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Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Blunder- Damn those delivery drivers

Heres a little story about how my Valentines day went down.
Bright and early Monday morning the sportsman sends me an email. To which is says, do you have something to say to me? Hmmmmm
Well fuck I don’t know.  I'm sitting at my desk sweating bullets. I'm thinking what the fuck? What is he talking about????
(You know text and email are really hard to tell what tone of voice is being used)
So I reply "Um, thank you”.  Since he left me a really cute card and mini snow globe on the counter before he left.
That was that. Not another word.
So now I’m thinking that I've been busted for past Indiscretions. I'm shitting my pants. Then the receptionist at my work calls me down saying I have a flower delivery. Hmmmmmmmm
Ok, so as I am heading down to the lobby and I’m thinking ok, theres a possibility that these  flowers are from 1 of 3 people.
(yes, I know that sounds bad)
So I get down to the lobby and the receptionist is on the phone, I see only one set of flowers on the counter. Let me just say they aren’t ugly,
not the type of flowers I would want. They are all red with carnations and some roses.
I hate roses.
I am a tulip/gerber daisy kinda gal. I'm thinking to myself, the sportsman knows I hate roses. Surely he didn’t send me these flowers.
So I’m waiting and I decide to read the card and see who they are from.
As I skim read to the bottom I see the part where it says love DOUG.
WHO the fuck is DOUG????
Oh my . DO I have a stalker? I don’t know anyone named Doug.
What the hell.
At this point, I am totally freaking out. Finally the receptionist is off the phone and I tell her. That I don’t know any “Doug”.
So we look further on the card, they aren't even for me.
They were delivered to the wrong company. W h e w!
Sooooooo freakin glad. I was really worried.
However, later in the day a  2nd delivery of flowers showed up for me.
They indeed were from the sportsman.
They were also an awesome vase full of white tulips with one red rose in it.
Now that’s what I call a proper flower arrangement. And now I know what the sportsman ment when he ask if "I had anything to say".
He was talking about the flowers.
Double Whew, in one day.
Damn that delivery driver.
 He could of really caused me some problems.
What if I had confessed.
The day could of turned out
alot different.

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