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Friday, January 14, 2011

Say Hello, to Mr. Muscles

I recently met a guy. Well Not just  a n y  guy. A super different type of guy.
Now before you guys (Jersey Girl) get all freakin bent out of shape, there is nothing for you to worry about.  You are a great friend. Thank you for looking out for me.

Me and this "guy" have just been chatting.
I am very intrigued by him.
I met him on FB (please hold it down, I hear your concern) "Mr. Muscles"  added me as a friend on FB.

I accepted, which I don’t normally do with people I don’t know.
In my defense, we have like a million of the same friends;
We went to the same High School;
He knew my younger sister.
However, in the back of my mind I do wonder why he picked ME?
For the same reasons I just listed?
was it because he saw my profile picture?
Hmmmmmmmm, that is the BIG question of the day. 
Would he have still picked me if I had a different photo up?
I'm sure eventually I will get to the bottom of it.
So back to what I was gonna say before I had to give everyone the 411 as to why I added someone I didn’t even know, into my “personal” space.
So, Mr. Muscles and I have been chit chatting.
He is a very interesting individual.
What I really like is, He listens to what I have to say, with interest, he always has time to talk to me, he puts the effort into contacting me, unlike someone else I know.
and I have to add that,
He is also ohhhhhhh soooo very freakin sexy H O T.
WTF, I can have eye candy just like everyone else. HA
No, I’m sorry that’s mean. Hes not eye candy, there’s more to him than just a pretty face. wink wink
Besides, I always enjoy a stimulating conversation. I like to be challanged during the day.

 or life just gets too damn boring.
Now I know what you’re thinking, and not just you Jersey Girl. I know there are others out there too that are thinking the same thing.
I just finally ended the deal with " MR. Big" (and because of the circumstances it has made me a little sad) So that I could focus on my marriage.
I get it, I  am supposed to be working on my marriage with the sportsman.
Hello, I have been trying. I have been doing my part. Honest!
I know you think that since I’m talking to "Mr. Muscles" and
 cause hes freakin HOTTER than hell,
that I am going to get myself into t r o u b l e.
I can promise you that is not whats going on here.
I’m not sure what it is about me, that men find so interesting. I don't look for them. They just find me.
A good friend of mine recently mentioned something about me sending out pheromones or something. I don’t believe in that kinda crap.
But for whatever reason I have never had a difficult time meeting or talking to men.
So back to what I was sayin.
First of all people please give me some credit, I am a big girl, I am fully aware of what I am doing.
 Which currently is NOTHING but having an intelligent conversation with someone very interesting. Who pays attention to what I have to say.
Nothing wrong with that.
I’m not writing about "him" here today, cause I feel guilty or feel the need to explain.
I’m writing cause he was on my mind this morning and I wanted to share with you, as I do everyday about what is going on in my life.
Good, bad, and the ugly.
So you’re more than welcome to give me your feed back.
Since I know, you will anyways.
With or without my permission.
So come on

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