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Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • maximus777
    06-05 03:26 PM
    There is already a thread working on Government of India to consolidate Pension Fund with Social Security. America already has this type of treaties with few european countries. But looking at the bereaucracy now, this may take next 10-15 years.

    I'll take that timeframe as long as such an arrangement can be worked out. Most of us here have 15+ years to retirement. As long as we get back our hard earned money, and as long as the US govt/treasury feels the pain in disbursing billions of dollars into Indian economy. :cool:

    I know, I can only wish! :rolleyes:

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  • snthampi
    07-30 05:12 PM
    Fake to you because you never had such a chance or courage in life. :D

    But this dude is a hero.

    This gives others a good idea. Instead of saying NO to Amway guys, people will start flirting with both the e-commerce idea and wife. The Amway guy will now have to decide between making money and his wife.

    Well, I never had this type of GOLDEN chances. But, in the future, I will sure keep your advice in mind, when it comes to Amway/Qucikstar folks :D:D:D

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  • Lasantha
    12-14 02:17 PM
    I really don't see how removing the per country ceilings alone without increasing the anual quota will help the entire comminity. If you do that alone all it will do is make the date retrogressed for all the countries even further. So where's the gain?
    Getting the anual quota increased, not counting dependents in the quota and recapturing visas from passed years will help EVERYBODY.

    If people want to think that something petty as removing the per country quota is going to solve all our problms then all the best (and God bless us all) ! :cool:

    PS - Pardon me if this sounds harsh but this is how I see it.

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  • snathan
    08-18 11:22 PM
    sorry, I love preaching.

    by the way I was referring to "the guy who thinks americans think he is a slumdog...." not you or everyone. But then again you think that I think that you lead a life lower than average. If you think you agreed with me, instead of calling it obvious being defensive and, just agree with me. OK? And get that chip off your shoulder as well.

    Can you tell me what do you think finally and what others supposed to think about it...:D


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  • at0474
    12-14 03:55 PM
    Good summary but let me also add the observation that eliminating the per country quota alone will not bring the desired benefit unless the following are also implemneted

    1) Increase of the total EB quota
    2) Exclude dependents from the quota
    3) Re-capture unused visas from past years.

    --Improve processing time to consume full quota allotted per fiscal year. If the cases are processed at snail pace, increasing quota to half a million visa doesn't mean squat to anybody. It will fall into another cycle of "waste visas & recapture visas"

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  • xela
    02-13 02:57 PM
    What ever gave you the idea that EB ROW only wait for 3 years? There's this common misconception flying around here that somehow ROW just cruises by

    YEs all the people I know around me are ROW EB3 and PDs 2002 and 2003 and no GC, so please stop thinking we have it so good!

    With regard to the per country limit.....there is only one for the first 3 quaters and it seems like in the last couple of times in the last quater India and Chine and maybe Phillipines did end up getting more GCs than their per country limit, at least I was so informed by my lawyers.

    Besides that, immigration is a privilege not a right, so if the US wants diversity and limit per country immigration, it is their right to do so. Before you start being shocked by this, I am NOT saying I do not understand your frustration and the feeling you discriminated against, but rights are rights and we knew that before we started the process. If we can improve it great, if we can't we will just have to deal with it realisticly.

    Some EU countries are doing the exact same thing by the way.
    I do believe in diversity in any way and shape, and I do not stand for discrimination. I am just trying to face the reality.
    I also have days when I wonder about leaving my own country which provided me with a wonderful education and how I am taking away from that country by leaving for my own success? if you don't have days when you feel guilty good for you.

    take care


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  • coopheal
    02-23 09:37 AM
    what is the source of you information.
    Can we maintain a information on such numbers on IV itself so that we have one place to see it.

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  • SunJoshi
    12-31 07:30 PM
    US news has covered a book by David Heenan -- "Flight Capital" that essentially deals with the fact that high powered immigrants are leaving this country -- for whatever reason -- and how its bad for America. BAD FOR AMERICA. forget about it being bad of GC aspirants. ITS BAD FOR AMERICA. And we have one of america's own high powered former CEO saying that


    This man has no vested interested in talking about this. Obviously he does not need a GC and he is not on H1. He makes our case. How anti-immigration congressional measure are hurting America as a nation as much as it hurts aspiring immigrants.

    This is an independent non-partisan source who can be quoted in our cause.


    Is there a way you can find out some contact info of the writer? maybe we can ask his help


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  • amitjoey
    07-03 04:59 PM
    If we report "Unofficial report of Scandal at USCIS". That will be picked up by everyone. I am sending it to all the reporters, please help out. We need hundreds of emails to be sent out to create the ripple, or should I say the flood.
    4th of JULY is a great day to get this published.

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  • Marphad
    06-16 04:33 PM
    Nice well thought out arguments. This is the essence of a healthy debate.


    I don't understand why we are doing this debate. Dilip (citizen's representative - dilipcr) feels that living standard is going down coz of H1 & L1 people and not because of 2 wars we are fighting. He needs help. You can do it by not answering him.



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  • maximus777
    06-15 12:13 PM
    The original post is fine only in parts but most of it is totally crap. He says his living standard has gone down because of L1s and H1bs and herds people coming from india, Dude you need to understand that this recession has not been caused by H1b and L1s or other IT workers coming to US, its because of the real estate boom and foolishness of american people who believed that real estate prices will keep on rising to INFINITY.. i don't have to explain how this recession started i hope majority of the people knows about it.. so stop blaming IT workforce for your living standard.. another example.. just seen what happened to GM and chrysler.. they failed to understand the market for small cars and fuel efficient cars.. instead they produced gas guzzlers like hummers.. so do you think they have the brightest minds. We are in this deep shit because of the situations created by americans for themselves and now they want to blame it on legal immigrants for there wrong decisions..

    I believe in destiny or lucky whatever they call it.. its not always that brightest get their GC. I wished i was that bright and intelligent person to predict July 07 fiasco but unfortunately i quit my company in Mar 07.. and i know some people who used subsititued labor in July 07 have their EADs with them. Don't think just by getting a GC or citizenship will certify that your the brightest of all still waiting in the GC queue. I am not sure how many people believe in luck... but i do. I don't matter how bright you are and how hard you work you need some luck also..


    Amen to that.

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  • hopefulgc
    02-13 07:36 PM

    hopefulgc - please dedicate some time and update your first post with more information on lawsuit, you may want to quote lazycis 's posts and other information.

    A lot of people may not be very knowledgable and may backoff when they see the word "lawsuit".

    Those who are saying YES on the poll - it is assumed that you will not backoff - if you have not yet updated your profile on IV - please update your complete profile - this will show that you can be counted on.


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  • zen
    04-01 03:18 AM
    This is certainly one of the popular thread ..why are we so concerned as to who the next PM will be ..are most of us in the forum so concerned because we may have to pack our bags and return to Mother India ?

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  • JunRN
    02-12 07:14 PM
    We are all expecting that the VB will go back to June 2007 figure...it looks like that RoW has been so fast in getting the latest PD back which could come in a very few months time.

    I was not expecting this to come too soon but in June 2008.


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  • gjoe
    02-15 09:38 AM
    Modern Day Slavery in the 21st century

    Any person who is restricted from making travel choices, employer choice, personal choices beneficial to himself and his family, just because his employer or the goverment is restricting him in some form to make monetary benefit for itself, is called a slave.
    I have reached the critical mass in me to take this up on my own, any legal advice and moral support from you guys would be appreciated.


    The current situation is a gross voilation of the constitutional right of employment at will. This amounts to Involuntary servitude which is a more techincal term for slavery. Read yourself the definition of both and make your own judgement.

    In my view (though crazy and totaly impractical) the law suit should be against all the employers because they are the one who represent Govt/USCIS in processing our Green cards. Employers told us that we will process your greencard and you will be a PR in x number of years and now that x is infinite.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At-will (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At-will)

    At-will employment is a doctrine of American law that defines an employment relationship in which either party can terminate the relationship with no liability if there was no express contract for a definite term governing the employment relationship. Under this legal doctrine:

    “ any hiring is presumed to be "at will"; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals "for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all," and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_servitude :

    Involuntary servitude is a United States legal and constitutional term for a person laboring against that person's will to benefit another, under some form of coercion. While laboring to benefit another occurs in the condition of slavery, involuntary servitude does not necessarily connote the complete lack of freedom experienced in chattel slavery; involuntary servitude may also refer to other forms of unfree labor. Involuntary servitude is not dependent upon compensation or its amount.

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  • bestia
    02-14 06:40 PM
    Circus123 & Bestia thanks 4 the quik answers to my first post on this site; By now I just read & learned a lot from this site about GC process.Now it's time to take action because we have a PD current.
    I just wanna be sure about the dates 'cause I cannot rely on my layer 100% because last year he insisted on completing our files 4 GC but he "forgot" 2 mention that our PD is nou current yet!!!
    We'll send the cheques tomorrow!
    I can hardly wait to get my EAD so I can apply 4 a decent job!!!!!!
    Any idea if it takes longer than 90 days?
    thanx all of U 4 your answers.


    I would suggest using your own checks for I-485. This way, once USCIS will cash your checks, and if you have online banking - you will see the receipt numbers on the back of the checks. This way you will be able to see your application status right away. It was very critical (at least for me) during June/July tsunami of applications, as I received the actual receipt pretty late.

    Also, don't count on that EAD, it will be safe to invoke AC21 only after 180 days and having approved I-140. You have good chance to have your AOS adjudicated. In this case you will have to stay with your current employer for at least another 6 months. If you will leave before 180 days and your GC will be approved, then AC21 will not apply and your GC will be revoked.

    I also learned a lot on IV :)


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  • pri
    09-25 06:56 PM
    A quarterly spill over is advantageous to every body in the playing field.

    It is obviously good for retrogressed groups. It is even good for CIS, since they can plan their work properly and use up the visas in an orderly fashion.

    So if IV can use some of its massive clout to convince DOS to do a quarterly spill over, that would be win-win for all.

    Here is the snippet from http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=966830

    Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that if total demand for visas in an Employment preference category is insufficient to use all available visa numbers in that category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limit.

    It appears that DOS does spill-over every quarter.

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  • at0474
    12-14 12:55 PM

    --Although I agree with what you said in earlier post (I had to debate with someone who thinks otherwise), I find this post in poor taste.

    Please guild your temper while expressing yourself and refrain from bursting out. Looks bad to the outsiders if they visit these forums.

    Ofcourse, humor is always welcome.

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  • Lasantha
    12-14 02:43 PM
    Yes BP, in that case Britain too will be oversubscribed just like IN,CH,MXa and PH.
    7% ceiling applies to all the countries not just the ones that happen to be oversubscribed now.

    O.K. Forget for a moment about IN,China,MX and Philipines. Let me understand the "Quota" witihin "ROW"

    Example: Britain, Pakistan.

    Let's say next year tons of nationals of Britain Choose to apply under EB.
    Let's say total is more than 7% of Total 1,40,000 limit.

    Is that allowed?

    Same question for Pakistan...

    01-15 09:44 PM
    The topic is USCIS's memo. Why are fellow IVans discussing H1 versus L1 versus outsourcing. For some reason, a few people here think that all issues are caused by either big Indian companies or small desi companies. Some believe that getting rid of the consulting business model will accelerate their PR application. Wonder what is being achieved from these "lively" debates other than feeding the other side with enough ammo to decimate all of us. I still believe that our focus is immigration reform. Macaca is right about "self inflicted wound".

    Hope folks here watch this masterpiece on Youtube and learn from wild buffaloes - YouTube - Battle at Kruger (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM)

    Nature will never cease to amaze us.


    12-14 04:45 PM
    I find it abominable that there are still some humans(?) left in this century who want special benefits based on their race and country-of-origin in this 21st century !

    It's time people were measured on merit instead of he is Indian, Chinese or some other nationality. Eliminating country quotas is part of IV strategy on the homepage. If someone has issues with it, well you are working against IV strategy !

    Stop dividing people based on ethnicity - Indians, Chinese and others. Every one deserves equal opportunity, not based on their country, race or color (all abominable ideas to me) , but purely on merit.

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