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Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Goals - Scorecard

Around this time last year, I went public with my goals for 2010. I think it’s only fair that I publicly acknowledge whether or not I met those goals. So, here goes.

Some of them were accomplished and some of them were not. But I can say with all honesty that the reason I wasn’t successful with some were do to my success with others. I was amazingly (thankfully) busy this year. As you can tell from my blog posts alone. In 2009, I had 84 post, as of right now I have 123. So, I was crunched for time, but I did try. Here we go…

Redesign my website. Started out big at the beginning of the year and then fizzled out. Lately I’ve just been directing people here since it’s more up-to-date.

Spookytown. Yikes, this is my biggest disappointment. I didn’t even finish drawing it much less scanning, coloring and lettering. I did take them to set up the lettering for every page, so there’s that.

Sketch Cards. My biggest success. I started the year never having been on a sketch card set. I finished the year having been on eight. Dead@17, Empire Strikes Back, P’ups, The Pro, Mixtape, Hack/Slash, Clone Wars, and Domino Lady / The Spider. And already in the works for 2011 is Lady Death, Bettie Page, Thor, Captain America and Marvel Beginnings. Part of that goal was to get in sets for DC, Marvel and Star Wars. Two down, now to get DC.

I’ve done so much of them that I have to cut back. I already reluctantly turned down Sheena for 5finity because f time restraints. So, I think this year you might see less of them from me.

Publish a sketchbook. Done and done. I was very pleased with myself for this one. I had wanted to do it for some time. It was a lot of work to compile and I think the end result is pretty nice. Hey, you can buy it online you know.

The Complete Shades of Blue. Goal un-achieved. I thought Jim had the lettered files from all the issues, but it turned out that he didn’t. But, he’s actually having them re-lettered (and colored) to put them online. So maybe you’ll hear something about that later.

So there you have it. Two for five. But I can proudly say that the failed ones weren’t failed to due to laziness. And like I said I a year ago, even if none of these silly things got accomplished and my family was still healthy and happy and was able to support them, the year would be a success. Unfortunately, we lost a family member this year, my cousin Aggie, who we all miss. We also lost our 12 year old cat Frankie. But mostly 2010 was kind to us and we appreciate. Look for my 2011 goals coming soon.

20 in 2010 Book Challenge

At the beginning of the 2010, Heather and I started a challenge, to read at least 20 books each during the year. Even with all the stuff we have going on, both of us have always read a lot. We’re chain readers, if you will, knowing which book we’re going to read next before we’re finished with our current one. Bookmark goes out of one into the next.

Here are my results. Technically, I read 51 “books”. But to be fair, a lot of them were comic book or comic strip collections, which could be read really quickly. So I thought in the spirit of the challenge, only written, non-comic books should be counted. But in fairness to me, I thought I should get some credit for reading them, since they did take time after all. So I’m going with every 10 of those count as one book.

So, I read 18 “actual” books and 34 comic type books. Using my equation, that nets me just over 21 books. Success! Success!

Here is my list:

  • Gorillaz: Rise of the Ogre by Gorillaz (Great band, great art, great book)
  • The Somnambulist by Jonathan Barnes (Pretty good)
  • The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl (A bit so slow at times)
  • My Custom Van by Michael Ian Black (Sporadically funny)
  • The Rocketeer, Cliff’s New York Adventure by Dave Stevens (Beautiful art)
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (Yes, I gave into the book that was everywhere. And I liked it.)
  • L.A. Noir by John Butin (Very interesting read)
  • Hellboy: The Ice Wolves by Mark Chadbourn (Hellboy novels are almost always good. This one was too.)
  • Bob Flame: Rocky Mountain Ranger by Dorr Yeager (Bought this at the gift shop in Rocky Mountain National Park)
  • No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy (Movie follows the book almost exactly, the towards the end there are differences)
  • Parker: The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke (Always incredible, I have the second book cued up)
  • Too Fat To Fish by Artie Lange (Hilarious and sometimes sad)
  • Hellboy: The All Seeing Eye by Mark Morris (Good)
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo and Bagram Ibatoulline (Children's novel)
  • Kick-Ass by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. (Kick-ass)
  • The Spy Who Loved Me by Ian Fleming (Not terrible, not great)
  • The Dick Tracy Casebook edited by Max Allan Collins and Dick Locher (Great illustrations, hit and miss storylines)
  • Dead@17 Afterbirth by Josh Howard (Always fun)
  • The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler (Chandler entertains)
  • Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsey (Love me some Dexter)
  • Dead@17 The 13th Brother by Josh Howard (More Josh goodness)
  • The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi (Pretty engrossing, look into it)
  • The Clash by The Clash (I wish the Beastie Boys would do a book like this)
  • Bone: Crown of Horns by Jeff Smith (My first time reading the Bone series, loved it)
  • Red Rocket 7 by Mike Allred (Really enjoyed this and all the musical references through the years)
  • Shes’ Crazy, He’s a Liar, Now What? by Cecily Knobler (This is a book I illustrated. I read most of the working manuscript as I was doing the art, but went back a read the entire thing. Very funny and shocking at times. Cecily, you've got some stories in you.
  • FoxTrox: Houston We Have a Problem by Bill Amend (I was sad when FoxTrox went Sundays only, knowing these collections would stop)
  • Scott Pilgrim 1-6 by Scott Lee O’Malley (Awesomeness)
  • The Walking Dead Volumes 1-9 by Robert Kirkman (and various artists) (Awesomeness)
  • Y: The Last Man by Brain K. Vaughan (and various artists) (Awesomeness)

As you can see, I was all over the place. I don’t know if I could pick my favorite from all of these. Walking Dead, Y and Scott Pilgrim are definitely standouts. My Custom Van was definitely the most disappointing. It was a fun ear of reading, I gotta say.

We're going to do it again in 2011. I already have two books going right now and about ten lined up. And for the record, the lovely Heather ended up reading 19 books. What a loser, right?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Wicked Little Gnome- Happy HNT

Recently I got a new gnome.
He looks just a little naughty no?

Just so you know, I already have many many of these little fellas ( in my flower bed. I ment YARD people stop with the dirty minds.), but none are the" travelocity" gnome.

In case any of you want one for yourself, Lowes is the HOT spot, to find them.

Isn't he just the most kickass little dude?
I just love him,cause sometimes he looks a little naughty
and sometimes just a little  n i c e.

So I decided that I should take him
e v e r y w h e r e.
Of course my very first photo was him leaving the store, only to be followed up by photo No. 2 of him in the bath with me. hee hee

Ok, and photo No. 3 was also in the bath. I think he wants to wash up, after being in that dirty b o x.

So here I am thinking of all the possibilities, of places he
can and WILL travel with me.

How about you? Got any suggestions?

Happy HNT

AS always don't forget to stop over at OHNT

HBO and Vibrators

Soooooo last night I woke up, to some very strange(I mean naughty) things on TV.
Why was the TV on a 1am you ask?
 Well let me just tell you. The sportsman cant go to sleep without it on.
Normally we set the sleep timer. So that it does not stay on all night.
Hence the fact that I was awake, the lights from the TV wake me up.
SO when I woke up and looked to see what was on TV, I was amazed at the show.
The channel was on HBO. The show was “Real Sex”.
The things they were doing.  Kinda made me blush.
Yes ME!
I had no idea what kind of shows were on HBO late nights.
I have to tell you after I watched it a bit I started to get just a little, Ok totally completely aroused.
To the point that I got out of bed, got my vibrator (BBD)and snuck off to the spare bedroom.
Now I am sure you are wondering why didn’t I just wake up the sportsman. Right?
Well 1) he has been sick this week with a stuffy head and well 2) I just needed a quick orgasim.  I didn’t want to have to worry about if “rockstar sportsman would show up or not. Just needed a quick fix.
You get where I am coming from right?
There is no shame in this, no ones feelings should get hurt right?
There’s noting wrong in self pleasuring right?
If I get into trouble with the sportsman I am totally blaming it on  HBO.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bottled Water and Tooth Decay

Recently I came across some info about how bottled water is one of the biggest causes for children having such bad teeth. Its called freakin “Tooth Decay”.
Ok, well its not totally directly the cause.
If you didn’t know, there has been a sudden rise in tooth decay in children.
The reason behind it is, more kids are drinking bottle water.  Reasons being,
 1. It's conveint,  2. alot of peoples lack of trust in municipal water.
Which means they are drinking LESS tap water , which is where they get their floride from.
Did you know………
The addition of fluoride to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay began in the 1940s with the belief that fluoride's primary benefit came from ingestion of fluoride during the tooth-forming years.
 It is now acknowledged by the dental research community, however, that fluoride's primary benefit comes from topical contact with teeth, and not from ingestion as previously assumed.
You learn something new everyday.
So I thought it was worthy of checking into.
You know,dig a little deeper.
Now I know that at my house we buy water bottles,  but they are to take with us to sporting events. When we are at home, we drink out of the tap.
I am curious, how many of you drink out of water bottles vs the tap?
What are you thoughts or opinions on this subject?
I’m interested.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shut up already!!!!!!! I'm not listening Did you try the "Suggestion Box"?

Recently the sportsman and I have had some down right nasty conversations.
Ok, so NOT the kinda nasty you are thinking right now. More like pissy.  
The sportsman won’t get off me about losing weight.

He is like a freakin broken record.
At first I thought he was just bitching cause I don’t have much of an ass anymore (it's muscular now, HELLO who wouldnt want that?), ok and no boobs either.

WTF, do those things really matter, when your fucking?I mean in the grand scheme of things, are they the most important things?
Um, I don't think so.  Unless he is all about the visual aspect, even then come on. Seriously.
I get it some guys like round FULL assess, and big titties.
I originally thought his comments were made in a ha ha  kinda way, that he wished I would put back on some weight in those specific areas. 
Now it has gone from ha ha funny, to plain and simple just annoying.

You know I can’t put on weight in specific areas right?
We both equally go to the gym 7 days a week.
Sometimes I take a day off. Depends on how I am feeling.
So Whats the deal?
Doesnt he want me to look good?
I know he is just looking out for my best interest, but he really is starting to piss me off.
I am not super under weight. I am NOT skin and bones.
I am lean and fit. There is a difference.
I eat right, and exercise. I never deprive myself of something I want.
So what is the freakin problem here? I am a grown women, not a child who needs to be lecutured.
Is he jealous cause he hasn’t really lost much weight ?
Is he worried that I will cheat, cause I am in shape?
(yes, I know he worries about that regardless)
I just don’t get it. What am I freakin missing here? 
I used to just laugh it off, but not anymore.

So, help me out here. How do I get him to stop?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The suggestion BOX

Add your freakin suggestions HERE
I believe in my opinion that everyplace should have a suggestion box.
It is vital if you want to better things in this world.  Getting multiple opinions on things only helps to improve something. Right? Just say I'm right. ok
I am not different from anyone else, I always have a suggestion.
It's just I don’t have a problem offering up my suggestion/opinion.
 I'm also always open for suggestions from others. Seriously.
I am being serious when I say that doing things day after day the same ole way for ev er, doesnt make sense. Change is good!
My place of work even has one. A suggestion box.

In which,  I routinely submit suggestions.  People who know me, know it's no big surprise I always have suggestions on how to “better” things.
Some of the things I have submitted (at wk)are;
-A sauna in the gym;
-In house daycare;
I’m one of "those", that goes BIG with things.
If you don’t  ever suggest it,  well hell then there is never a possiblity of getting it. Right?
I have seriously considered putting one up in my own home.
I am after all, a free speech kind of mom. 
 I am all for my kids having input on ways to better things that go on in our family. 
Of course we would still vote on them. The sportsman and I would still have final say.
I think it is important to hear what people have to say.
Besides I think sometimes people are more open to share their feelings/opinions if they can write it down and drop it into a box anonymously.
What are you thoughts on this?
A box in my home for opinions.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Do you really know me ?

After a convo I had with my
newest GF about our (not so long ago)night out,

It got me to thinking.
Did Mr. Big really ever know me?

During a conversation(that night),

 I had with "Mr.Big", it appears he

knows ALOT more about me than I thought he did.
I guess "Mr.Big", must have really
been paying attention, all those times I was talking.
Does anyone really know anyone?
Does it really matter? That "Mr.Big", knew me at all.

I like to think it does/did matter.
I think the more you know someone the better you can understand them.
You know, be in tune with them. 

Isn’t that the point behind pursuing someone?

You’re wanting to get to know all you can about that person.

I know I share alot on H E R E with everyone,
I don’t think anyone really knows everything about me.
And maybe you never will.

So I thought I would give you a little quiz today to see just how much you really do know about me.

Let’s just see who has been paying attention around here.
This will be fun right? Of course it will be.
Do you really have anything better to be doing right now?
So I’m gonna list some questions here, and you get to see just how many of them you can get right. 

How well do you really know me?
Okie Dokie, here we go.
How many times have I been married?
What kind of car do I drive?
How do I take my coffee?
What is my all time favorite band?
What religion am I?
What is my favorite sexual position?
How many brothers and sisters do I have?
Whats my favorite scary movie?

What is my favorite color?
If you get them all right, then I will share with you something I have n e v e r shared with anyone before.
Good luck.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who's Rockin the Kittycats Universe?

Not the actual guy, that would just be creepy if
 I had a photo of him. Ya, know.
There is a new guy, that is rockin it for the kittycat.      M E O W
Unfortunately, he doesn’t know it.
It’s a damn shame really.
But probably for the best.
Sooooooo this “guy” goes to my gym.
Not my work gym, but my other gym.
Gotta be specific, cause there is also a guy at my work gym, that is quite the eye candy also.
I have decided this guy is my new “motivation” to working out.
I had to shake the “other” guy(you know the one, that I have been writing about for months) and pickup a new one.
You know how it works with me, I can only stay entertained for so long before I grow bored. 
It's that time again.
And well……………….
Damn, this guy is HOT! and stacked. How can you not look at a guy who has such an amazing freakin body? You can’t not look!
And then there are the tats. WOW!
I can not forget the swager he has going on. Oh, my!
Or the fact that he is T A L L. Gotta love tall men.
Just freakin amazing.
Now don’t get all judgemental on me. This has nothing to do with the sportsman.
It is my gym “eye candy”. Don’t tell me you don’t check out people at the gym?
I even check out some girls. I see nothing wrong with this.
I never said I was hooking up or pursuing him.
Just being entertained by him.
I have never spoke to him.
I do know his name.

Hee Hee.

Of course I do.
This other guy I talk to at the gym told me.
I have no intention of talking to “eye candy”.
But I wouldn’t turn away if he approached me.

What the hell, would you? You know you wouldn't either.

Theres no harm in chit chat.
I mean come on seriously, other wise the gym gets really freakin boring.
Same routine e v e r y weekend.
I am pretty damn driven about the gym(more so than most), but even I need some additonal motivation sometimes.
So heres a memo to the hot guy at the gym.
Dude,  Please please continue coming to the gym at same time on Saturday and Sundays.
I will forever be grateful. Thanks man.
Need I remind you all,
that life is too short
to just shuffle thru.
Live a little already.

Monday, December 20, 2010

GOT the munchies?

I l o v e  peanut butter alot, almost as much as
I l o v e  cinnaman.
For some reason, I have the munchies this this am. I can’t stop thinking about those tootsie roll lolly pops.
You know which ones, they had that commerical (way back when) you know the one with the freakin owl, “how many licks does it take to lick a tootsie pop” or something like that . You get the gest of it right?
I love to lick them, but I hate the middle. I always throw away the sucker away after I have licked all of the outside off.  Same with oreos. I like the middle c r e a m  but, hate the chocolate outside.  SO I throw away the part I don’t like.

I know what a waste. Right?
Can’t helpt it, I’m just NOT a big chocolate lover.  I’m more of a vanilla girl.

I also really like those little fishy crackers but the pretzel version. 

But I have to wipe off all the salt before I eat them.
They are just w a y too salty for me.
I know I’m just a little odd.  But if I were just like everyone else then I wouldn't have anything to make me special.

Oh, yeah and what about those orange peanuts.  My grandpa used to keep those out at his house and everytime we would go to visit I would eat all of them till I felt like I was gonna vomit. Those were the days.
Just sayin
Well, I should probably get back to the grind. Yes, I am at work. Till Wednesday. Gotta keep busy.

 So, No more thoughts of food for the day.
Now tell me whats your fav’s? Come on I need some entertainment while I am at work today.
SO be good friends and play along. Will ya.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa came early at the Kittycats house

The Sportsman

This morning on my way into work, I got to rock out to “The way of the fist” cd, by the ever freakin awesome Five Finger Death Punch.
(For those of you who don’t know who they are you can go HERE. I have spoke of them MANY times.)
Why do you ask? Well let me tell you.
My kickass sportsman bought me the cd (set) on Thursday.
Why you ask again.
Well cause he LOVES me. Why else?
The sportsman knows just how much I love this band. He loves to see me smile.
He loves to make me happy.
So he gave me a present early.

Five Finger is right up there with Godsmack. There is just something about both these guys voices that really turn me on.  Sully is amazing and so is Ivan.
They draw me in. It’s kinda hard to describe.  They just speak to me.  
Its like they can see right into my soul.
I just can’t seem to get enough of them. I listen to their music in the car and while I’m at the gym and of course if they are on the radio.
So I feel really special today that my sportsman cares so much about me that he would give me a present pre-Christmas.  He didn’t have to. But he did.
So now I feel like I should equally do something “special” for him, prior to Christmas.  I just can’t think of anything right now. (besides sex)
 I am having a “blank” moment.
Anyone got any ideas? 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

HNT re post

Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da, da da
Da da da, da da

I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
Da da da, da da

I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything

I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is broken
Da da da, da da

Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty
Da da da, da da

Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise
Da da da, da da
Please don't leave me
Oh please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I cannot be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry
Da da da, da da

Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da, da da
Please, please don't leave me
(Da da da, da da)

Baby please don't leave me
(Da da da, da da)
No, don't leave me
Please don't leave me no no no

You say I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back
It's gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

Please don't leave me, oh no no no.
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this

Please don't leave me
Baby, please, please don't leave me
by Pink

Don't forget to stop by OHNT 
 check out all the "Holiday" photos.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

From under the Kittycats TREE

Kittycats tree
So, I spoke recently about how the sportsman and I always have sex under the tree on Christmas eve.  Come on, I said It was a tradition of ours. There is no shame in being romantic during the holidays. 
There is just something about those twinkely lights that gets me everytime.
As of lately we have been spending alot of time on the floor under the tree.
Just hanging out, talking, and watching the sparkly tree lights.

Ok, so yes there has also been some kickass sex.  And the “Rockstar” has made a few more apperances.  
 (Insert BIG grin here)
I’m not sure why this year is any different, but this holiday has been super different all together.
I’m not sure if it’s the kids are older, they both have jobs and are gone alot, and my tattoo girl has moved out?  We have more free time alone, to spend with each other. (When I am not out at the bars. LOL. Ok, not so funny right now. )
Something has been altered in our universe.
Could be that since we are trying to mend our relationship that things feel a little different?  It is quite peculiar, our relationship as of late.
Could if be that we are both trying harder, in different ways to work on US as a couple?
I just feel like the romance, enchantment, fantasy, facination, desire is all back for US right now.
Maybe cause I finally let go of “him”?
Now that my focal point is back on the sportsman things are S W E E T.
Whatever the explanation, I just know the weight has been lifted off of my heart. And I totally cherish our time alone together. For the first time in a very long time.
So it makes me feel like everything is sorta magical right now.  I may joke about being on “house arrest”, but in all honesty, I am sooooo elated to be spending extra time alone with my sportsman.
Shame on all of you who doubted it couldn't happen.
And thank you to all of you who cheered us on.
  Sometimes you just have to believe.
You know.