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Monday, June 25, 2007

Dallas Comic Con and Spookytown Sketchbooks

Come out to the Richardson Convention this Saturday and Sunday, June 30 and July 1 for the Dallas Comic Con. I will be there as one of the guest comic book artists. Not only will I being do drawings, selling comics and original art, but also at this show I will be debuting my new Spookytown Sketchbook.

It’s a 20-page mini-comic type book containing over 70 sketches, drawings and doodles that I’ve done will preparing to start the graphic novel. I printed up a limited edition of 100 books, so I can have plenty to last me over the next year of conventions because I figure it’s gonna take me a while to finish the graphic novel. Each is hand numbered and signed.

If you like horror comics, film noir, hard-boiled detectives, zombies, styles from the 40s/50s or dames that can handle themselves, this is the sketchbook for you.

Spookytown Doppelgangers

I saw this and it gave me a laugh, probably won’t give you one though. If you’re a Graphic Designer like me, you’ve probably read HOW Magazine. If so, you’ve most likely seen these little “trading cards” that the French Paper Company puts in each issue. There pretty cool, some are actually funny.

In the most recent issue, they had the two cards above. I thought it was cool that the two that they matched up resembled Jack and Emma from Spookytown. Truth is that I paid them millions of dollars to do a subliminal campaign of advanced promotion for the graphic novel.

Friday, June 1, 2007

More Spookytown

I’ve been doing a lot of sketching for the Spookytown graphic novel lately. I'm really getting pumped about working on the book. I still have some tweaks to make to the script though. I want to get it right before I start teh drawing process. Here is a new promo image and some sketches I did recently…

Three Big Pieces

These three are pieces I created for FUSION and for
CAPE 3. They are oversized, so I had to snap photos of them. I sold the first two…

New Pin-up, Old Pin-up

This is a piece I did for the comic book Warmageddon. I think the issue comes out in the next few months and it should be the back cover. I don’t usually do “blendy” soft light stuff, but I figured it would look better than my usual hard line colors. Yes, she’s is supposed to have two different color eyes.This one is a really old piece (from 2003) that I don’t think I ever posted. It’s a pin-up for a horror book that never happened. It’s a lot like the stuff I was doing for Spookytown at the time…