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Friday, July 31, 2009

Comic Book Covers

This was a fun project I just completed. They're couple of mock comic book covers I did for the guys at http://countryslickers.com. Stop by there and watch their short film featuring these characters. Good stuff.

The Professor Dread Lock one is supposed to be more of an 80s era comic, hence the flat color, and the Glitter Girl is more modern. Also posted is an animated gif showing the progression of the Dread Lock cover.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Other Book Covers

Some more book covers. They were done a while back, I just never got around t to posting the final products.

Monday, July 27, 2009

"Cal Slayton's Animation-Slick Abstraction"

Poopsheet Foundation reviewed "Mine All Mine", the mini comic I contributed a page to a while back. The reviewer, Mark Campos gave me a mention...

"...his seventeen artists are a diverse bunch of stylists, adding strong variety to the tales. Hopkins has some heavy friends; there is a helpful index of their websites and blogs in the back, so you can check out more of their work. Realists like Jake Ekiss and Chad Sell stand in contrast to ZeeS's funk blast, Cal Slayton's animation-slick abstraction, David DeGrand's bigfoot rotundity. Only one page doesn't work -- I still haven't figured out what happens in Ryan Cody's page, did the big screen TV decapitate the guy or what?

My page is shown here. There are a lot of cool artists in this book, you should check it out. Found it at the website of "Mine All Mine" writer / editor David Hopkins or next time you see me at a con, I have some copies.


Here's a pin-up I did for my friend Samax. We're doing a trade, he's gonna set me up with Spookytown one. Can't wait to see it, I know it'll be cool. Check out more about Manchild here...

Manchild 1 | Manchild 2

Friday, July 24, 2009

In The Garage

A while back (I think last year, actually) I was contacted by some guys doing their own web-based sitcom called “The Garage”. It’s about a bunch of buddies hanging out in their garage, drinking beers, reading comics, and basically getting into shenanigans.

They needed comic books to use as props and wanted to know if they could use the copy they had of my mini comic “Lost Child”. Sounded cool to me, so I gave them the okay. You can see it behind the bar throughout the series.

Check it out, its funny stuff… http://www.thegarageshow.tv

BTW, some of the guys involved in the show opened their own comic book store in Allen, TX. It’s called When Nerds Collide. Great name there. So if you live in the area, be sure to go by and support them... http://www.whennerdscollide.com.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Book Cover - 26 Short Screenplays

Just received my copy of book that I was hired to do the cover illustration on. It's called 26 Short Screenplays for Independent Filmmakers. It's a pretty concept. Here's the description from the website...

This book is a collection of screenplays released under the Creative Commons license. The purpose of this book is to help independent filmmakers develop a portfolio of short films.

Buy a copy today at http://www.26screenplays.com.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Alternative Bride

Here's is a book cover that I illustrated and designed recently. The Alternative Bride's Guide to Wedding Games. Just got my copy, I like how it turned out. I also did the banner for the website, www.thealternativebride.com. The book description...

Kick your wedding into high gear with over 111 fabulous games for receptions, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, gift-opening brunches, and more! This book also includes 175 wedding trivia questions, 50 photocopiable pages of game cards and quizzes, plus dozens of bonus ideas and game variations so you can truly put a personal touch on your big day!

So, if you're a soon-to-be bride and are looking for some fun stuff to do, buy a copy right this second.

Available here on Amazon.com.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Spookytown Freebies

I got the rest of my free stuff in the mail from Vista Print, they came out really great. And Lan, there are no watermarks on these. The only thing I can think of is that maybe if you use one of their business card templates, they might have them on there. I got a second set of the shot of them in the Gum Shoe Investigation office, but added a design to the back. I also got the red graveyard scene on a postcard, also with a back design. And lastly, I made little business card size ones of the swamp scene.Now I have a whole shelf of goodies to use to promote the book once it comes out. I'll mail them out to comic book stores, drop them on freebie tables on cons, and hand them out at my own table.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dallas Comic Con - August 15-16

Come check out the Dallas Comic Con and stop by table. I'll be doing commissions all day long. Big thanks to Mark Walters and Ben Stevens, the organizers of these local shows, for having me as a guest, I appreciate it. I always have a great time at their events.

August 15 -16
Saturday 11:00 am-6:00 pm, Sunday 12 noon-4:00 pm.
Richardson Civic Center
411 W Arapaho Rd
Richardson, TX

Media Guests include:

Dean Stockwell - BSG, Quantum Leap, Blue Velvet, Dune
Yancy Butler - Witchblade, Hard Target
Barry Bostwick - Rocky Horror Picture Show, Spin City, Ugly Betty
Rene Auberjonois - Star Trek: DS9, Boston Legal, Benson
Nana Visitor - Star Trek: DS9, Dark Angel, BSG
James Hampton - Teen Wolf, Sling Blade, F Troop

Other Comic Book Guests include:J. Scott Campbell, Paul Smith, Jason Pearson, Brian Stelfreeze, Brandon Peterson, Kerry Gammill, David Hopkins, Kez Wilson, Ben Dunn, Paul Milligan, Samax Randolph and Space Gun Studios

Click here for more information

Friday, July 10, 2009

R.I.P. Tunis The Cat 1990-2009

Our 19 year old faithful feline companion Tunis passed away today. She had a good long life. Sweet dreams girlie girl.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Belated Spookytown Page Count

I can't believe I forgot to post this. I took this shot a few weeks ago. 37 pages in the can.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Spookytown Promo Postcards

Every so often, I get these promotions from Overnight Prints and / or Vista Prints for 50 or 100 free postcards. So I try to whip up a new Spookytown and take advantage of the deals. Here is the latest one I created. I should have some more stuff to show in a few weeks. I am still hard at work on the book. I'm doing something each day on it. Lately that hasn't been much, but it's been something, which is better than nothing.

Whatever happened to Skunk Comics?

I was wondering this the other night and thought I'd try to see what those guys are up to these days. If you're familiar with the Dallas comic book scene, you'll probably remember them from the local shows and for their book ITA Code of the Dragon. They were around when I first started doing appearances at cons and I thought it was cool meeting some local guys who were publishing comics... Sam Bohon, Sally Ridout and Walker Plagge. I didn't get to hang out with them much but when I did talk to them, they all seemed really cool. Anyway, after a rudimentary Google search...

Walker - Came across his family blog, seems to be teaching and is married with two kids... http://dollyep.blogspot.com (be sure to check out the cool mural he did for this little boys room). And I found his deviantART page... http://cobaltmonkee.deviantart.com/

Sally - She has a website... http://soliloquy.sridout.com/

Sam - Looks like he might have published a couple ITA graphic novel, but I really couldn't find a website for him anywhere.

Maybe they'll Google themselves someday, find this post and report in. Or I bet Samax might know what they're up to...

John Tesar Image

Here is a piece I did for John Tesar, who used to be the Executive Chef at the mansion at Turtlecreek. He has a new restaurant, Tesars Modern Steak and Seafood. If you live near there be sure to check it out.