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Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • angelfire76
    05-29 09:22 PM
    Five letter word: U N I T Y

    How many EB1 people do you see on this board?

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  • u.misc
    01-14 10:12 AM
    This memo is a Blow Job to the anti-immigrant lobby and is politically motivated. Although this won't effect people using EAD but there are number of people who are waiting to file I-485 and would need to extend H1-Bs.

    Lets fight for the rights. A picture perfect example of "protectionism". This memo won't be a doom for Skilled workers but for USA.

    Skill have no boundaries and would find a way to success, if not in USA, somewhere else.

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  • greatguy
    01-24 10:07 AM
    I think, it is too light a sentence for the crook

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  • return_to_india
    05-12 10:10 PM
    I have seen lot of Tamil folks in Kerala ( mainly migrated for construction work ). THose who came earlier speak good Malayalam.


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  • eager_immi
    02-12 10:46 PM
    only the uscis knows, maybe they need some h1bs to figure out the math :)

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  • anurakt
    09-29 10:32 AM
    Does any body have information if we need H1 to be valid for 1 year before applying for PR. Mine is expiring in april 06, can i apply now. will they reject it and i have to resend when i get my extension...please responds...

    this just a fallback scenario i need to prepare.. also can people work on TN visa without a sponsor..

    I think TN visa is only for Canadian and Mexican citizens and not for Canadian Permanent Residents .....

    Can someone confirm that.... ?


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  • voldemar
    03-26 05:56 PM
    Has it passed? I cant wait for it to happen. Once it does, I will feel more confident leaving my employer knowing....No, waiting for OMB clearance.

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  • fide_champ
    08-17 11:17 AM
    You nailed it brother! SRK is just another moron who thinks he owns the world! All things being equal, there is no reason for him to get any special treatment at all -- he is no diplomat or a guest of this country. If there was something wrong with his luggage and/or profile that made the CBP flag him and question him, I don't see anything wrong with that. I can't agree more with you on the stupid "VIP" culture that sits deep in the roots of these glorified-beyond-reality idiots.

    And then there are people here comparing India and the US...what the heck! This is America and they can do whatever they like to keep it safe...who are we to say that our "star" deserves better treatment when they don't spare their own people? :mad::rolleyes:

    This is just a case of another innocent civilian getting affected for no reason. SRK has travelled to US many times and USCIS has his finger print and knows who he is. Still just bcs his last name was khan, they found reason to interrogate him for 2 hours. I just don't see any logic in what they did. We are not saying they should not have all these security checks but it should be consistent and should have some meaning.


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  • jonty_11
    07-10 11:31 AM
    Well said good luck.... I may be following you soon once I have my Canada application nearing approval.....

    Please do share your story with media....IV core can probably help you there.

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  • netnerd
    10-03 10:41 AM
    Dear Friends,

    As of current law, having Master's is NOT exempt from the cap regardless of being EB2 or EB3. While IV is trying hard to get this included in a future bill, this is not the case as of now.

    Hope this helps.

    Did yo umean if new law pass them EB3 is exempt from cap? can you give me some refrence. Also you must have master from us or other country is ok?
    Thank you for your help.


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  • bfadlia
    02-19 02:20 PM
    You are a racist b* who just thinks about yourself and you have been planted here by other camp. U must have come out of some gutter country where democracy has no meaning and you don't know meaning of majority. You are favoring an agenda because it is good for you today. get the hell of this website. You don't belong here you racist bigot. May be we will need to track your ip address and throw you from here at some point of time.You hate Indians and Chinese and come back to IV where we have majority. This is not going to happen.

    x: you are making idiotic arguments
    y: if you think indians and chinese are idiots then you need to leave IV

    please don't stop. your posts speak volumes on ur amazing mentality. i'm still amused.
    i have no problem listening to all that a* b* f* vocabulary, it only reflects on ur maturity, but there is a serious problem when someone continuously tries to drag race into a discussion that does not relate to it.. then in his childish tantrums decides to speak on IV's behalf.. people should be advised to stop doing that.

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  • dealsnet
    05-18 03:11 PM
    I think conventional war was ended. But the mistrust is still there. New organization and another set of gurilla warfare will be start very soon. Many LTTE still in Sri Lanka. They may regroup after some time. The refuge camp will be breading ground. If need peace, settle these refugees to good housing, education and jobs. If Sri Lanka thinks the war is over with LTTE, and rule with same manner like before, no peace at sight. May be the unrest will be not in the north, may be in south.
    For long lasting peace, cosider all minority with equal rights, like in India. Minority get more rights, because of vote bank.

    The state television of Sri Lanka has confirmed that Prabhakaran has been shot dead while trying to flee the war zone.

    And the whole island has been liberated from the LTTE terrorism.

    Here is my salute to the brave and heroic Sri Lankan armed forces, our president and the secratery of defence and to my fellow Sri Lankan brothers and sisters!!!! This is it boys!!!! We did it !!!!


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  • qualified_trash
    11-09 12:53 PM
    Well said. These kind of feelings are general for human beings. But thinking and worrying about any problem is not going to fetch you anything. If anyone has problem, then they have to start thinking about a solution. This is help them to overcome the the real problem. Thinking and worrying about it will make the problem wrost.

    Every human being is having two virtual circles in his entire life. The inner circle is circle of influence on which you have full control and outer one is circle of concern on which you dont have any control. You cannot change the weather(outer circle). Worrying about how cold or hot is not going to help you, but you can wear adequate clothing(inner circle with your control) to over come it.

    So think what you can do with what you have in your control. This will bring peace and happiness in your life and eventually will enable you to overcome big issues in simple way.

    Ok now for BASHERS: IF YOU DONT LIKE, PLS IGNORE IT. I should add this in my signature.

    from the 7 habits by covey.......... nice!!


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  • olivetheoil
    02-13 10:13 PM
    Count me in!


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  • snthampi
    07-28 08:19 PM
    Wait a min , how much had you?? Your status is Member and Kaushal's is a Donor.. wait a min let me think who is donating and who is a FREELOADER here.

    The guy is doing something to make his life better, atleast making an attempt to do something better, why do you losers are trying to demotivate and shoot him down.

    No work is small or big , good or bad , work is work.. you wanna do it , just do it , else walk to out. Do not exhibit the desi attitude "I won't do it as what someone will say and also do not let any one else do it." Grow up.

    No one is telling him or you what to do or not with your life. People are just saying that don't bother us with your trash. Do you get it?

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  • newtoearth
    05-03 12:14 AM


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  • leo2606
    09-23 06:00 PM
    nope, I understand, I see valid points in your opposition. I had a similar discussion with one of my friend couple of months back, I did question about how US economy gets boosted by just GC holders buying house.

    But any way otherside I was thinking what's wrong in just trying.

    You are missing the point of the opposition. What is the fairness in this visa category? Every other category has US benefiting (not short term, but in long term) from us, except this proposed category. Do you think paying 20% down will benefit US enough that they drop every thing and grant you the GC??

    Also, how do you define this 20%? A 20% down in CA will get your 5 homes in Alaskan tundra (ok exaggerating, but not by much). This proposal basically comes down to haves and have nots. By expending time on such misguided legislation, you are not only making the immigrants look like cheap opportunistic ****, but also giving enough fodder for the anti-immigrants that we are only looking for our GC without any tangible long term benefit for US (I could pay 20% down, get my GC, and then become a burden on the state).

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  • GCHope2011
    01-14 01:37 PM
    Ahh my friend willgetgc you are back and thanks for asking nicely. That is really appreciated. Ahh i see that you still have a tinge of anger but no problem. this is progress

    1. Instead of wasting time by answering here on the post, do something constructive for your own gc (whatever that may be).
    Some one has to make it clear and by that i mean explicityly clear to you all that the fact is you people are not the only ones who can write eloquontly and articulate and idea. And that your mob mentality ganging will not work anymore, There are other peoples out there and they also have idea and this is the one way to make sure all you people read what is going on becasue my friend you all are reading. This is the first step. The next step would be discussion of an idea and so one

    2. If you do not believe in IV and what it does, you are truly wasting your time. Second, which IV provision do you not believe in - visa recapture? excluding dependents from being counted? removal of country caps? which one of these hurts your prospects of getting the gc?
    None hurt my prcopect instal All are good for my prospect but my simple statement is that nothing small has passed in congress so there is no gaurentee that anything big will pass so instead of hangng on to the same old ideas (We can all can go back to them when there is mommentum on it) it is time to think about new out of box ideas

    3. Watching cspan definitely gives a person a better understanding of what is happening. No questions about it. But it is a passive exercise, as there is nothing you have done or can do or will do to change the outcome of what is happening.
    It seems that you are way behind the curve here my friend. That was written a long time agao but no matter you read it that is important. To your question yes watching CPAN is a start, i agree a passive start but a start. The next step is active participation but looks like that is something which will not be allowed to happen by all the senior members and donors of IV

    4. Let us hope that this DV bill goes somewhere - what kind of activities do you suggest we should do to prepare for it? With specific details, you may be able to persuade people.
    Ok my friend this is being asked so many times and it is painfull (Physcially) to type it again and again and so i will do it just once more and i would request all IV members donors to read about it here not ask the qeustion again and again but refer to this section which i have highlighted

    I have some plans and ideas. I am sure it would be duplicates of what you intelligent people people have already talked about and maybe implemented in full.

    Maybe, if you had started the thread with your ideas, it would have helped save the 2800 that people have taken away from you...

    Now for me to talk about my ideas (which you ask because you doubt my intentions) i would say i also doubt you guys intentions. I get abuses and specially i have MINUS 2000 points (That many people hated my idea), so for me to talk about it i need some questionable action from you guys who gave me reds because you beleive i am wrong and now want me to explain myself but you yourselves will not change you attitude or hostility

    Please, please, please share your ideas - having created the curiosity, now please do not deprive us of your ideas. Just keep them specific and actionable.

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  • qualified_trash
    06-21 03:11 PM

    Don't waste your time on this. The American employers will never agree to this as LC belongs to them and they don't want to waste time, money and effort again and again. The only problem I see is our desi consulting companies misusing this privilege.

    I would say lets not waste our time as DOL/USCIS is trying to formulate ways to check 'LC Substitution Fraud'. At the same time they don't want to penalize the legitimate substitutions where an employee is already working for the same company for years.

    fighting retrogression and 485 filing during retrogression are important than this.

    Its my opinion only, pls take it on a lighter note...

    - Rishi
    very true ..................... but it is legal so ......... maybe we should all use it.

    I know for a fact that this happens in companies (IT - product development and professional services) and I know this because a friend of mine (our kids play together these days so VERY close) was a beneficiary of such an LC and today has a GC and perm job to die for.......... I ofcourse will NOT disclose the name of the company or person for obvious reasons..........

    He worked hard during his MS days to make it here and is just reaping the benefits of his hard work and ingenuity in identifying the opportunity in a legal system gone kaput.......... so no fault of his.

    06-16 04:53 PM
    For the most part it is if it were left to market forces. Employers, rationally, would only want as much as talent for the price they pay. Most importantly, employers would be willing to go the extra mile to sponsor green cards only if they perceive that the immigrant employee would add value both in the present and the future. Now again, when I say employers, I mean the genuine employers and not the fly by night consulting body shops or the outsourcing companies. I strongly believe that EB based GC for a very large part is built on merit. You may see sme cases wherein some ordinary people getting green cards. They, in my opinion , are mostly from these body shops who got "lucky".
    Of course everyone who have worse qualifications(according to who??-> dilipcr ) are ordinary. Rest of the people are good. This is the same argument as "now that I have GC, let me come out and say retrogressions and less GCs are good, cuz I am qualified and I already have GC."

    And yes I agree EB based GC is built by merit. Merit according to the employer who will keep paying the employee if the employee performs his job at least satisfactorily. Dilipcr is not the adjudicator here, the market aka the employer is. And...... the employer is making sure it is following the regulations prescribed by USCIS.

    Cant believe I am using that word !!!.
    What's not to believe? You just did!

    In my opinion it does not. But be careful in this forum though. People may view your statement as egotistic.
    People don't view any statement that you're from a top college as egoistic. Ppl view it as egoistic when after 15-20 years out of college you still throw around your college name to make other people treat you differently. Dude, after 20 years people from various colleges are working with you, some doing a worse job than you and some better, colleges don't matter any more for the current job. It might have some influence in a new job.

    Now the distortion comes into play when outsourcing companies flout rules and undercut the market through pervasive fraud. Like other industries such as manufacturing/agriculture etc, IT wages are destined to decline but not at this rate. The acceleration in the decline of wages is perpetuated by these scum outsourcing companies. If the decline in wages were let to decline at the speed of market, then it gives talented people time to upgrade skills or move to other industries without having to sacrifice quality of living. So per your argument, yes the end employer is following the rules by employing people from the outsourcing company because the employer does not know or looks the other way of the outsourcing company commiting pervasive fraud. Oh BTW that 80K number was just to highlight that the L1s should be paid high too. It was not based on any scientific or statistical evidence.

    Why are you calling outsourcing companies scum? So do you call the companies that manufacture in China as scum too? I know tonnes of engineers from Infosys, TCS, Wipro and others who work for Google,Msft,Apple,Amazon etc etc. So now that these people have bathed in Ganga(google etc etc) their scum is washed off?

    "the speed of market" -The outsourcing companies are part of the market. Yes the salaries have gone down, but that's according to the speed of the market, not due to some participants outside the market.

    "committing pervasive fraud" - No US or foreign company will keep a company if the value proposition dosen't work for them. For Building a webpage or multi tiered web applications we don't need a rocket scientist. Hence, the market is paying what is deserved. Would you be able to keep a job if you don't perform in the US? Then why will an outsourcing company be treated differently?

    Ok it seems lots of other people are also responding so I'll stop here. :D

    08-17 01:16 AM
    "India to take SRK detention issue strongly with US ". This shows that the govt. of India has got no better things to do, but feels that VIP treatment to movie stars is more important than nation's security. Moreover SRK visit to US was purely personal to promote his film and has got nothing to do with govt. of India.

    This part amazes me most.
    He is an actor on a personal visit and now govt of India has to intervene.

    And look at the protesters.
    There are thousands of more important issues in India and they don't bother them while detention of SRK makes them protest. Hight of stupidity.

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