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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The lost Soccerboy

It’s been kinda a sad season for our family.  This is the first time in my soccerboys life that he has not played soccer all year around.
He has played all year around since he was FOUR years old.
The high school season is over with(they play in the fall) and his old competitive team broke up.  So, he was left without a team. By the time the coach had shared that tad bit of freakin info there wasnt a team to go to. Also by then the soccerboy missed out on all other try-outs for other teams. (which really pissed me off)

Honestly at this age (16-18) is when alot of young boys drop from the off season comp. teams.  They have jobs, and school. There isn’t as much time for weekly practices and games.
So, we looked and found a team for the soccerboy to play on at the last min.
They would not have been our first pick, or our 5th pick for that fact, but it

was a team .
and would allow him to stay in shape in the off season from HS ball.
Well the first game came, and the soccerboy and sportsman went (I stayed home, since these were outdoor games and it was after all Nov.) they showed up 30 min in advance which is standard. To allow time for warm ups and what not.
So they get there and the sportsman calls me and says, can you make sure we are at the right fields, No one is here.
So I say yes, and start making calls to other parents on the phone list (which I never got ahold of anyone, but you can bet your sweet ass I left messages)
Anyways, long story  short the team didn’t show till about 10 min till the game time. The coach showed up after the game started and the boys never warmed up.  The soccerboy tried to take the iniative and have them warm up but the boys were all like “why, we never warm up”.
What the fuck?
The soccerboy says, “Um hello, its 40 degress outside, this is so you won’t injure yourself”.  This should have been the first signs that this team definitely did not have our mind set.
So after that we gave the soccerboy the choice to quit if he wanted to and train on his own until the HS season started up again or until someone got injured and he could get picked up by a good team.
He is after all 16 years old. Old enough, to make his own decisions and suffer the Consequences.
So anyways, the soccerboy has been training and conditioning with the HS girls soccer team at the high school 3 days a week but that’s it. Its too cold to run outside.
So, I’m sad and worried about how he will be, come tryout time for high school soccer this upcoming season. 
The soccerboy was on varsity last year. Will he be able to make varsity again this year with so much time off?
This has been a strange winter for us, as a family.  Not sure what to do with all my free time.(well thats not true, I have found things. They just get me into trouble)
I am also worried about the soccerboys mind set from having so much time off  from a lifestyle that he has had for years.
Should I be worrying?
Or am I just stressing cause
I’m his mom and
only want whats best for him.

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