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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hellboy's Little Buddy - Abe Sapien!

As mentioned in an earlier post, I've been working on this Abe Sapien piece, but I got side tracked with the holidays and some paying projects. Anyway, here he is. I can't decide if he's been captured by some evil foe or if he's somewhere in the bowels of the BPRD getting some "me time".

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Look! Up in the sky... it's Superman!"

Well, I wanted to get back on the track of doing some comic book character images and I actually have an Abe Sapien in the works, but I just got a urge to do a Superman piece. So Big Blue leaped (in a single bound) ahead of my favorite fish man and came up with this one. I did the old school version of his logo, just because I dig it. I wanted him to have a majestic feel, hopefully I've accomplished that.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Surfer Girl

Man, I'm falling off. Over a week and no new art. Hey, it's the holidays, sue me. Anyway, here's a new one. I wanted to do something with a little more muted colors since I usually do really bold stuff. This isn't too radical of a change, I could've muted it more, but I like it how it is. Be sure to tell the fine folks at Roxy.com that you want to see Cal Slayton's art on some of their products.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Catwoman - Julie Newmar Style!

I realized that after doing a lot of these Illustrator pieces that I really haven't done any comic book characters in a while. So I decided to do one and, after a bit of consideration, I thought I'd do Catwoman. I originally sketched Catwoman in her current costume jumping from one rooftop to another. But I started thinking about how much I dug Julie Newmar in the old 60's Batman series. So, I went retro (like I'm prone to do) and did the piece above. I even snuck Batman and Robin into the picture. I hope you dig it!

Monday, December 5, 2005

Retro Girl in a Green Dress

Here's a new piece I knocked out in a couple of hours. I think it has a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" kinda feel to it.

Friday, December 2, 2005

More New Artwork - Vespa Girls!

I've been on a good creative kick lately, hope I can maintain it and not burn out. Any-who, here's my latest piece. I worked on it on and off for two days. It took as bit longer since there are two figures in this one. Might be my favorite of the past few I've done. (Oh, and the Vespa is not supposed to be a super-accurate version of any one model.)

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Christmas Image

Here's the new holiday drawing I did for the homepage of my website.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Puppy Love

Just finished another new piece in Illustrator, again the I'm posting the original sketch and the finished piece for comparison. Click the thumbnail for a larger view. I wanted to do a monochromatic image this time.

Monday, November 21, 2005

New Illustrator Piece

I like to call this one "Classy Blonde in Blue Aquarium" or something like that. Click image for a closer look at the before and after.

Happy Birthday to Me

My birthday was Saturday. Got a lot of cool stuff from my family and friends.

1. A 30 gig iPod
2. The Art of Shag book
3. Louis Prima Live in Vegas CD
4. “The Warriors” DVD
5. A framed Shag Disneyland print
6. A Gil Elvgren calendar
7. The Art of Dan Decarlo book

Not to mention a Best Buy gift card and some cash. Man, I can not complain! That’s some sweet swag right there! Thanks to everyone for all the cool stuff. I feel very fortunate to have such great people in my life. This past year has been a great one!

Friday, November 18, 2005

New Artwork - Urban Girlie

Here's a new piece I did today, click on the image and you can see a bigger view of the original sketch and the finished Illustrator image. I'm pretty happy with this one, I really like her style. To check out more of my work, including comic book stuff, visit my site - CalSlayton.com.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Pictures of my Studio

I really love it when I visit an artist's website and they show images of their working spaces. For some reason it fascinates me to see where creative people work. So, I thought I'd return the favor and post some shots of my own home studio. My lovely wife was cool enough to let me turn one of the bedrooms in our new home into a work place for me to draw and do design work. I built wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling shelves to hold all my comic book stuff, toys and movies. So check it out!

Click here to check out the pictures of studio.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

It's about (clobberin') time

What a great thing this is. The Jack Kirby Museum, dedicated (obviously) to Jack Kirby, the King of Comic Book Art.

From their site:

The Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center is organized exclusively for educational purposes; more specifically, to promote and encourage the study, understanding, preservation and appreciation of the work of Jack Kirby by:

* illustrating the scope of Kirby's multi-faceted career,
* communicating the stories, inspirations and influences of Jack Kirby,
* celebrating the life of Jack Kirby and his creations, and
* building understanding of comicbooks and comicbook creators.

To this end, the Museum will sponsor and otherwise support study, teaching, conferences, discussion groups, exhibitions, displays, publications and cinematic, theatrical or multimedia productions.

Click here to visit the site.

Monday, November 7, 2005

New Autumn Artwork

I decided to change my homepage up a bit and start featuring one large drawing. Right now my plan is to change it for each season, that way it'll get a new look every three months and I'll get motivation to work on something new. I knocked this autumn one out fairly quickly, it's amazing how fast you can work once you get the bug. It started with a simple sketch that I imported into Illustrator and drew over. I think it came out pretty good. I wanted an "Autumn in New York" feel. Click on th thumbnail for a lager view.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Beware the Were-Rabbit

I can think of only one type film style where you can literally see the fingerprints of the artists on the screen… CLAYMATION!

I’ve been a Wallace & Gromit fan for years. I loved Grand Day Out, The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave. And I loved Wallace & Gromit - Curse of the Were-Rabbit. How could I not? It had everything that makes their short films so great and more. Plus a spooky theme! You can’t beat that with a wedge of cheese.

If you’ve never seen a Wallace & Gromit film, you’re definitely missing out on a good time. Do yourself a favor and go see it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Colorado, Rocky Mountain Guy

I just got back from my first ever trip to Colorado. After almost 37 years, I think it was worth the wait. I always knew it would be one of those places that I'd love automatically. It was awesome. The lovely Heather and I went up for a wedding and extended the trip for a little vacation. Got in a lot of hiking and sight seeing.

Man, that John Denver sure knew what he was talking about.

Click here to check out the pictures.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Shades of Blue Volume 1

Devils Due Publishing, the guys who bring you the G.I. Joe comics, got together with Jim Harris (creator of Shades of Blue, my old comic) and struck a deal to publish the entire 15 issue run across three mini trades. And now the first one is available for purchase.

"Shades of Blue" was about a regular teenage girl named Heidi Paige, who wakes up one day to discover that her hair has turned blue and she has the power to control electricity. When other people in her town turn up with powers, her two friends K.T. and Marcus talk her into becoming a superhero to take on these new threats.

Not only does this book collect the first 5 issues of the original Amp Comics run, but it also features a rare short from Digital Webbing Presents and an all new 8 page story which sheds light on Heidi's origin.

Get a copy from Amazon today!