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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friends- Going the Distance

I am writing about this today cause
 I have to cut someone loose.
and its not an easy thing to do.
I know I talk alot about friends.
That’s mostly cause friendship
means alot to me.
I don’t have a super huge group of friends
I do have a small core group that I would do
a n y t h i n g   for.
I also have many acquaintances.
You have to be super special to be in my "core group" of friends.
I have said it a million times before, I have fucking trust issues. 
That is the biggest reason for why, I don’t allow more people into my life.

I am 100% dedicated when it comes to being a friend.
I also expect to be treated the same way. It’s a 50/50 deal.
I get that sometimes you have to give a little more.
Sometimes there are things in ones life that require you to carry more of the load.
And I’m ok with that for a short time.
but when it starts to be 90/10 all the god damn time,
I am freakin O U T!
I have a couple of friend’s right now, that I feel as if I’m carrying the whole fucking friendship.
So that’s when I say I gotta cut them the hell loose. 
Why should I be the “good” friend all the time and allow the other person to walk all over me or use me?
Does it sound like I expect too much out of a friend?
I don’t think I do.
It’s all really fucking simple.

*You put the effort into contacting me! I shouldnt be the one always calling or texting you;
*If we make plans to go to lunch,   don’t leave me sitting there for 20 min waiting for you to show;
*If we make plans to go to out, don’t cancel on me at the last freakin minute;
*I expect that you ask about MY life or how I'M doing, and not always me asking how your doing;
I’m important too.
I get it, that life gets fucking busy.
People have lives, kids, and families of their own. 
Hello, so do I .
and yet I can still manage to be there, care, and ask how your doing.
What the fuck? Don’t I deserve the same?
Thank you to all of you who are a good friend to me,
and to those who aren’t,
Well you are offically CUT OFF!
Don’t say I didn’t try and warn you.
You were just too busy 
 to notice the warning.
See ya

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