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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Comic Con Thanks and Sketches!

A big thanks to everyone who stopped by my table at the Dallas Comic Con. I had a great time, met a lot of nice people. Even got a couple of artists to do some Spookytown commissions. I'll post them later.

Here are some of the pieces I did while at the show. A couple of them (Witchblade, Business Harley) weren't commission, just ones I did towards the end of Sunday. So I will have them for sale at CAPE if you're interested. Also I have a similar Wolverine and Cherry Darling in large 14" x 17" versions.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Comic and CAPE 4 - May 3rd

I have a page in a new mini comic called "Mine All Mine" by David Hopkins. David wrote a whole bunch of one page stories (all about stealing, hence the Jane's Addiction referenced title) and got various artists to draw them. Including me. Here's the run down so far...

Samax Amen ("The Plan")
Joshua Boulet ("Hero and Thief")
Ryan Cody ("Long Walk Home")
David DeGrand ("Stealing Electricity")
Joe Eisma ("Lost Wallet")
Jake Ekiss ("Vending Machines")
Derrick Fish ("Misdirection")
Michael Lagocki ("Tools of the Trade")
Jim Lujan ("The Nigerian Scam")
Paul Milligan ("Kidnapping")
Wes Molebash ("I Found It")
Chad Sell ("Will Run for Food")
Cal Slayton ("Return Policy")
Justin Stewart ("Blanket Thief")
ZeeS ("Pickpocket")
Scott Zirkel ("The Oil Change")
Cover by Tania Kaufmann

It makes it's debut at...

For the 4th year in a row, it's CAPE - The Comics and Pop-Culture Expo! Once again it takes place on Free Comic Book Day and there will be a whole mess of comic creators, including me. The show is FREE and there are thousands of FREE COMIC BOOKS. It takes place in a park near Zeus Comics in Dallas.

Click here for information on CAPE!.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Latest Creation!

Okay, the cat's out of the bag. If you didn't know, I'm going to be a dad soon. My wife and I found out she's pregnant (I don't go for that "we're pregnant" new age bologna) on New Years Eve. And on our 4 year anniversary, we found out it's a boy. We're going to name him Jack. Now, if you know that our dog is named Kirby and you're somewhat familiar with comic books, you can put two and two together.

We're both really excited about it. Right now, we're in the middle of getting his room ready for him. The furniture is ordered and the room has been cleaned out for the most part. Now we just have to get everything else we need (paint, bedding, supplies, a rocker, etc, etc) and we'll be ready for his arrival (ETA September 5th).

I set up JackSlayton.com for updates. It's mainly for friends and family (mainly female) to keep up with everything. It's just easier that way. Heather will be doing the writing, I really just upload photos. So, if you have an aversion to sonogram photos, onesies or belly bumps, stay far, far away.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rockin the casbah, Rock the casbah?

Is that what they're saying? As a Clash fan for the past 20 plus years, I shocked to learn this.

"Rock the Casbah" is obviously their biggest "hit", therefore their most overplayed song and subsequently, one of the ones I really don't listen to that much, at least with much attention to detail. But recently I've found myself getting into again and was surprised as I heard it up close and personal through my iPod headphones. Those boys were saying "Rockin the casbah, Rock the casbah" and for over two decades I thought they were saying "Rock the casbah, Rock the casbah".

I thought, "No way. Could I have misheard that all these years?" And a quick Google search for lyrics proved that yes, I had indeed. Man, the things you learn. I feel foolish.

The Ghost of Tom Joad - Springsteen & Morello

I've always dug this song, but this live version rocks. Morello goes off towards the end!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Brand Spankin' New Pin-up

Here’s a pin-up I recently did for a guy named Steve Coffin and his book Kung Fu Engine. He saw my post about my free pin-up / cover offer for published books, dropped me a line and asked if I’d do one for him. This what I came up with, hope you like it.

Check out his book here.

New Dog Food Productions Web Site

I just redesigned the website for Dog Food Productions, a group of friends I make movies with. There are still a couple of bugs when viewing in Firefox and Camino, but I'll be working on fixing those. So, if you have some time to kill and like stupid stuff, stop by and see what's going on.

Ch-ch-ch-check it out!