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Thursday, June 30, 2011

2011 bet awards nominees

images 2011 BET Award Nominees Have 2011 bet awards nominees. BET Awards 2011 Nominees for
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  • msp1976
    02-14 06:55 PM
    On the USCIS site there is a statistics section and there are many xls files there that you can refer to....

    wallpaper BET Awards 2011 Nominees for 2011 bet awards nominees. The 2011 BET Awards 2011
  • The 2011 BET Awards 2011

  • sledge_hammer
    02-16 06:50 AM
    1) Does this mean that if we link from our webpages/homepages to IV, that it will count?

    2) How about if I set up a website, create a thousand pages in it, and put a link to IV on each of those pages? Does that count? Is it the number of pages that point to IV that count? Or the number of websites? Do you know how the spiders work?

    3) Also, how about clicking on IV. Like, can I google retrogression, and then go to page 2, and then click on IV. Will that count? If it does, then we can all do that daily. All the bums that come here and don't pay, they can atleast do this.

    I am bringing this up because I had been googling retrogression for a long time, and IV never came up.

    Yes that will work. This method of making google bring up a link on top is called "google bombing". This is exactly the method that was used to make George Bush's biography appear as the first link when you googled the key "failure".


    2011 bet awards nominees. hosted a 2011 BET Awards
  • hosted a 2011 BET Awards

  • unseenguy
    06-12 01:21 AM
    If you have seen any companies misuse the H1 and L1 visa, you can complain about them. Dont go screaming around that the whole H1 and L1 program is bad. Its because of people like you that a whole group gets a bad name due to some rotten apples. Btw, all your arguments dont seem to help the IV community. Why are you even here on IV if your idealogy is not aligned with IV ? If you cant support us we dont need suggestions from a traitor like you.

    He has not learnt his lesson. Let him figure out why he was laid off thrice.

    2011 The 2011 BET Awards 2011 2011 bet awards nominees. at the BET Awards 2011,
  • at the BET Awards 2011,

  • DallasBlue
    07-03 07:52 PM
    primetime@abcnews.go.com; 2020@abcnews.go.com thisweek@abcnews.go.com ; nightline@abcnews.go.com ; tmoran@abcnews.go.com ; 60m@cbsnews.com ; arooney@cbsnews.com

    just now sent emails to the above, Request you all to do the same to bring their attention.


    2011 bet awards nominees. [UPDATE] Watch BET Awards 2011
  • [UPDATE] Watch BET Awards 2011

  • _TrueFacts
    09-08 10:19 PM
    The 'born again' politician – 3 (http://kumarsbol.blogspot.com/2009/09/ysr-1949-2009-born-again-politician-3.html)

    by Kumar Narasimha; Kumar is set for a comprehensive biography of YSR.

    Estimates vary on how much wealth YSR's very large extended family and circle of friends accumulated between 2004-2009.Some say it is close to Rs. 50, 000 crore and others say it is probably around Rs. 25, 000 crore. Whatever the number is, even Naidu's mind might have boggled at the scale, I reckon.

    So, what is the political and/or developmental legacy of YSR ? Large scale corruption through crony capitalism balanced by welfare doles to the poor ? Or is it, as seen by his fans, a balanced approach to development between the urban areas and the rural ones? Or, is it, center right to make business happy and center left to make the poor survive? To me, it looked like YSR focused on winning the 2009 election from day 1 of his first term and he did this by systematically giving out sops.

    2011 bet awards nominees. The nominations are in!
  • The nominations are in!

  • _TrueFacts
    09-05 03:27 AM
    It seems like YSR was a very evil man. We must celebrate now that he has died.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Just as we celebrate Ravana's death with sweets and lights. Good riddance ... good for AP.


    2011 bet awards nominees. Last night the 2011 BET Awards
  • Last night the 2011 BET Awards

  • bfadlia
    02-15 04:38 PM
    America is about freedom and liberty and is a law abiding country. Country caps is discrimination with people of two countries which have almost half of the population in the world. I am not saying increase visas for India or China. I am only saying increase the total number of visas and then make the system FIFO so that every skilled person in this world have same access to immigration.

    Finally an honest admission. You finally say there are more Indian and Chinese here because they have huge population.
    If you can't see the insult in keeping to say "best and brightest" then I would have wasted my time.

    2010 hosted a 2011 BET Awards 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Award Nominees Have
  • 2011 BET Award Nominees Have

  • don_don
    03-16 01:28 PM
    Are you from India,,if yes, think again,,,the EB3 2003 PD may not buy u much,,u may be well know trying to go for perm and 140 with current EB2...eb3 for india is a black hole,,,i hope u know what a black hole is,,,its kinda dangerous!!


    2011 bet awards nominees. at the 2011 BET Awards.
  • at the 2011 BET Awards.

  • 485_se_dukhi
    07-26 08:54 PM
    I think the reason people get defensive is because love for your country is an emotional topic (some might call it patriotism)...just as love for your mother (or parents) or religion or political party etc. These are deeply personal issues. When you question any of these, expect fireworks.

    Many people migrate for better opportunity/ better lifestyle. Is that enough reason to question why they still love their original country? I might move from Lucknow to Bombay (for those of you who don't know these places, please substitute Wichita to New York) for the same reasons. Does it mean I stop being nostalgic about Lucknow? or stop loving it? How does migrating affect my love for the place one was born and brought up in?

    Needless to mention there are people from different countries in this forum. So lets refrain from implying that people who immigrate should not love their original motherland/fatherland etc.

    Actually its getting quite ridiculous now. So may I again request the moderators/ admin to pls close this thread. Thank you.

    I think this thread has definitely deviated from its main theme.


    hair at the BET Awards 2011, 2011 bet awards nominees. at the BET Awards nominee
  • at the BET Awards nominee

  • needhelp!
    09-23 04:04 PM
    I just finished sending the emails one at a time with a little customization.



    2011 bet awards nominees. month#39;s 2011 BET Awards.
  • month#39;s 2011 BET Awards.

  • BharatPremi
    07-13 01:47 AM
    As I mentioned, I love it in the States. But to love the States is not to say other places are not also very good. And when weighing your options between perpetual immigration and settling somewhere else, there might be value in considering other options. Which by the way, is the point of the this thread. Perhaps nuance is lost on someone of your obvious genius.

    Also, I was quoting from a set of facts related to The Economists quality of life Indexes. Helping to inform people. In addition to that, I've lived many, many years in all 3 countries.

    You on the other hand, contributed exactly what to the conversation?

    I hope you recall your message to me next time you complain about the US immigration system and they say "So? If you hate it so much, why don't you F@@K off back to where you came from?"


    I would not take much to reply your junk...I have also replied to other one so please read that... I can be ready to read your ... if you first prove by taking Canadian Immigration and start writing this junk from your promising land of Canada. IN that case not only me but many others would see legitimacy.As long as you are on USA land please do not be contradictory... That is it. Bye for now.

    hot [UPDATE] Watch BET Awards 2011 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • prem_goel
    05-29 03:12 PM
    I strongly feel you guys are right regarding EB1 misuse. I also know of some people who are applying in EB1 using these loopholes. we should do something to stop this fraud.

    I've read other people's comments in this thread about how Cognizant is misusing EB1 category. I know a couple of folks who did that. This is something that should be brought up to the right people's observation. I plan to submit WH-4 atleast to begin with, against this company. Please PM me if you know anyone else who frauduently represented himself/herself for EB1 category.


    house Here are the 2011 BET Awards 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Awards Nominations
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominations

  • PlainSpeak
    01-13 12:54 PM
    Do not overanalyze any bill- All these bills are mere drafts until they come on floor for debate, and even after that they go thru amendments, rewriting, and the final bill comes out in most cases to be very different from the original. Even after the bill is passed in both houses, the committees that are responsible in reconciling the bill will tweak it and fine tune it.
    This means that even good provisions can be deleted at any time during the debate, thru an amendment lobbied by the antis- if the EB Community is not vigilant.
    To give you an insight: In Dec 2005, there was a line item in a bill that would have recaptured visas for EB applicants, the bill was passed � and at the last minute this provision was deleted.

    IF you read through the provisions and the paper that IV created for lobby days in July 2010- Each one of the provisions and the underlying text that IV is asking for has been written with clear understanding of the issues EB applicants face- It is written in a way that if incorporated in any of the bills as an amendment- will give fair and balanced numbers to all categories -EB3, EB2.

    So, regardless of which bill (Immigrant friendly) comes on the floor- IV will lobby to have this package included as an amendment. Or IV will lobby to get this inserted into the main bill.

    So- Please, do not get worked up about EB3 vs EB2. OR India vs China vs World

    The real work is to be vigilant about what bill has the chance to come on the floor and then lobby to get the amendments included.

    There are bigger issues for our community- Not one immigrant friendly bill has come up for debate in the last 4 years (exception is the dream act). And here the IV Community is debating and fighting about provisions about one of 100 bills that might never see a chance on the floor.

    The big battle is to advocate and lobby at grassroots to get a bill to come on the floor- persuade lawmakers to be cosponsors for a bill that will help us, and then when the bill is up for debate, we can talk about what we should include as amendments or insert in the main bill to make it fair for everybody.
    Mr amitjoey yours is the first sane reply to my comments till now. I like your style. And yes there is no sense sighting till the actual bill is tabled. What concerns me is the wil lof IV to do something right for a change. As i said in the inital post (which was long by the way, but sorry i am through in everything i do) the chances of the bill getting debated far less passing is so less it makes no sense to fight now. So all we have right now is dicsussions where me as concerned party in this matter have come up with an idea. Now an idea by definition is just that. begeneining. It might work out it might not work out but it has to be discussed through and that i all i was loking for, but unfortunalty some EB2 members on this forum got abusive and have now come to a level where they are lying about receiving nasty IM from me

    As to your statement
    There are bigger issues for our community- Not one immigrant friendly bill has come up for debate in the last 4 years (exception is the dream act).
    I would humbly beg for some clarification because If not one immi friedly bill has come up for debate in the last 3 years what justification is there is the IV charter statement that we will fight for removal of country quota and recovery of unused visa. What chances are there that these 2 items wil be debated and be part of any immi friendly bill in the future

    I am not sure if you have gone out in public recently but this country has become a lot less immigrant friendly for various reasons beyound the scope of this forum but nevertheless a lot less immigrant friendly

    tattoo The nominations are in! 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Awards nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards nominees

  • lahiribaba
    10-09 05:32 PM
    china an economic superpower..;-)..good joke..

    China is not a superpower economically? you must be still in your 1980s time capsule ... in a few years China will definitely have as much economic clout as US...and FYI there domestic consumption is now big enough to sustain them.

    It is not simply that...immigraion is not always abt economics..its more and beyond... the US vision of a global melting pot has nothing to do with purchasing power of educated immigrants....

    Yes immigration is not about economy only but a vibrant economy is the direct result of infusion of more skilled human resouces. Since you are in a self imposed time capsule my friend let me remind you it is not about being a melting pot anymore it is about being the salad bowl where everyone preserves their own identities yet affirms to a common goal. It is prehistoric to still not link vibrancy of economy with immigration. Like President Bush said "When immigrants assimilate and advance in our society, they realize their dreams, they renew our spirit, and they add to the unity of America.
    ".. It is time that folks adjusts themselves to the new world reality.

    every desi here thinks he is that elusive golden goose..that the US govt has been waiting for...and to prove that they are ready to shove their hand up their arse and pull out the golden egg and exchange it for a piece of card..:rolleyes:

    I did not recall mentioning anything about your favourite fairy tale of a goose and a butcher and some eggs. My point is that this economy can be fixed by letting the aspirations of legal immigrants run free which include setting up businesses , raising families , buying house etc. Yes the GC is a way to free those aspirations.

    i dont know who your financial advisor is who is suggesting that u buy a house in an economy that is in recession..:mad:

    Well it is upto someone to see the glass half empty or half full. There are lot of people who is of the opinion that it is a great time to buy .. buy low sell high .. that is the mantra.

    btw..thanks for those red dots..

    No freaking idea what you are talking about.


    pictures Last night the 2011 BET Awards 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Awards
  • 2011 BET Awards

  • leoindiano
    07-17 09:35 AM
    Dear Attorney,

    I had 2 I-140's for same job, same employer. Both approved. When lawyer sent I-485 package they sent the receipt of I-140 which had earlier PD, Which is what i wanted. I saw an LUD on other I-140 on 11/27/2007 almost after a year it was approved. Is that a matter of worry?

    On I-485 receipt, Priority Date field is blank. How can i confirm that they got the correct I-140 attached to my I-140?

    Thank You

    dresses 2011 BET Awards Nominees 2011 bet awards nominees. The nominees for the 2011 BET
  • The nominees for the 2011 BET

  • vikki76
    02-19 12:03 AM
    I like it too Alisa.Very well said.
    H1-B, High Skill Immigration needs to be separated and we should know an answer from US govt/public official ,what matters most.
    If I don't get a GC within next 2 years, I will be forced to start my new hi-tech venture from Bangalore.


    makeup at the 2011 BET Awards. 2011 bet awards nominees. Here are the 2011 BET Awards
  • Here are the 2011 BET Awards

  • snthampi
    08-02 04:38 PM
    Same here. Let us give green to each other and make us very green. How about that?:)

    I agree and will do.

    girlfriend 2011 BET Awards nominees 2011 bet awards nominees. 2011 BET Awards: Nominations
  • 2011 BET Awards: Nominations

  • sobyb
    05-01 04:04 PM
    Hi Keeme,

    My post was not about double standards BUT about opposing terrorism, it doesn't matter if its LTTE, KHALISTAN, TALIBAN or any other organisation which terrorises the society. These terrorists outfits should be handled beyond any religious, linguistic or any other consideration.
    Regarding support for common man/community, we should oppose any human rights violation against any individual/community, there shouldn't be any double standards BUT at the same time action against terrorist outfits should not be compromised.

    hairstyles month#39;s 2011 BET Awards. 2011 bet awards nominees. BET Awards nominations and
  • BET Awards nominations and

  • bayarea07
    07-22 03:41 PM
    Good one

    This is my reply to these Amway leeches: Whenever I am asked What I do for living/where do I work.
    My Reply (with straight face): I work for a Law firm. We specialize in frauds and scams law suits. Quick as a wink they disappear after hearing this. This has worked so far.:D

    05-03 02:19 AM
    There is a real truth and history. thats why the whole world is crying for Ceasefire and Diplomacy!!!

    Extract from the news
    Ceasefire pressure
    Mr Bildt told the BBC: "They have said I am not welcome at this particular period of time - they were saying that they can't handle too many people.
    "There must be some sort of reason but it has to be a rather odd one."
    Mr Bildt said he was recalling the Swedish ambassador in Sri Lanka for consultation, adding that Sri Lanka did "not seem to be too interested" in its relationship with Sweden at the moment.

    dude i have said civilians in all wor/terrorism zones need to be supported. Please read my posts.

    05-25 12:41 PM
    Did you send your web fax today?

    Please do

    Thank you

    Have you got the Canadina PR? If yes, how much time it took for you get the canadian PR? I believe we need to write the english test also to apply for Canadian PR.

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