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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • CQd44
    May 2, 10:33 AM
    I find it amusing that the G1 can run Android Gingerbread fairly well, but Apple makes it impossible to upgrade the original iPhone to the latest and greatest iOS.

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  • VideoFreek
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    The bill and its proposed draconian penalties is just ridiculous.

    On the other hand, Dr. Choi should tend to the physical and mental well-being of his patients, and stop trying to play safety nanny. Sorry, but I find his arguments unconvincing, and if a busybody doctor starting quizzing me about safety practices around my home, I'd tell him to F off.

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  • wpotere
    Mar 18, 01:20 PM
    Threads like this crack me up....

    I just gave up my iPhone for a WP7 and to be totally honest, I like it a lot more. Sure, there is a lack of app support and I would like to see it become a bit more customizable but for a phone, it, to me, is a better phone.

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  • Octantis
    Apr 4, 12:39 PM
    Another way to go about tracking is via the MAC address. It is unique to your xbox and in theory just a traceable as an ip address. You should probably have it from the earlier logs when the box was near your house. You could go to each Internet service in town and ask if this MAC address is hitting their network.

    Worth a shot.

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  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 26, 05:29 PM
    Your thinking too much about the worst side of things. Aren't you grateful they didnt steal umm... $10000?

    Well, they did steal over $1000 worth of stuff. Thats a big deal in my book when I only make $10,000 a year and that I'm in college. I know what you are saying but its still crappy for someone to even steal $100 worth of stuff from you.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 11:26 AM
    No, my point was to scale it back to what it was before 9/11 and maintain both domestic and international security at the pre 9/11 level of international security.

    Before 9/11 I could walk right to my gate in several major airports.

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  • Patrick J
    Apr 29, 03:19 PM
    WTF is so great about 'gestures'? There's nothing quite so miserable as barely bumping the fraking trackpad while typing and causing the text cursor to go flying off somewhere else or any other way of accidentally activating some of these gestures (the more you have the more likely you'll accidentally activate them at some point unintentionally). And while Apple trackpads feel better than many out there, nothing beats a mouse for certain operations, IMO. I'd take a mouse any day over a trackpad. Old fashioned? That's like saying a '65 Mustang with a 4-speed on the floor is old fashioned next to a modern Mitsubishi Lancer with paddle shifters. I'll take the Mustang ANY DAY over that.

    Definitely disagree with you. I have my trackpad configured with loads of shortcuts, and I feel really limited with a normal Windows 2 button mouse.

    Apart from the generic OS X defaults, I close, open, and refresh tabs, open links in new tabs, and switch to previous/next tabs, all without moving the cursor one inch.

    For example, just a quick flick with 4 fingers in one direction or the other switches to the corresponding tab. Much faster then going up to the tab bar.

    On my Magic Mouse, I have similar shortcuts.

    This makes working on my Mac (and specially Safari) much faster, easier, and more efficient.

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  • I WAS the one
    May 4, 07:11 AM
    Finally... They realized the word "Magic" is childish.

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  • scottsjack
    Mar 28, 05:52 PM
    Seriously Apple, how soon until the app store is the only way to install apps on your mac?

    If it's going to happen I hope it's soon. Photoshop CS5.5/6.0 will be out soon and I need to decide which platform will be my main one. It could go either way over the long term. My copy of PS CS3 for Windows will have to be updated to the next release in order to maintain upgrade privileges for Windows.

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 25, 10:59 AM
    I'd like to say that this update really makes Aperture fully integrated with the rest of Apple products. Love it and will buy asap.

    Well. was hoping to buy it pre-installed on a core 2 Duo Macbook Pro. but now... may buy a 24" imac or mac pro instead. tired of waiting for that model

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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 08:08 PM
    Sure, good to have that clear.

    Then yes, they are indeed pointers to timers. The timers are created inside their methods, I use those pointers to reference them and use invalidate.

    Here is part of the code:

    .h (declaration of timers)
    @interface ATimerViewController : UIViewController {

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  • wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu; wallpaper kucing lucu. manu chao. Mar 22, 02:48 PM

  • Scott6666
    Apr 8, 02:45 PM
    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    If they wanted to hold stock, they could keep them in the warehouse until their special promo. It's weird shipping them to the store and telling them to hold.

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  • rkahl
    Mar 17, 12:24 PM
    He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)

    "Uh yeah, if you want to work 40 HOURS A WEEK!"

    wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu,; wallpaper kucing lucu,. rtdunham. Apr 27, 09:49 AM. I#39;m old-fashined I guess because I have
  • wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu,; wallpaper kucing lucu,. rtdunham. Apr 27, 09:49 AM. I#39;m old-fashined I guess because I have

  • rhett7660
    Apr 22, 10:37 AM
    WTH.. -1 already!!!! I don't like it..... :eek::D


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  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:06 AM
    As for the Karma, I found a iPhone 4 at Macy's 2-days before shopping with my girlfriend, and I didn't think twice about not turning it in. I made this woman's day when she got it back. So I figured hey, maybe that was a little something I got for doing something honest a few days before

    We all find creative ways to justify our actions.

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  • wallpaper kucing lucu.

  • baryon
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    I don't know why you people don't like this. Apple announced iAds like a year ago, and I still haven't seen a single one. I'm simply curious about seeing at least one iAd to see what all the fuss is about. This App allows you to see an iAd so you can know what it is, as no one has actually really implemented them yet. This is probably the only place that has iAds in.

    wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu.
  • wallpaper kucing lucu.

  • racebit
    Nov 16, 10:17 PM
    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

    hmm, maybe a truckload?

    wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu; wallpaper kucing lucu. fivepoint. Mar 23, 11:55 AM. Amazing to see how most Democrats are willing to lie to
  • wallpaper kucing lucu. wallpaper kucing lucu; wallpaper kucing lucu. fivepoint. Mar 23, 11:55 AM. Amazing to see how most Democrats are willing to lie to

  • Tibbar
    Apr 5, 02:21 PM
    My friend got back to me, and here's what he said:

    "I am very familiar with the Xbox support scenario, and I can tell you that a call center agent would have no idea about the last IP address of a Xbox Live user. If Microsoft chose to log and aggregate this information, its currently not exposed for any support use. I'd recommend that he call Microsoft and have them disable the Live account, and file an insurance claim for the hardware and cut his losses."

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  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 12:51 PM
    The way 5p talks is the reason so many middle- and lower-class people (who are watching all of their livelihoods disappear) still side with the GOP. His words are carefully selected, and phrases carefully crafted, to make people feel that if they give up more, they will end up receiving more benefit. They eat that crap up and choose these people, only to watch more get taken away. It's been working for years, while things are only getting worse for them. Then they are told to "stay the course" because these policies will help them in the long run. Meanwhile, those at the top keep getting more and more, and those at the bottom get less and less. But "stay the course" and you will benefit, we promise you.

    I don't think he crafts it in a way that is clever, but he puts his ideas out there and see what sticks. If 5P is really a person, then to me I don't think he cares what we think or whether his ideas help or hurt the GOP.

    What does scare me though is Glenn Beck, who is so smooth that he does craft his message to try and include everybody. I would assume Beck's the type of guy that is great at not offending when talking to him in person. There are union members, people taking benefits from liberal government, yet still seem to find common ground with the GOP. They listen too much to Beck. He's a real snake water salesman and can convince somebody of something that is an illusion.

    We liberals can learn a thing or two from his (Beck's) techniques. Before he was outed as a right winger and embraced it, he presented himself in a non-partisan way yet got across GOP ideas without sounding like he was reading from a script.

    Apr 21, 11:44 AM
    Don't think this is necessary in such a highly polarized forum but whatever, I shall ignore them.

    Apr 15, 05:05 PM
    What I meant is that a competitor, that might stick around, would be a good thing for iTunes store users in terms of both pricing & usability.

    I can't really agree with this. The last thing I want is a bunch of different places to buy music.

    IF and only if the same same content was offered on both stores would this be a good thing in my opinion, otherwise its kind of like the Blu Ray vs HD DVD thing.

    Apr 16, 11:15 PM
    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

    That's the truth! With an Andriod download I can easy get a free Trojan program along with the app I wanted.

    The Trojans seem to work but many of the apps don't. Dam Apple to heck for not letting people load any old crapo they want into iTunes.

    Sep 12, 08:03 AM
    Film content from Fox and Dreamworks?!

    Look at the german Quicktime page, bottom left, under "iTunes Videos": Transporter 2 from Fox and Red Eye from Dreamworks!!


    They appear to be movie trailers.

    Burger King
    Apr 15, 09:45 PM
    The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.

    On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.

    Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.

    You are correct on the first part. Apple removed the need for most people to need a PC with the introduction of the Ipad.

    99% of the junk from China wouldn't exist if you were correct on the last part.

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