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Monday, November 30, 2009

Quick DFW Listoons

I mentioned in a previous post that I had a couple of cool things coming up. Well, the CD design was one of them and here's the other one. Quick (Dallas Morning News' free weekly entertainment paper) has started running original comic strips each week and I happen to be involved. How am I involved you might ask? No, I'm not delivering the papers. Every other week I will be illustrating a strip called "Listoons". Each week is a different list, written by Stacy Austin Sheffield. Not her real name by the way. Not even a "her", by the way. She is a he. And I'm not sure if he wants people to know who he really is. I posed that question to him and got no response. So anonymity it is for now.

Here is Quick's announcement of our strip.

And, on the alternating week, my good friend David Hopkins (who recommended me to the Editor, thanks David) is writing a strip called "We've Never Met", illustrated by Chad Thomas. So, this a really cool project in which to be involved. I'm excited by the prospect of doing these strips for a long time to come. Hopefully, they'll stick around.

I still haven't gotten a chance to pick up my first issue, which is out his week. But when I do, I plan on recreating David's debut photo. Update: Here you go. Be gentle, I'm a little under the weather in this photo...It's nice having my work in newsprint...

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