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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Beach Blanket Bingo!

Here's a new piece that I actually did for my day job as a Graphic Designer for an insurance company. I work on a couple of their monthly magazines and they let me do a drawing for story about their upcoming convention in San Diego. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do more.

The empty space at the top and on the left is where the copy for the story went in case you're wondering. And it's a two color magazine, that's why it's not full color.

Live Art Show and Benefit Auction

Come out to the Metro Grill in Dallas this Saturday night (September 30th) at 9:00 pm for some great art and a great cause. Zeus Comics, PVP, Pop Syndicate and Fanboy Radio are sponsoring CAPE 2.5, a Live Comic Art Show benefiting comic book artist Lea Hernandez and her family. I’ve been asked to participate; hopefully I’ll overcome stage fright and produce a nice piece.

From the press release… “After a house fire claimed everything the Hernandez family owned including her art, the comic book community is rallying around Lea with a live comic art jam and comic art auction. While a DJ spins, comic artists work on oversized canvases before an assembled audience. Once an artist finishes a piece it moves to an auction area where anyone can bid on it.”

Not only did she lose everything she owns but she lost six of her family pets, two dogs and four cats. Luckily, she and her family, including two special needs children, survived. The proceeds from the art auction will go towards helping them get their life back on track.
Click here for more details.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Two Recent Pieces

Here are a couple of pieces I did recently and just forgot to post. One was for a logo for a company called the "Lawn Rangers", the other was for a banner promoting a kid's face painting event. See if you can guess which one is which. Make a game of it.

I have a ton of other pieces that I've done that I'm dying to share but I just can't yet do to contractual obligations. Hopefully soon.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Kirby Dog!

Well, the wife and I got a new addition. A six week old Yellow Lab, that we named Kirby. Named after legendary comic artist and visionary Jack Kirby. I figure most people that stop by here are into comics and art and know who that is. If you don't, then do yourself a favor and look him up.

And if you know me and are into comics, I'll answer a question you might be thinking. No, I did not steal the name from my buddy Scott Kurtz. As a matter of fact, when I met Scott's hound, I actually said, "Hey man, I've been holding on to that name for when I get a dog some day." Well, that day finally came and I'm using it. There's room for another dog named "Kirby" in this world.

Anyway, he's sweet, cute and all those other descriptive puppy words. The cats still haven't taken a shine to him. But hey, it took them a while to take a shine to each other.

In other news, busy with freelance and David, I will get to the LBS. Promise.