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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sketch Cards for March of Dimes Charity Auction

UPDATE: BIDDING has ended.

Thanks to everyone who bid on my cards. I'm really happy to announce that two of my cards were the TOP TWO out of all 519 cards. And I a third one was number nine. That's so crazy. Very, very cool. I had a fear that wouldn't even get bid on, so this is great.

Rocketeer - $77.00
Power Girl - $62.69
Zatanna - $42.00
White and Black Queen - $25.49
Wolverine and X-23 - $20.50
$227.68 Total for March of Dimes
I was honored that Steve Frank of 5finity Productions asked if I would participate in his March of Dimes Charity Auction. He sent me 5 blanks and here is what I came up with, hope you like them. Once they go up for auction, I'll post the link (and beg people to bid on them).

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