premium processing, it will generate $2,500,000,000. Is that 2.5 billion.. Not bad. This step wioll not hurt many.


    This is a good idea but it won't help the housing crisis or the economy. It may not be viewed as fair to change the quota simply for those with money to pay a "fee." However, buying a home can put a floor under the housing prices and support the economy.

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  • msp1976
    02-18 12:37 PM
    I differ with you again, my friend.
    The main reason(s) behind less mobilization is this. Pappu described this on a different thread.

    1) Ignorance about the true nature of the problem
    People like you and I don't know that without a change in the laws, they won't get their greencards for another 10-20 years.

    2) Lack of faith and understanding of the system
    People like you and I, once they know that they are getting screwed, think that the situation is hopeless. They don't understand that the merits of our case (you alluded to them in your previous posts, the demographic shift due to the baby boomers retiring requires skilled labor in this country), is sufficient to warrant a sympathetic ear to us in the congress. We CAN freaking get out of the mess we are in.

    We have to accept these two problems. And then we have to address them. How do we do that? Thats the big question.

    I respect your opinion ...but I refuse to believe that people are ignorant...


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  • gc_chahiye
    06-28 08:16 PM
    As per Macaca's logic, pre Oct 2005 PDs will take up all the numbers available for EB2 Indai for 2007, in June and July.

    If that is the case why was the Bulletin for july not set to Oct or Nov 2005 and instead made current. Surely USCIS does not want to deal with all the extra workload if it does not have to.

    DOS/USCIS know the truth, but going by the Ombudsman's report, they want to use up visa numbers as fast as they can. So if they have 30K applications sitting, just waiting for visa numbers, now with everything set to C, they can blindly start approving without even seeing what the date on those apps is.
    Also, with EB3-ROW being 'C' they dont even need to worry about per-country limits. Just pick up the next almost-approved file, assign visa number, mail out. repeat.

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  • senthil1
    03-16 01:24 PM
    It depends on INS. If they notice the overlap between study and experience and they can send RFE. If you send explanation to RFE then it is upto INS to accept or reject. If thy doo not notice then no problem.Some people in INS have some idea about fake experience certificates in India. It is easy to get experience certificate even if you do not work. You can get idea by analysing similar situation.

    QUOTE=Subst_labor]i am not paying anything, its a decent company from NJ. the only thing i am concerned about is that this experience was when i was IN college and it was a really small company (part time thing..)[/QUOTE]


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  • breddy2000
    09-04 12:45 PM
    so now you are a free loader and got a reason for that. Nice try. Try something else..it didnt work out. :cool:

    No point in agruing with fools like you.....

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  • Lasantha
    12-14 04:20 PM
    Well said !!!

    I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

    I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:


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  • visves
    06-28 09:51 AM
    I think the 40,000 number is the wastage predicted by the ombudsman at the prior rate of approval that was prevalent earlier in the year. This probably implies that CIS would have used about 100,000 numbers at it's prior rate or about 25000 per quarter. This in turn would imply that CIS would have roughly 40000 (predicted wastage) + 25000 (last quarter's numbers that might have been used had CIS continued at it's earlier pace) = approx 65000 available starting June 1. I highly doubt if this could be used in just a month or two.

    But all said and done, whatever the real number of visas that's available I feel it's in everybody's best interest to just apply at the earliest they possibly could.

    My take on this is that if 40,000 visa numbers remain for July, August and September, then USCIS by itself cannot use 40,000 visa numbers in one month alone (i.e. in july), because the DOS just supplies them monthly quotas. So, if you take approx. 18,000 per month, you are looking at 18,000 for July and 18,000 for August. Then, USCIS have to use them. Which means USCIS has to approve 18,000 petitions in July. As, I have heard that USCIS just started out sending finger print notices this month, because Priority Dates moved a lot in June 2007. Now, the fingerprints, will come in and forwarded to FBI for security clearance. That will take atleast a month. And, all petitions activated for clearance in June 2007 won't get adjudicated till August 31, 2007, because it takes atleast three months, for a case to approve and the visa number to be used. (Remember Visa numbers are allocated on visas used and not how amny people applied). Please share your thoughts. Thats my 2 pennies.

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  • Dyana
    02-15 12:27 PM
    Thank U all for your quick answers&good advice.It feels good to know I have new friends who can help me with my questions.
    About the cheques u're right, that's how we have done it. Separate personnal cheques for each of us, easy to track online.
    Hopefully we are not out-of-status and my husband's employer is not on th black list.
    How couldn't I figure it out by myself what IV means????Shame,shame...


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  • poorslumdog
    09-04 12:42 PM
    My condolence to them. But I beg to differ that people dying unnecessarily is not a good sign of development.

    Let their soul rest in peace.

    Edited: Ooops, I think misread your post.

    I really appreciate your support senthil. Guys please come forward and dont be shy about nay sayers...

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  • vivid_bharti
    05-01 11:02 PM
    You post tells me you still didn't understand the difference between LTTE and Srilankan Tamil civilians, probably you are still grief striken because of the loss of your "Beloved PM"..
    [QUOTE=Originally Posted by Keeme
    Pandey - I no longer wonder why Mulayam/Mayavati/ Lalu and Paswan rule in UP & Bihar.QUOTE]

    Keemy this itself shows how intolerant you are . On one side you are trying to profess the cause of people from your community from a different country and on the other hand trying to denigrate people from another region from your own country .

    Just because my handle is Pandey you assumed that I am from UP , Bihar and look and behave like the great Mulayam and Lalu and Paswan.

    For your information I have never been to UP or Bihar in my life except once as a tourist nor my parents .

    Your love for Srilankan Tamils seems to be a lot more than your love for your own countrymen.

    Everyone else can decide what you are.

    As for me I am an Indian - nothing else nothing more.

    To Ms. Rambha - When India interfered in East Pakistan to create Bangladesh don't for a moment believe it was to save the Bangladeshis from suffering . Please read the full war history. In any case we are paying the price for that with more terrorists coming from Bangladesh.

    We have paid the price for Srilanka also with IPKF soldiers getting killed in 1987 and then LTTE killing our beloved PM.

    Peace.. I am out ..no more postings on this thread where people from my own country write words of hate for me out of their love for foreigners .


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  • manoj_2002
    07-25 09:09 AM
    But what about the jobs in Canada? How bad is it? Without a job, what is the point of quality of life etc.?

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  • bfadlia
    02-19 02:28 PM
    You guys see everything wrong with us. If the spouse works, you will say they are taking away your jobs. If they study, you say that they pay instate fees where as you pay international fee. If they do MBA and become your manager, you will say that not only they are getting jobs, now they are bossing over us. If they stay at home, you will find wrong with that too saying that they are not doing anything but are getting all the benefits..

    It does not matter if spouses stay at home and lose years of salaries which translates to more than the international fees that some people pay. It does not matter that we have to face hurdles in each and every step of the way, be it when getting medical insurance or life insurance or while traveling. We have to renew visas every year by paying thousands, we have to renew our licences. We have to go for visa stamping even if we have gone for an emergency visit. We have to remain in the same job without growth, without promotion. Do you know it is not easy for a H4 person to get a credit card to start building credit history?.

    If you have a solution to reduce all of our pain without increasing the waiting time for ROW people say it here cause that is what we need and what USCIS will appreciate. You do not have to bring corruption and all that crap into picture. That can be another discussion. If I have to pay fees to get some things faster then I will call it nothing but organized bribery within legal framework. That is what is happening in countries which you say is less corrupt, but then why do you care, you enjoy your soccer game....

    NKR, my friend, i'm puzzled, u speak of in-state tuition, visa stamping, life insurance.. how is that different for ROWs from others, we are all the same in that, we are all the same being skilled immigrants all of us, when i complain that someone says indians and chinese are here in larger numbers because they are best and brightest and ask them to be sensitive it doesn't mean that we all suffer the same hardships.. when i state the fact that bodyshops contributed to the longer lines for some countries i don't say i'm indifferent to your suffering, but i also say it can't be fixed by making another group suffer


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  • Macaca
    06-26 09:43 PM
    unless there are enough approvals happening simultaneously, dates would not retrogress in the middle of the month.

    There were lot of approved cases with USCIS. They have started getting their GCs.

    The # of current applicants who will get GCs will depened on # of approved cases USCIS had.

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  • polapragada
    09-24 12:30 AM
    Sent the E-mail. tomorrow I will send another E-mail from my official ID

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  • logiclife
    01-24 12:29 PM
    hehehe, i dont think the sentence is too light - the US Prison system has so many jokes about the kinds of characters inside them...Hope this mandalapa guy gets a 'great' roomie - Once he comes out he would think twice about 'screwing' genuine GC applicants then - know what i mean??!!!!

    He is going to India after prison. The paper says he is being deported after he gets out of prison.

    So he wont be touching anyone's GC application ever.

    07-27 07:15 PM
    Absolutely. To amway guys:- No means NO/NOT INTERESTED.. PERIOD.. I don't care whether you were flipping burgers or dream to become a millionaire. Do it yourself . Just don't harass people. Next time you will be arrested if you harass people.

    Nobody harassing anyone. You are doing it to yourself. If you are not interested why would they bother you?
    Arrested?? make me laugh...please go ahead.

    07-11 09:45 PM
    I submitted my TOEFL. I think it is enough

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