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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dallas Comic Con Thanks

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who stopped by my table at the Dallas Comic Con. I was lucky enough to be kept busy the entire show. I'm not sure how many sketches I did, but it was a ton. I was only able to get up twice the first day and once the second day. I drew all day, both days. So, thanks to everyone who had a hand in that. Especially to Paul, who got at least 9 sketches from me. Several things that have never happened to me before happened at this show. I almost ran out of black Prismacolor markers, I DID run out of bristol board (Thank you John Lucas for hooking me up with more) and I had to turn down a couple of commissions towards the end because I wouldn't have had time to do them. Apologies to those folks. Thanks to Mark and Ben for having me there and for putting on a great show. Here are some of the pieces I did...

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