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Monday, November 29, 2010

Sometimes Emotions get in the way of living life

Sometimes your emotions get in the way of rational thinking.
You get soooooo wrapped up in your
Freakin f e e l i n g s  that you can’t possibly see clearly.

I have had this problem as of late.

It seems I have gotten a little off track with things because of my feelings.

I am not the overly emotional type of person in general.
I think it’s been a combination of things.
-mean people
-jackass contractors
-upcoming holidays

I should have just said all of the above has caused me to be emotional. I just don’t normally allow my feelings to get soooooo out of control and take over my life.

I am one of those people that says “Whatever” alot.
 Not so much cause I don’t give a shit but more along the lines that I just am not gonna get worked up about shit that I have no control over.

I will talk about it, but I don’t get all emotional about it.
Lately for whatever reason I have allowed my emotions to take over my life.

Well not anymore.
I am BACK!
To the normal ME.

No more cry baby bullshit going on here.
You can count on that.
The bitch is back !
Learn it, live it, love it!

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