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Friday, July 28, 2006

Summer... it turns me upside down

Well, probably not in the way that Ric Ocasek meant it. To describe living in Texas in the Summer, I quote Neil from "The Young Ones" (who was probably quoting someone else)... "Summer is a bummer." Why? Because it's freaking hot and humid. Please just get me to Fall. Lovely, lovely Fall. Anywhoo, getting back to the subject at hand. Since I redesigned my site last Fall (Oooh, there it is again) I promised myself that I would update my homepage image at least each season and try to hit a few holidays as well and so far I've managed to do that. I'm a little late with this one, but I got it done and that's what counts. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Super Hero Stamps!

Look at what greatness arrived in the mail today. I ordered four sheets of the Post Office's new DC Comics Stamps. They have a good mix of classic and current artists, depending on your particular tastes. I tend to go more old school myself, so I'm glad to see the likes of Kirby, Adams, Aparo, Infantino and Kane to name a few. Show some support for comics and buy handfuls of these babies. And if you live in the Dallas area, stick 'em on your enormous power bill.

Maybe they'll do a Marvel set someday, who knows?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sci-Fi Expo Wrap-up

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my table at the Sci-Fi Expo this past weekend. As always I met a bunch of great people and did a bunch of drawings. This time I actually did what I've always said I would do. That is take photos of the drawings I did. I didn't get them all but I got some of them. So click on the image and check 'em out!

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Sci Fi Expo - Saturday July 8th

A last minute addition to an upcoming convention... I'll be making an appearance the Sci Fi Expo, Saturday July 8th (maybe Sunday, I'm not sure if I can make it) 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. It's at the Plano Center (in Plano) at 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway. Admission is FREE! Come out and see me, I'll be doing commissions all day.

Meet Alan Tudyk (Wash from Serenity and Firefly). From Star Wars: Dave Prowse, Ray Park, Peter Mayhew and more.

Click here for details

Monday, July 3, 2006

Rules of the Game

I just realized I never posted this here, I only posted it at the blog for Dog Food Productions.

Anyway, check out a short film we did several months back. Rules of the Game...

Sunday, July 2, 2006

"It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you."

"You know how I know when you're really busy? When there are no new posts on your blog." - David Hopkins, June 28, 2006

He's right you know. I have been a little busy and it's mainly David's fault. I've been working on our upcoming book "The Last Babysitter" (see several posts down for the scoop). I've been doing character sketches and page thumbnails to get ready. And I'm happy to say that actually just finished page 1, which I'm not ready to show yet. I still have to scan it, color it and letter it, but it is drawn. We're getting the first five pages together so we can shop it around. There is one particular publisher we'd love to have pick it up. Hopefully it will charm them.

Anyway, since I've been so busy, I haven't had any time to produce any new art. So, I'm posting a bunch of sketches I did for the book. And in a few more days, I'll post some other rough stuff I've doodled recently. Hope you dig 'em.

Oh yeah, go buy Emily Edison published by Viper Comics. It's David's new book he did with Brock Rizy. It's greatness.

And buy Jurassic 5's new album later this month. They're greatness as well.

On with the sketchiness....