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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Appearing at Dallas Comic Con - April 5 and 6

Come out the Richardson Civic Center Saturday April 5 and Sunday April 6 for the Dallas Comic Con 11. I'll be a guest there along with a many others including Christina Hendricks (Firefly and MadMen), Kandyse McClure (Battlestar Galactica), Jeremy Bulloch (Star Wars), Cindy Morgan (Tron and Caddyshack), John Wesley Shipp (Flash and Dawson's Creek), Eric Basaldua, Bob McLeod, Tom Morgan, James O'Barr, Kerry Gammill, Ben Dunn and more.

Click here for full information!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Madame Fishnet

Here is a pin-up I did for a friend of mine, Scott Story. It's a character from his series Johnny Saturn. Her name is Madame Fishnet (I think you can tell why). It's a for a book he's planning to publish of different artists doing their takes on characters from the series. Hope you enjoy.

Since we're talking about pin-ups. I wanted to put this offer back out there. I had a couple of takers the first time I posted this...

I'd love to do some pin-up or covers, free of charge for anyone out there that meets these criteria:

A. You're actually interested in me doing it. I know I'm not as good some artists, so you may think "Dude, no way would we want your stuff."
B. It's a book that's actually being (or going to be) published. I've done too many covers for books that are "being shopped" or "once we do (insert action) it's getting printed". No online only comics, must be a print comic.
C. It's something that I think I could pull off.
D. The deadline works with my schedule.

Anyway, the offer is out there. All I ask for is a free copy of the book it appears in.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Heinz 57 Commercial

Heinz 57 is having this contest where you create your own 30 second commercial, they narrow it down to the top ten, the public votes on those and the winner gets $57,000.

As some of you know, me and my buddies make stupid little movies Dog Food Productions (Those of you who don’t know are probably better off.) Anyway, we submitted an entry and you can see it on the Heinz site (ha, ha, hindsight) here...Dog Food Productions Heinz 57 Commercial

Or watch it right here...

It’s not that good. Mainly because we didn’t realize just how short 30 seconds really is. We had to cut out a bunch of stuff that “sold” the idea more. We shot green screen stuff, floating hamburgers and fries and more things that show me going crazy. The idea is there, just not as good as we planned it out to be.

It will not get in the top ten, that’s a promise, but at least we finished it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dave Stevens, 1955-2008

The great artist Dave Stevens passed away. If you’re not familiar with the comic book he’s best known for, The Rocketeer, you may be familiar with the movie version.

I had the pleasure of meeting him once at a local comic convention I was appearing at. He was the headliner. A lot of the artists scheduled to appear at the show did pin-ups of the Rocketeer for the tribute program book. Mine was one of them. I stopped by his booth and we chatted for a bit and the conversation turned to the book and my contribution. He was so nice and complimentary. He was really touched that everyone had contributed to it. He even gave me one of the large signed Rocketeer prints he was selling at the show. Very cool.

Sorry to hear he’s gone.

Dave Stevens Website