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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Road OVER Traveled

You always hear the saying
"the road less traveled",
what about the road that is “over” traveled?
I feel like sometimes I keep exepericing the same damn things in life and I would like to think I learned my freakin lesson
 yet I find myself right back in the same damn situation.

On that same damn road.
Am I self-sabotoging? Someone around here has mentioned that before.
Is it not random that I end up with or meet people that will eventually hurt me?
I like to think that I’m not seeking out people who I know will not live up to my standards or won't treat me with the respect I deserve.
I think its time to take a new road.
stop traveling down the same fucked up one.
SO today is the day.
You know I am always thinking.  Trying to figure things out. (Once in awhile I would love to just shut my brain off)

So what I came up with is instead of avoiding things that I need to change.
(by pretending they are not there)

I have decided to listen to what others have to say. Take into consideration the advice they are giving me.
While it feels good and all to deal with these things head on, it’s also a little freakin scary.
I read over 30 blogs a day. and while I comment on most of them ,alot of them I just read and take away small things that have actually helped me deal with things in my own life.
I would like to mention one that really helps me. You should check her out. I read her blog every day. Life as a Classroom.
SO I guess with all my rambling on I’m trying to say that I am making a concious effort to take a  d i f f e r e n t  path this time. 
The one that doesn’t leave me with pain, sorrow, disappointment, or hate.
Hate is such a bad word. It's not a good way to live your life.
I'm really good at this self analizing shit.
 I think it might actually be working.
Check back with me in a week
and I'll let you
know how its all workin out.

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