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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • shreekarthik
    06-22 09:23 AM
    so where can I get labor for sale ?

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    07-17 12:44 PM
    Hi Kshitijnt,

    If it doesnot mattter: May I know, what was the problem found in your labor.. Is it due to Acquisition, or because of your Educational/ occupational postiion.

    Can you share some info.. Just for awareness.


    For short term yes. Long term No.

    If there is a surge of ROW applicants. India & China applicants are at severe disadvantage.

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  • ganguteli
    04-01 11:02 PM
    Are you 'high skilled'?
    Your logic suggests otherwise!

    There is no word as high-skilled in the law. We all are in the skilled category. High is probably added by the media. Maybe because most people are computer programmers and it seems tough to an average Joe.

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  • okuzmin
    05-25 12:34 PM
    I provided a statement of funds with the original application. They asked for an updated statement when they sent a request for medicals and updated FBI fingerprints. So, you'll most probably have to provide a letter from your bank twice.


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  • panini
    05-11 05:16 PM
    Yes, I have seen this and more than enough LTTE sponsored propoganda web sites. This is nothing new. Just beware, do not believe everything you see. Do your own research and form your own opinion.

    Read this report if you have time. This will tell you why the problem in SL will be there for ever. Again i am not supporting LTTE.

    If SL does not change then someone else will come even if there is no LTTE.


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  • amsgc
    12-21 04:07 PM

    I agree that it is not going to be easy - but I don't see any other way.

    It is easy to throw numbers - 200K, 500K waiting, 750K apps received etc. etc., but unless there is evidence to back it up, these numbers mean nothing. What is our answer to a Senator who asks how many people are waiting in line Eb category? And what is the source of that data?

    How else can we estimate how much money we are paying every year in taxes and contributing to the growth of the economy? Or, how many really intend to buy a house on receipt of the Green Card?

    Perhaps we can think of some other strategy to arrive at some concrete numbers - but I sincerely don't think a database of anonymous unverifiable members is of much use. By the way, when I said verifiable, I meant that if a representative from a senators office were to randomly call a number from the database, he would find a legal immigrant at the other end who is trying to find his way through this process.

    I like the idea of a temporary green card - there has been talk about it in the forums in the past. We could also consider pitching the idea of "expedited/early evaluation/adjudication", of the I-485, for a fee. The main point could be:
    - For a fee, you will know for sure whether all your paperwork/interview work is complete, the case has been adjudicated, and your application is waiting only for a visa umber.
    - Once the case is adjudicated - the USCIS sends you a letter that it is complete. Now can do almost anything with your EAD/AP - work for any employer, any field, any state, study, start a business etc.

    The USCIS can define the criteria for accepting cases for early evaluation, such as:
    - PD older than 3 years
    - Buying a house etc.
    - Attempting to start a business, changing job, going back to school to enhance skills etc.

    Any other thoughts, any one?

    I will be surprised if you get many mails - if you are asking people to reveal their phone numbers and the estimated taxes - how many will send mails ? and how can you verify what is being sent ??
    the main point should be keep it simple !!!
    -- I suggest this ...
    1) come up with a plan ..either to send letters to media or logfren or both ..tell them about GC and housing and to speed up the process for those already here (rather than increasing h1 - which is controversial during slowdowns).
    at the very least give us temporary green cards (if they cannot do a recapture) ..this temp card should be similar to permanent GC ..but it should give the applicant the freedom from RFE's etc (I know these sound difficult ..but it is new year and who knows Santa may grant us our wish :)).

    2) give them approx figure that there are 300k families who are planning to buy house sooner or later ..but the GC is preventing them.
    3) the other main point is to keep on increasing IV's member ship by telling everyone about this campaign ..maybe we need the dedication like the AMway guys to increase membership !!
    (also ..please post on one thread and keep only one thread active at a time).


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  • sargon
    04-01 12:05 PM
    Oh oh oh....

    We have a situation here.


    You Idiot,
    When you keep updating this thread it keeps coming on top.
    I ignored it for a few days and finally clicked to see what the Fuck is going on here.

    Now it seems even moderators are joining this madness.

    If infighting keeps continuing on this forum and you keep discussing non-immigration related topics here, you will never get your green card. FOCUS!

    It is strange that you all want green card so that you live in USA but pretend to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO concerned about Prime Minister of India and then start blaming each other..

    No wonder NumbersUSA etc are succeding..

    Please remove my profile and user ID from the system. I can't be part of these morons. I shall get my GC when I shall have to get it. I am not here to discuss non-GC related issues. There are many more forums to do that.

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  • Roger Binny
    05-28 11:46 PM
    Problem is with out any attorney's support or making a case for them they cannot file it, stupid creativity by legal folks and these sweat shop clowns.

    Same thing happened with labor substitution, these clowns sold their labor certifications to just came in tards for a premium, and they got their GC's.

    Fr****ekkkkkin loop holes.


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  • thepaew
    12-13 04:46 PM
    It will be a total waste of effort. Congress has exclusive purview to regulate relations, commerce, etc. with foreign nations. No lawyer/court can provide quick fix and the case will not be heard.

    No shortcuts guys!! For any real change we have to convince the US Congress and the Executive Branch. And that involves time, commitment and money.

    It will be a waste of money. The US does not have to allow any immigration if it chooses so. Do you realize that getting a GC is not a right, but a privelege? It's a matter of grace and no court has jurisdiction to review if government says "no".

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  • chanduv23
    08-16 12:03 AM
    I just read through this thread and made some interesting observations.

    We all have our own opinions and I am bringing all this into context by considering the fact that most people on this thread are people of Indian origin.

    So here is my opinion too.

    Looks like there is a process followed by the security officials that flags people based on certain factors.

    Now, we can talk for hours and discuss and debate - but we really don't know how such a system is working. It might be working great in the POV of some people who claim that it helps with filtering out the terrorists.

    If it is a frequest occurance and is affecting everyone - then there is definitely issues with such a system - but do we hear such stories regularly? We don't. We hear stories of Abdul Kalam or Shilpa Shetty or Sharukh Khan because they are celebrities.

    It might be happening quite often and we never know.

    It looks like a lot of "discretionary" power lies in the hands of these officers and at times they may just not listen or heed to anyone.

    In my opinion a "discretionary" power is something that needs to be associated with good judgement. Rules and systems are in place to "help with things in a good way" and need not be the other way.

    If someone feels bad about something - it is not their fault as one cannot control one's feelings. This is exactly what President Obama explained at the "beer summit"

    In the modern world the definition of racism has changed. There is nothing called racism or discrimination which relate to their original meanings. For eg.. Indian students in Australia not necessarily be attacked by a particulal race - most time they are attacked by a mob of different kinds of people.

    In reality "all of us are living in today's world where there are issues - some are vocal about it, some deny it, some supportit and some oppose it.

    Lets think like a cynic - cynical people are good thinkers because all those cynics out there have become so due to series of different experiences the eventually changes the way they think.


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  • riva2005
    03-16 01:05 PM
    There are many more Nick Mandallapas out there selling labor certs to highest bidders for GC.

    Nick Mandallapa went to prison, but others are still out there doing it coz most likely, the Dept of labor is not equipped to catch all the labor sales.

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  • FinalGC
    07-22 02:14 PM
    My experience with amway - Very close friend of mine joined amway once he came to US, and within a few weeks, tried it on me. And at the end, he branded me as closed minded person when I said no many times. Forgot the 4 year friendship and never called me for the past 7 years. Oh well, my wife keeps telling me, those who don't understand us cannot be good friends. And after seven years, I agree...


    I had a similar experience. One of my closest friends helped me come to US. We both were in school doing our MBA and there we both attended this new intriguing seminar to do business. Amazingly I stopped and he went on with it, unfortunately all I can say is I lost my good friend to Amway.

    He asked me why i was not interested, i said the complete motive of this business is to make money and nothing else, which I have a difficulty in doing. Yes, I want to work to make money and take joy in my work , but not just work for money....

    He became angry with me, after that and ever since never connected back. Recently he connected with me on Facebook, but that too looked like a cold contact......Yes it is true you loose friends through Amway.


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  • dilipcr
    06-16 01:50 PM
    Easy for you to say when you are applying for your citizenship. You sir, are an idiot. And if you were really on H1 for as long as you claim, you are a mean idiot, no less.

    Retrogression is a scar on the face of EB immigration.

    Thats the reason every immigration bill so far related to EB has tried to resolve this issue. Anyone who says retrogression is good is either misinformed or a pychopathic specimen that needs instant mental evaluation, followed by treatment and observation in an asylum. The observation should continue for as long as it takes a typical EB3-India case to get approved. To paraphrase your quote: "The truly cured would still be observed until their turn for release comes"

    Why do you have to resort to calling names ? Are ad hominem arguments the best you could come up with ? Let me give you an analogous case wherein people say that a recession is a good thing. Recession occurs in order to cleanse the economy of bohemian excesses and inefficiencies. Do you think that such people are sadists and belong to the mental asylum ? Of course there are people who get affected in a recession. Does it mean it is not desired ? In a similar vein, you need to understand that there were and are huge gaping inefficiencies in the current immigration process. There has to be a way to curb these excesses and inefficiencies. Retrogression may not be the best way but it is the only way utilized right now. If you still believe that I have to subscribe to these inefficiencies despite having gone through the immigration process, I am sorry I beg to differ.

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  • snthampi
    07-31 11:52 AM
    Thanks Thampi. Someone does not see that as funny as you. Gave me two reds. But I dont care. That was a just a joke and I did not belittle anyone.

    Don't worry man. Some people take things too personal and just live in a box. This thread is hilarious and inspiring in terms of keeping our spirits high after reading all the negative stuff like waiting for another 5 years for the 485 outcome. So, keep going.


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  • maddipati1
    03-27 02:43 PM
    people went to see another guy taking oath too, who caused recent genocide in Iraq.. Indian PMs are way better than that asshole. Atleast they are only corrupt and dont cause genocide.


    I am just wondering.....
    when will the day come when a lot of us will rush to Delhi.....braving the cold/heat....stand for hours........dancing to tunes of pop singers......while awaiting our beloved PM to show up and take oath of office........just like hundreds of thousands did when obama took office.........
    I am just wondering.....
    will any one of us spend money to travel to Delhi to witness the next swearing cermony, assuming it where held in an open place, lets say raj ghat or something like that.
    I am wondering.....
    when will that charismatic leader (with really good intentions and sence of direction) emerge? from, a billion? Why is it taking so long? Is the whole germ pool spoiled? why dont we get the good ones to lead such populated nations? I dont have a clue about where and with whom the problem lies....

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  • fide_champ
    08-17 10:27 AM
    This is a country of law. If your name is flagged by any reason, no matter who you are, you are going to send for secondary investigation. There are thousands of peoples pulled for secondary investigation everyday. Are they all Khan? SRK, you lost your credibility on this issue.
    In 2002, then President Bush's two teenager twin daughters were charged for producing fake ID to buy beer in the Texas bar. Instead of supporting daughter, President apologize.
    In Baltimore, where I live, charged Micheal Phelps (winner of 8 gold medals in last Olympic) for having accident with expired Driving License.
    When India will come out of "Celebrity worship"?

    Does president OBAMA come through US port-of-entry and all the security checks when he lands on US from a trip abroad? or does he land directly in white house? Don't tell me the US officials don't make exceptions. Only the degree to which they do differs from country to country.


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  • mallu
    02-16 01:50 AM

    When a category becomes "Unavailable" it means that the entire annual supply for that category has been used up for that fiscal year (which ends Sept 2008). Given the degree of the EB-3 ROW retrogression, I very very much doubt there will be ANY spillover from ROW to India. At present, DOS plans to move EB-2 India only if EB-1 India has excess visas. The quota for for EB-1 India is 2803 (including dependents) in any fiscal year. So let us consider some scenarios -- say half the EB-1 India are available, so 1401 are given to EB-2 India -- do I think there are 1401 EB-2 India applicants with dependents ahead of me -- average family size of 2.2 means approx 636 applicants? Yep! No doubt about it! Hell I'm sure that there are 2803 EB-2 India applicants ahead of me.


    Suppose the admin fix to recapture 'lost' visas is a success. How many will India Eb2 get out of that ? May be 5000 ?
    One really needs to know the number of India Eb2 applicants pending in each year ( of PD ) . If it iturns out , say , there are 25000 I-485 applications with PD up to year 2002, then ?!
    Will a USCIS customer service rep be able to help us with this question :
    "Sir/Madam how many India EB2 applicants are waiting , with PD earlier than mine ? " .

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  • go2roomshare
    07-11 06:11 PM
    I know people who got their GC in 7 months from the date they filed PERM. and then there are many people getting GCs every month. There are both good stories and bad stories to tell about getting GC in US.

    There were times when H1 quota never reached the limit during the whole fiscal year, now they get used in just 2 days. This mess in GC process is a result mainly due to our own actions (temporary workers and consulting companies hiring temporary workers). Do you think majority of us once we get GC, stay with the consulting company that filed for our GC? When a consulting company files for PERM, they already have a foreign national working under H-1B in that position. So where is the real intent to hire an American when some foreigner is already working at that position?

    This employment based GC is a way for us foreigners to immigrate to US easily at one point. Now due to our extreme usage and abuse of this process, there are genuine people who are being sponsored to immigrate to US are also suffering. In a true employment GC scenario, the company should be desperate to keep you for a long time (more than 6 years after H-1B is maxed) for your valuable skills that they were unable to find in others. But in most GC cases, looks like we temporary workers are more desperate than our employers for the GC? aren't we? Do you see any companies sweating on how to retain you with them, because you H-1B is expiring and they have no way to keep you?

    Do not put all the blame on US immigration system, the majority of the blame should fall on us and the companies who are helping us to get GCs when our cases are not based on genuine sponsors.

    You are right, this is partly true. I work in one of forture 20 company , they redid whole GC on EB2 since Eb3 PD is getting wrost. it wad done just to make me happy and keep me with the company. How many employers will do that? I know lot of my friends had to prey employers and pay from their pocket for same. It is really comes to individual case. on whole i belive we are in more disparate position for GC than employers who really should be.
    this is open secret, don't you agree.

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  • suriajay12
    09-24 07:59 PM
    congress or the president or USCIS is not going to come and physically check whether you are staying in a house or apt ..and it is not that the original suggestion will become a law in the exact terms (I cannot imagine that there will be a law saying that only those who buy house with 20 down will get GC) ..i.e. the purpose here is to show the giving faster GC's to people who are waiting since 8 years helps the economy in some minute way. and the reverse (i.e. to make a highly paid immigrants wait in line for 8 - 10 years) does not achieve anything !! ..INFACT if there are lot of job losses and if those who are here for 8 plus years start to go back (with their bank balances) ..THEN there will be measurable losses for US ..because the IT person not only takes one job to China, India or some other place ..but also trains lot of youngsters in those places and who end up taking more jobs away ..a BIG loss (plus buys house there, pays taxes, services there) (but I guess politicians are too selfish to see that !!).
    it is as simple as that !!! i.e. give people faster GC's and it helps the US ..make them sweat and keep them in limbo does not achieve anything...will it work God knows ..but it is worth trying since nothing else is happening and soon if things worsen then the GC will be meaning less for many.
    Also, In the end ..if we do go back ..then atleast we will have the satisfaction that we tried everything ..
    on unrelated thoughts ..this wait really sucks ..for me it is almost 5 years since I applied for GC and I cannot even imagine how the people who applied in 2001 / 2002 feel.
    -------- and on related point ...don't rush to buy houses if u don't have a GC (actually this makes sense for those on GC too) ..here is a point from an article by Meredith Whitney who sort of became famous after making some correct forecasts.. this article was written today.
    Whitney said home prices were not close to bottoming and expects prices to ultimately be at least 25 percent lower from current levels. She also sees further declines in homeownership rate.

    The unemployment rate, which is up over 40 percent year-on-year in key states, is "headed materially higher," Whitney said.

    I agree with you.. We need to make the points clear, point wise too. A big letter.. some points may be missed.


    09-23 12:29 PM
    I think the $700 billion bail-out will just go down the drain and will be lost due to market speculation...stocks will spike but then will go back to its lows or even lower....and then, check-mate!

    it's like a band-aid to a big wound.

    06-01 02:28 PM
    The only solution , to all our problems, is a LAWSUIT.
    The earlier some one has the balls to do it , the better it is.

    what lawsuit :confused:
    whom are we going to sue? USCIS for following what the congress has laid out....
    i guess what you mean maybe is sue the congress.....:D

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