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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Red Headed Irish Chick

I decided to do something a little different than the "no-line" stuff I've been doing lately. So, I did this piece to play around with outlines again, just to experiment and see if I could pull off what I was envisioning. I also went a little bit more cartoony on her, more curvy and exaggerated.

The background, of course, is a cop-out. I just wanted some green in the piece to pop the red. Anyway, hope you like it.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring 2006 Homepage Image

When I redesigned my website, I promised myself to change the homepage image at least with each season. And if I could work in a holiday one here and there, even better. So far I managed to hit Fall, Christmas, Winter (I missed Valentine's Day) and now I've done Spring. Don't look for an Easter one. Hope you like it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Illustration - Spring Forward

This image was for a postcard I designed for my lovely wife's business. They sent them out to everyone in their database.

New Illustration - Putting Your Money to Use

This piece was for an article on "Putting Your Money to Use" that was in a newsletter I designed for the wife.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Friday, March 3, 2006

Karaoke Nut - New freelance piece

Just thought I'd share this recent piece because I think it's funny. It was a freelance job for a DJ. She wanted a nut singing karaoke that she could make t-shirts out of. (Like that preposition hanging there?) Anyway, hope you get a giggle.