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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Buffy and My Step-By-Step Process

I've had people from time to time ask me what my process is for creating an image in Illustrator. I love when artist do tutorials, so I thought I would throw this together. This is by no means the right way to do it or even the smart way to do it. It's just how I do it. Hope this can be of help to someone.

Click here to see how Buffy here was created!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

New Online Store - Prints and More

I've had several people ask me lately about buying prints, so I decided to update and re-open my CafePress store. And I didn't want it to be one of those typical ones where you take one image and plop it on every conceivable product they offer (See my Dogfood Productions store). I'd rather be able to offer a lot of different designs on select items that I thought were cool. So, I upgraded to a premium store, which means I'm paying for it. But, it's customizable and a lot more user-friendly.

I plan to add more designs as I go along. Not only these pin-ups images you see here but more graphic design type products. Anyway, it's up and running, so go check it out.

There, are you happy Angela?

Click here to buy prints and more!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Taxi! A Girl Catching A Cab

Hopefully I'm out of the slump now. I whipped this piece together in the past day (on and off). You may not think I'm a good artist, but you can't deny deny that I'm fast. Well, I guess you could if you where determined to. We'll still be friends. Call me.

I like this one a lot. I like her look and the overall colors. This is the first one I've done with a monochromatic background. Helps the figure pop more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Catwoman Window Shopping

I've been in a wicked creative slump lately. So, in an attempt to get back on the bike, I decided to knock out this simple piece that I've had in sketch form for several weeks. As you can tell by the sketch, I didn't spend too much time on it. But I think the simplicity of it works. Hope you like it.

Thursday, January 5, 2006

DesignWiz.biz - My new design website

I just launched DesignWiz.biz, my new home for graphic design. I decided to split it off of CalSlayton.com to have a site totally dedicated to design and one just for illustration and personal use. If you need any graphic design work, please stop by and check out the work I've done. I'm sure I could help you out.

Visit DesignWiz.biz today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

New Winter Image - Ski Lodge Girl

Since redesigning my website back in the Fall, I've managed to keep up my attempts at changing my homepage image for each season and the holidays. I did Fall, Christmas and now Winter. I don't know if I'll do a Valentines Day one next month or wait until Spring to change out the image. Hey, but that's the future, I got new stuff now!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

3 Commission Images

These are a few images from a set of commissions I recently finished. The guy who commissioned them was cool enough to let me post these. It's the first time I've done multiple images of one character in Illustrator. I did 4 other images but he wants to keep them under wraps for now.