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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hellboy's Little Buddy - Abe Sapien!

As mentioned in an earlier post, I've been working on this Abe Sapien piece, but I got side tracked with the holidays and some paying projects. Anyway, here he is. I can't decide if he's been captured by some evil foe or if he's somewhere in the bowels of the BPRD getting some "me time".

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Look! Up in the sky... it's Superman!"

Well, I wanted to get back on the track of doing some comic book character images and I actually have an Abe Sapien in the works, but I just got a urge to do a Superman piece. So Big Blue leaped (in a single bound) ahead of my favorite fish man and came up with this one. I did the old school version of his logo, just because I dig it. I wanted him to have a majestic feel, hopefully I've accomplished that.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Surfer Girl

Man, I'm falling off. Over a week and no new art. Hey, it's the holidays, sue me. Anyway, here's a new one. I wanted to do something with a little more muted colors since I usually do really bold stuff. This isn't too radical of a change, I could've muted it more, but I like it how it is. Be sure to tell the fine folks at Roxy.com that you want to see Cal Slayton's art on some of their products.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Catwoman - Julie Newmar Style!

I realized that after doing a lot of these Illustrator pieces that I really haven't done any comic book characters in a while. So I decided to do one and, after a bit of consideration, I thought I'd do Catwoman. I originally sketched Catwoman in her current costume jumping from one rooftop to another. But I started thinking about how much I dug Julie Newmar in the old 60's Batman series. So, I went retro (like I'm prone to do) and did the piece above. I even snuck Batman and Robin into the picture. I hope you dig it!

Monday, December 5, 2005

Retro Girl in a Green Dress

Here's a new piece I knocked out in a couple of hours. I think it has a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" kinda feel to it.

Friday, December 2, 2005

More New Artwork - Vespa Girls!

I've been on a good creative kick lately, hope I can maintain it and not burn out. Any-who, here's my latest piece. I worked on it on and off for two days. It took as bit longer since there are two figures in this one. Might be my favorite of the past few I've done. (Oh, and the Vespa is not supposed to be a super-accurate version of any one model.)

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Christmas Image

Here's the new holiday drawing I did for the homepage of my website.